The Learned Joint District Judge, 4th Court, Dhaka
Pre-emption Mis. Case No. ___ of ___________
Mr. X
Mr. Y and others
Opposite parties
Written Argument on behalf of Opposite party No. 12
The Summery of the Case is as follows:
The Petitioner Mr. X became owner of 10 kathas of land by way of hiba bil iwaz from his mother vide of Hiba Bil Iwaz No. 1956 dated 30.06.9. The petitioner borrowed money from Opposite Party No. 2 from time to time. Subsequently he divided the land into two plots measuring 7 kathas and 3 kathas and constructed two storied building on the 7 kathas of land and sold 3 kahtas of land to Opposite Party No. 2 vide Deed of Sale No. 2057 dated 27.06.94 due to failure of making payment of borrowed money in cash, and hand over the possession of the said land to Opposite Party No. 2 who had been enjoining his ownership and possession without any hindrance upon making boundary around his land. As good neighbours, the petitioner Mr. Fakhrul Islam and opposite party No. 2, Mr. Farhad Bin Liaquat had been enjoining separate possession on two separate lands on the west and east side respectively under separate boundary. Thereafter, Opposite party intented and offered to sell his land measuring 3 kathas to the Petitioner. As retired person and having no job, the Petitioner refused to purchase the said 3 kathas of land from opposite party No. 2. Thus in need of money on 30.06.98 the Opposite party No. 2 sold the said land to the Opposite party No. 1 vide Deed of Sale dated 30.6.98 and hand over the possession of same to the Opposite party No. 1. Thereafter, the Opposite party No. 1 has developed his land by constructing office, semi-pakka room and batha room and has been paying ground rent upon mutating his name with revenue authority vide mutation parcha in the name of Opposite party No. 1 and has mortgaged the said land in favour of Opposite party No. 12 i.e. Arab Bangladesh Bank (the Bank) vide Deed of Mortgage dated 12.09.2001 against his loan.
Since the Opposite party No. 1 failed and defaulted to pay his loan liability with the Bank i.e Opposite party No. 12, Opposite party No.12 filed two Artha Rin Suit being No. 381/2004 and 382/2004 against the Opposite party No. 1 in the learned Artha Rin Adalat No. 3, Dhaka. Both the suit was decreed in favour the Bank i.e. Opposite party No. 12. Thereafter the Opposite party No. 1 again failed to make payment of decreetal amount to the Bank (opposite party No. 12) and as such the opposite party No. 12 filed two Artha Jari Case being No. ______________ and __________________ against the opposite party No. 1 in the learned Artha Rin Adalat No. 3, Dhaka which are pending
wbgœwjwLZ Kvi‡b `iLv¯—Kvix †Kvb cÖwZKvi cvB‡Z cv‡i bv Ges Zvi wcª‡qgkb `iLv¯—wU LvwiR nB‡e t
1| †h‡nZz Bnv mKj c¶ KZ©„K ¯^xK…Z †h, `iLv¯—Kvix MZ 17.6.94 Bs Zvwi‡L 2057 bs mvd Kejv `wjj g~‡j 2 bs cÖwZc‡¶i wbKU weµq Kwiqv `Lj eySvBqv w`qv wPiZ‡i wb¯^Z¡evb nb Ges 2bs cÖwZc¶ cieZ©x‡Z weMZ 30.06.98 Bs Zvwi‡L 1bs cÖwZc‡¶i wbKU weµq K‡ib| hvnv `iLv¯—Kvix Zvnvi AviwR I Revbe›`x‡Z ¯^xKvi Kwiqv‡Qb| AvB‡b ¯^xK…Z bxwZ GB †h, GKRb c~e©eZ©x we‡µZv cieZ©x‡Z †µZv KZ…©K wØZxq evi weµ‡qi mgq wcÖ‡qgwUf ivBU cª‡qvM Kwi‡Z cv‡ib bv| wZwb Zvnvi `wj‡j D‡jL K‡ib †h, weµq nB‡Z wZwb wPiZ‡i wb¯^Z¡evb nB‡jb, †µZv Zvnvi Iqvwikµ‡g B”Qvbyhvqx †fvM `Lj I Ab¨Î n¯—vš—i, †invb, eÜK BZ¨vw` Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb (17.6.94 Bs Zvwi‡Li 2057 bs mvd Kejv `wj‡ji 10-12 c„ôv `ªóe¨)| AÎ `iLv¯—Kvix GKRb c~e©eZ©x we‡µZv, wZwb mn-Askx`vi g‡g© wcÖ‡qgkb AwaKvi `vex Kwi‡Z cv‡ib bv| GB †¶‡Î D”PZi Av`vj‡Zi wm×vš— wbgœiƒc t
“In the Suit for pre-emption the co-sharers are made parties in order to enable them to exercise their similar right if they so desire, the transferor of the property is no doubt a co-sharer of the property transferred but he cannot like other co-sharer claim for pre-emption in respect of property transferred by him. So for determination of the case a transferor may be proper party but not a necessary party in the suit for pre-emption.
