Dated: December 06, 2006
Mr. A
Company Secretary & Financial Adviser
Company 1
Corporate Office
Khawaja Tower (7th to 15th Floor)
95 Mohakhali C/A
Dhaka 1212
Dear Sir,
RE: Legal Vetting on Scholastica Private Limited Non-Management Staff revised Service Rules 2006
We refer to your letter dated November 26, 2006 on the above subject.
Please note that a new statute has come into force on 12 October 2006 being the Bangladesh Labour Act 2006 which has overruled and replaced most of the previous statutes relating to labour law.
As such we will require considerate amount of time to review the law and to vet the provided service rules.
As a result we will not be able to provide our opinion on Thursday, 07 December 2006 as requested by you. You can expect our opinion after 12 December 2006.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Drafted by:
The Lawyers & Jurists
M.L.Hotel Tower Ltd, 208, Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Sarani,
Bijoy Nagar, Dhaka-1000.