Convention Industry Council Membership Application
The Convention Industry Council (CIC) is dedicated to advancing professionalism and standards within the meetings,
conventions and exhibitions industry while promoting awareness of the social and economic impact the industry has on
Qualifications for Membership:
An organization must meet the following criteria to qualify for consideration as a member of CIC:
(a) Have objectives and purposes consistent with those of CIC.
(b) Be composed of individuals and/or organizations whose interests relate substantially to the planning and management or
servicing of meetings, conventions and exhibitions, and be national or international in structure and scope.
(c) Show evidence of its incorporation as a non-profit or tax-exempt corporation, or of its organization as a non-profit, taxexempt
organization through appropriate documents.
(d) Have been in continuous operation for at least three years immediately prior to application for membership.
(e) Show evidence of financial stability, including the ability to meet CIC dues and other assessment obligations.
(f) Meet other criteria established by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee.
(g) Support the programs of CIC at the level set by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.
A fully completed application form, including all required back-up documentation, and signatures of the chief elected
officer and alternate officer of the applying organization, must be submitted to the Convention Industry Council at least
thirty days prior to a CIC Board of Directors meeting. All applications will be considered at these meetings, which are
usually held in March and October of each year.
If the application and/or supporting documentation reveal that any of the above-mentioned qualifications for membership
are unmet, CIC shall advise the applicant in writing that the application will not be considered until the specified
qualifications are met. A copy of the application, supporting materials and letter to the applicant shall be furnished to the
CIC Board of Directors.
In acknowledging receipt of a completed application, CIC shall inform the applicant of the exact date and place of the CIC
Board of Directors meeting where the application will be considered and shall advise the applicant that the application will
be considered only if a representative from the applying organization is present at that meeting. The applicant will be
advised that he/she will have the opportunity to offer a five minute presentation on the organization’s qualifications for
admission, after which he/she will answer any questions that may arise.
Upon verification that a representative from the applying organization will be present, the application shall be placed on the
agenda of the CIC Board of Directors meeting and copies of all completed applications, including supporting documentation,
shall be delivered to the CIC Board of Directors. Board members should receive all materials no less than 30 days in
advance of the meeting.
At the meeting, each
application will be
reviewed and
discussed individually
following the
presentation given by
the applicant’s
representative. The
deliberations and vote
will be handled in an executive session of the Board.
CIC Dues Structure:
Convention Industry Council ??700 N. Fairfax Street Suite 510 ??Alexandria, VA 22314 ??T ((571) 527-3116 ??F ((571) 527-3105
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Level Member Organization Budget Annual CIC Dues
5 Over $10 million $4,600.00
4 $5 -$10 million $3,850.00
3 $2.5 -5 million $3,600.00
2 $1 -2.5 million $2,600.00
1 Under $1 million $1,850.00
1. Name of Organization:
2. Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________ City, State/Province,
ZIP/Postal Code: _______________________________________________ Country:
3. Physical Location of Office (if different from above): Address:
_______________________________________________________________________ City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal
Code: ________________________________________________
4. Please provide the name and information for the contact person for all CIC correspondence. Name:
________________________________________________________________________ Address:
______________________________________________________________________ City, State/Province, ZIP/Postal
Code: _______________________________________________ Country:
______________________________________________________________________ Phone:
_______________________________ Fax: _______________________________ Email:
________________________________ Web Address: _______________________
5. Provide a brief (less than 50 words) overview of the organization. This may include the organization’s mission statement.
(This question should be answered with an attachment and should not exceed one page.)
6. What year was the organization formed? _____________
7. Is the organization incorporated? ??Yes ??No Date of Incorporation: _____________________ State of
Incorporation: _______________
8. Is the organization a not-for-profit corporation? ??Yes ??No Under what subsection of the IRS Code?
• 501(c)(3)
• 501(c)(6)
• Other (indicate subsection): __________________________
• 9. Number of Staff: _______________________
• 10. Number of Members: ________________
Type of Members: ??Individuals ??Companies ??Both ??Other: _______________ If both, give
breakdown of numbers: Individuals _________ Companies________
Convention Industry Council ??700 N. Fairfax Street Suite 510 ??Alexandria, VA 22314 ??T ((571) 527-3116 ??F ((571) 527-3105
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11. Describe the organization’s membership and how it relates to the meetings, conventions, and exhibitions industry, with
particular emphasis on the level at which members interact with industry planners and suppliers. (This question should be
answered with an attachment and should not exceed one page.)
12. Based on the organization’s typical member (or employee if member is a company), what percent of his/her time and
efforts are spent working with the meetings, conventions and exhibitions industry and/or the travel industry? _________%
13. Has the organization previously applied for membership in CIC? ??Yes ??No
If yes, when? __________
12. Explain why the organization should be admitted as a CIC member organization, with particular emphasis on how the
organization’s membership would advance CIC’s goals and objectives. (This question should be answered with
an attachment and should not exceed one page.)
Attach copies of the following documents to this application:
• Articles of Incorporation
• Current bylaws
• Financial Statement or Audit for most recently completed fiscal year
• Letter of tax exemption from IRS
• Code of Ethics
• Membership brochure and/or other publication that describes the organization’s involvement in the
meetings, conventions and exhibitions industry
The undersigned persons agree that they are authorized to bind the organization and promise that the organization will
adhere to the Bylaws and Policies of the Convention Industry Council if accepted into membership and will pay all dues and
other financial obligations.
1. ______________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature of
Chief Elected Officer Print Name Title
Phone Number Email Address
2. _______________________________________ _______________________________ ____________________________________ Signature of
Chief Alternate Officer Print Name Title
Phone Number Email Address
Convention Industry Council ??700 N. Fairfax Street Suite 510 ??Alexandria, VA 22314 ??T ((571) 527-3116 ??F ((571) 527-3105
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