Software Development On Training Accounts Information System (Tais) Organization Synopsis
1.0 Company Profile
Grameenphone is one of the largest private sector investments in the country with an accumulated investment of BDT 5200 crore up to December 2005. Grameenphone is also one the largest taxpayers in the country, having contributed nearly BDT 5000 crore in direct and indirect taxes to the Government Exchequer over the years. Of this amount, BDT 1670 crore was paid in 2005 alone.
GP was also the first operator to introduce the pre-paid service in September 1999. It established the first 24-hour Call Center, introduced value-added services such as VMS, SMS, fax and data transmission services, international roaming service,WAP, SMS-based push-pull services, EDGE, personal ring back tone and many other products and services.
Grameenphone nearly doubled its subscriber base during the initial years while the growth was much faster during the later years. It ended the inaugural year with 18,000 customers, 30,000 by the end of 1998, 60,000 in 1999, 193,000 in 2000, 471,000 in 2001, 775,000 in 2002, 1.16 million in 2003, 2.4 million in 2004 and it ended 2005 with 5.5 million customers.
After almost 10 years of operation, Grameenphone has over 10 million subscribers
Grameenphone is now the leading telecommunications service provider in the country with more than 10 million subscribers as of November 2006.
Presently, there about 15 million telephone users in the country, of which, a little over one million are fixed-phone users and the rest mobile phone subscribers.
Starting its operations on March 26, 1997, the Independence Day of Bangladesh, Grameenphone has come a long way. It is a joint venture enterprise between Telenor (62%), the largest telecommunications service provider in Norway with mobile phone operations in 12 other countries, and Grameen Telecom Corporation (38%), a non-profit sister concern of the internationally acclaimed micro-credit pioneer Grameen Bank.
Over the years, Grameenphone has always been a pioneer in introducing new products and services in the local market. GP was the first company to introduce GSM technology in Bangladesh when it launched its services in March 1997.The technological know-how and managerial expertise of Telenor has been instrumental in setting up such an international standard mobile phone operation in Bangladesh. Being one of the pioneers in developing the GSM service in Europe, Telenor has also helped to transfer this knowledge to the local employees over the years.
2.0 Grameenphone Corporate Governance
In the fast-paced world of telecommunications, vibrant and dynamic Corporate Governance practices are an essential ingredient to success. Grameenphone believes in the continued improvement of corporate governance. This in turn has led the Company to commit considerable resources and implement internationally accepted Corporate Standards in its day-to-day operations.
Being a private limited company, the Board of Directors of Grameenphone have a pivotal role to play in meeting all stakeholders’ interests. The Board of Directors and the Management Team of Grameenphone are committed to maintaining effective Corporate Governance through a culture of accountability, transparency, well-understood policies and procedures. The Board of Directors and the Management Team also persevere to maintain compliance of all laws of Bangladesh and all internally documented regulations, policies and procedures.
Grameenphone is a truly transparent company that operates at the highest levels of integrity and accountability on a global standard.
Fig 2.1: Grameenphone Organogram
2.1 Corporate Social Responsibility: an integral part of GP
The shareholders of Grameenphone believe that “Good development is good business”. Since its inception, Grameenphone has always considered Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as an important function of the company.
Thus, CSR is an integral part of Grameenphone. The goal of a good CSR program is to make the company a good corporate citizen of the country it operates in. The aim is to initiate or support social development programs which have a direct impact in the development of the society, thus making a company socially responsible.
Along with providing telecommunication services to more than six million people, providing direct income-earning opportunities to more than 200,000 people and being one of the top corporate taxpayers in the country, Grameenphone takes its CSR activities quite seriously.
An independent organization called ‘Ideas & Insights’ conducted a survey late last year, among people from different walks of life, on the CSR activities of different companies. CSR was the central issue of this survey. According to the survey, GP has been recognized as among the most socially responsible companies in the country.
2.2 Contact address
Head Office
Grameenphone Ltd.
Celebration Point, Road # 113 A, Plot 3 & 5
Gulshan, Dhaka-1212.
Ph: 9882990
Fax: 9882970
2.5 Internship Program at Grameenphone
The purpose of the Academic Internship Program at Grameenphone is to facilitate student learning opportunities outside the classroom. Internships is experience-based learning that enhance student’s academic and career goals.
Grameenphone internships provide students with both observational and hands-on learning experiences designed to enhance their academic preparation and increase their ability to perform on a professional level after graduation. Students apply knowledge from their academic experiences to professional settings that are appropriate to receive practical experiences in telecom field.
