The Head of Branch
Prime Bank Limited
Shimrail Branch
Haji A Rahman Super Market
Chittagong Road Chowrasta
Siddirganj, Narayanganj.
Sub: Legal opinion upon vetting of the property documents on account of X.
Dear Sir,
We refer to your earlier instruction on the captioned subject and confirm having carefully studied, examined and verified the said landed property papers and documents made available to us for our legal opinion. Accordingly, we set forth below our findings:
01. Owner of the property:
- X, wife of Kazi Anwar Hossain of Village- Uttar Shwta, Police Station & District- Manikgonj.
02. Description of the property:
All that piece & parcel of land measuring 6.75 (six point seven five) decimals situated within District – Narayangonj, Police Station – Siddirgonj, Sub-Registry Office – Narayangonj, J.L. No. 146, Mouza – Siddirgonj, C. S. Khatian No. 624, S. A. Khatian No. 835, R. S. Khatian No. 675, C. S. & S. A. Dag No. 209, R. S. Dag No. 426 & 427, butted and bounded by;
On the North:
On the South:
On the East:
On the West:
03. Area:
Total land measuring 6.75 (six point seven five) decimals
04. Title Deed Referred:
- Submitted photocopy of Saf Kabala Deed No. 2669 dated 04.09.1993 registered within the Sub Registry Office, Narayangonj executed by (i) Alhaj Md. Fazlul Haque & (ii) Md. Sirajul Islam in favour of X, in respect of land measuring 6.75 (six point seven five) decimals.
05. Bia Deed
- Submitted photocopy of Certified Saf Kabala Deed No. 7637 dated 14.03.1977 registered within the Sub Registry office, Narayangonj.
- Submitted photocopy of Certified Saf Kabala Deed No. 7638 dated 14.03.1977 registered within the Sub Registry office, Narayangonj.
- Submitted photocopy of Certified Saf Kabala Deed No. 12514 dated 28.04.1977 registered within the Sub Registry office, Narayangonj.
- Submitted photocopy of Certified Saf Kabala Deed No. 12388 dated 27.04.1977 registered within the Sub Registry office, Narayangonj.
- Submitted photocopy of Certified Saf Kabala Deed No. 764 dated 10.02.1987 registered within the Sub Registry office, Narayangonj.
- Submitted photocopy of Deed of Partition No. 1613 darted 23.05.1993 registered within the Sub Registry office, Narayangonj.
06. Mutation:
- Submitted photocopy of certified copy of Mutation Khatian No. 9290 along with Duplicate Carbon Receipt bearing Page No. 20 of Book No. 12941 has been submitted wherefrom it appears that land measuring an area of 6.75 (six point seven five) decimals pertaining to Plot No. 426 has duly been mutated in the names of the present owners of the land, vide