21 DLR (1969) Page 617, Ruhul Amin Meetory -vs- Fazar Banu and others”
2| `iLv¯—Kvix Zvnvi `iLv‡¯— ewjqv‡Qb Ges Zvnvi Revbe›`x‡Z ¯^xKvi Kwiqv‡Qb †h, bvwjkx m¤úwË Zvnvi evwoi c~e© cv‡k evDÛvix †`Iqv Ges Zvnvi evwowU bvwjkx m¤úwËi cwðg cv‡k evDÛvix †`Iqv| Bnv nB‡Z †evSv hvq †h, `iLv¯’Kvix GKRb cvk¦©eZ©x Rwgi gvwjK wZwb bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ †hŠ_ fv‡e †fvM `Lj K‡ib bv Ges Zvnv‡Z Zvnvi †Kvb ¯^Z¡, ¯^v_© bvB| bvwjkx m¤úwË 2bs cÖwZc¶ cieZ©x‡Z 1bs cÖwZc¶ GKK fv‡e †fvM `Lj Kwi‡Z‡Qb| 1949 mv‡ji AK…wl cÖRv¯^Z¡ AvB‡bi 24 avivi Aax‡b `iLv¯—Kvix‡K cÖwZKvi cvB‡Z nB‡j Aek¨B cÖgvb Kwi‡Z nB‡e †h, bvwjkx m¤úwˇZ Awef³ I AwefvR¨ Ae¯’vq A_©vr †Kvb cvwU©kb bv Kwiqv †hŠ_ fv‡e †fvM `Lj Kwi‡Z‡Qb| wKš‘ `iLv¯—Kvix Zvnv Kwi‡Z cv‡ib bvB Ges Zvnvi AviwR I Revbe›`x‡Z Zvnv cÖZxqgvb nq bvB weavq AÎ †gvKÏgv LvwiR nB‡e| GB †¶‡Î D”PZi Av`vj‡Zi wm×vš— wbgœiƒc t
“As the word ‘co-sharer’ always implies the existence of more than one person jointly owning, similarly, such joint ownership may be in respect of land of one plot or several plots.”.
54DLR (2002) Page 181, S. M. Nisir Haque -vs- Omar Faruque Chowdhury and others
“Non- Agricultural land means a piece of land in joint possession and enjoyment without partition which may form the tenancy or a portion of tenancy.
