Vetting of property documents

Dated: January 25, 2004

Mr. A

Credit Manager

Personal Financial Services

Bank 1

Dhaka Main Office, Anchor Tower

1/1-B, Sonargaon Road, Dhaka-1205


Dear Sir,

Please refer to your letter dated 20.01.2004 on the above subject.

We have perused and verified the documents/papers (all photocopies) referred to us. Our opinion is as follows:

Documents Our comments
Khatians R.S. Khatian No. 496 has been submitted. But R.S. Khatian No. 436, P.S.  Khatian No. 175 have not been submitted.
Non-encumbrance Certificate Submitted non-encumbrance Certificate Memo No. 694 dated 24.05.2003 up to 2000, counter signed by the concerned Sub-Registrar Sadar Record Room, Chittagong.Non-encumbrance Certificate up to 2004 from the Sub-Registrar must be obtained.
Ground Rent Receipt Submitted Ground Rent Receipt No.  H 204786 showing payment of rent up-to 1410 BS for 10 decimal of land in the name of Mrs. B.
Municipal Tax Payment Receipt Not submitted
Valuation Certificate Not Submitted
Agreement Submitted Deed of Agreement dated 16.06.2003 from which it appears that Mrs. W entered an agreement with Ideal Home And Builders Limited to purchase an apartment of measuring 1646 square feet along with undivided and undimarcated land  measuring 432 square feet being apartment No. 1B and car parking space being No. P-4.

In view of the above we are of the opinion that the following documents/papers are still wanting:

a)           R.S. 436 and P. S. Khatian 175.

b)           Non-encumbrance Certificate up to 2004.

c)           Municipal tax payment receipt

d)           Deed of Agreement dated 22.10.2000 executed by and between present owner Mrs. B and Ideal Home and Builders Limited.

e)           Valuation certificate (optional)

Should you have any further query please do not hesitate to revert back to us.

All papers/documents referred to us are returned herewith.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