This interpretation will not throw the land open to the unlimited number of persons but to persons who are co-sharer tenants under the same landlord in respect of undivided land though such co-sharer tenants may be co-sharer tenants of the tenancy”
52 DLR (2000), Page No. 609 Syed Sad Ali -vs- Bidhon Chandra Dev and others”
3| 1bs cÖwZc‡¶i mv¶x Rbve G. Gm. Gg. gBbywÏb Gi Revbe›`x nB‡Z Rvbv hvq †h, 2bs cÖwZc¶ KZ…©K 1bs cÖwZc‡¶i wbKU Rwg weµ‡qi c~‡e© `iLv¯—Kvixi wbKU bvwjkx Rwg weµ‡qi cÖ¯—ve Kwi‡j wZwb Zvnv wKwb‡Z AcviMZv cÖKvk K‡ib| D³ mv¶x Zvnv Rv‡bb| Zvnv Qvov `iLv¯—Kvix Zvnvi †Rivi mgq ¯^xKvi K‡i‡Qb †h, wZwb c~‡e© 15,000/- UvKv †eZ‡bi PvKzix Kwi‡Zb eZ©gv‡b wZwb Aem‡i Av‡Qb| Zvnv Qvov wZwb c~‡e©B UvKvi Afv‡e bvwjkx Rwg 2bs cÖwZc‡¶i wbKU weµq Kwiqv‡Qb| Dc‡iv³ NUbv nB‡Z Bnv ¯úóB cÖZxqgvb nq †h, MZ 30.6.98 Bs Zvwi‡L 1bs cÖwZc‡¶i bvwjkx m¤úwË weµ‡qi wel‡q `iLv¯—Kvix Rvwb‡Zb| hw`I wZwb †Luvov e³e¨ Dc¯’vcb Kwiqv‡Qb †h, wZwb 28.11.99 Bs Zvwi‡L Zjvk KviK KZ…©K Zjvkx w`qv Rvwbqv‡Qb †h, wKš‘ Bnvi mZ¨Zv cÖgv‡Yi Rb¨ †Kvb Zjvkxi mvwU©wd‡KU/wi‡cvU© Av`vj‡Z `vwLj Kwi‡Z cv‡ib bvB| Bnv nB‡Z ¯úóB cÖZxqgvb nq †h, `iLv¯—Kvix MZ 30.6.98 Bs Zvwi‡L bvwjkx Rwg weµ‡qi mgq nB‡ZB weµ‡qi wel‡q AeMZ wQ‡jb Ges D³ weµ‡q Zvnvi m¤§wZ wQj|
1949 mv‡ji AK…wl cÖRv¯^Z¡ AvB‡bi 24 aviv Abyhvqx Rwg weµq m¤§‡Ü AeMZ nBevi 4 (Pvi) gv‡mi g‡a¨ gvgjv bv Kwiqv `xN© †`o ermi c‡i gvgjv Kwiqv‡Qb weavq AÎ gvgjv Zvgvw`‡Z evwiZ| GB Rb¨ gvgjvwU LvwiR nB‡e|
AÎ `iLv¯—Kvixi †Kvb mg‡qB †Kvb wcÖ‡qgwUf ivBU AwR©Z nq bvB Ges bvB| Z‡K©i LvwZ‡i Zvnvi wcÖ‡qgwUf ivBU Av‡Q aiv nB‡jI †h‡nZz wZwb weµ‡qi mgq m¤§wZ w`qv‡Qb, ‡m‡nZz wZwb Zvnvi D³ KwíZ AwaKvi nvivBqv‡Qb|
AZGe, gvbbxq Av`vj‡Zi wbKU mwbe©Ü wb‡e`b nBj †h, Dc‡iv³ Kvi‡b `iLv¯—Kvix AvBbvbyM †Kvb cÖwZKvi cvB‡Z cv‡i bv| gvgjvwU LvwiR nB‡e| †h‡nZz 12bs cÖwZc¶ mij wek¦v‡m 1bs cÖwZc¶ nB‡Z F‡Yi wecix‡Z wmwKDwiwU wnmv‡e eÜK wbqv‡Qb hvnv `iLv¯—Kvix I cÖwZc¶MY ¯^xKvi Kwiqv‡Qb| ûRyiv`vjZ bvwjkx m¤úwË 12 bs cÖwZc‡¶i wbKU eÜK iwnqv‡Q g‡g© Av‡`k cÖ`vb Ki‡Z gwR© nq|