Guiding factors in the operation of the internship program are:
- The student’s work must be related to his/her field of study and individual interest.
- The working experience will ideally increase in difficulty and responsibility as the student progresses.
- The overall internship experience provides a global exposure of human resource issues, business practice and the technology involved in efficient service.
How Students benefited from their internship at Grameenphone:
- Critically analyze telecom business operations.
- Develop manual skills – use telecom equipment, and learn techniques, etc.
- Develop self – confidence and leadership ability while working with others
- Determine whether a student has a real interest in the field.
- Apply theory to actual work experience.
- Identify weaknesses in the student’s own educational program.
- Develop job placement opportunities
- Earn 6 credit hours towards graduation.
3.1 System Development Methodology
In general, methodology is a systematic description of the sequence of activities required to solve a problem. In context to system development, methodology is a collection of procedures, techniques, tools and documentation aids, which help the system developers in their efforts to implement a new system. A system development methodology must provide means to:
- Ensure that a consistent approach is applied to all project
- Establish the system within a time limit and an acceptable cost
- Reduce the risks associated with short-cuts
- Records accurately the requirements for a system
- Monitor the progress of system development
- Produce consistent and complete documentation
- Indicate any changes which need to be made as early as possible
- Maintain continuity of the project so that previous projects are easily
- Understood by the new workers.
3.2 Overview of System Development Phases
The process of putting system into place and continuing and enhance them refer to system development. System development process can divide into different phases and activities. No matter what the phases are, the development project is some combination of problem, opportunity and directives.
3.2.1 Preliminary Investigation
The perceived problems is defined training accounts system that triggered the projects and to assess the risk of pursuing the project. Also to figure out the scope of the project, preliminary requirements, constraints, project participants and schedule to establish the project charter. Few identified requirements of the “Training Accounts Information System” project that are given below:
- The systems will response when end users need to add, modify or delete trainee information.
- The systems will response when the status of the training and travel form has to be changed.
- The systems will response when training and travel information has to the recorded. Time line of the Project
Project Management scheduling is one of the most essential factors. By scheduling, we distribute the given time for the different phases of the project. It gives the project a pace and defines the deliverables of the different phases. Following is the expected and actual work schedule.
Steps | Timeline |
Preliminary Investigation | 5-8 Nov. |
System analysis | 9-12 Nov. |
System design | 13-15 Nov. |
Programming | 16-26 Nov. |
Testing | 27-29 Nov. |
Conversion | 30-2 Dec. |
Maintenance | 3-10 Dec. |
Fig 3.2: Project Work Schedule
3.2.2 System Analysis
System Analysis is studying business systems to learn current methods and assess effectiveness. This phase itself consists of component phases:
- Problem Analysis (analyzing the current system)
- Requirement Analysis
- Decision Analysis
- Feasibility Study
(a)Problem Analysis is the study of the existing training system. At first the problem analysis is carried out to analyze the existing training in Grameenphone. The flaws and shortcomings of the current system were identified.
(b)Requirement Analysis was conducted to identify the organization’s information, the requirement specifications for the new system.
(c)Decision Analysis identifies solutions, analyze their feasibility and recommend a new system.
(d)Feasibility Study was carried out to ascertain that the new project is viable and will be accepted in the organization. Three major areas of feasibility study are:
1. Technical Feasibility
2. Economical Feasibility
3. Operational Feasibility
3.2.3 System Design
While system analysis describes what a system should do to meet information design of an information system requirement. System design shows how the system will fulfill these objectives. The design of information is the overall plan or model for that system.
(a) Process Modeling Approach concentrated on the identification and understanding of the training and training record keeping processes. So it required dedicated time on the proper Process Modeling since its processes defines any system. Try to employed extensive use of the following graphical tools:
1. Data flow diagram The Gane & Sarson approach is used to draw DFDs and designed the system.
2. Entity Relationship Diagrams (ERD) The Entity Relationship (ERD) model database design identifies the Entities (Tables), their attributes, and their inter-relationship. Both logical and physical diagram are available.
3. Data Dictionary The detailed data dictionary for the database is identified. All the different data to be stored in each of the database tables.
3.2.4 Testing
Exhaustive and through testing must be conducted to as certain whether the Training Accounts Information System produces right result. Testing of information system can be broken down into three types of activities:
I. Unit Testing
II. System Testing
III. Acceptance Testing
3.3 Fact Finding Technique
The following are the fact-finding techniques that were used to determine the requirements of a system: Interview, Questionnaire, Record Review, and Observation.
3.3.1 Interview
Ms. Ishrat Jahan (Manager, Training) of Grameenphone were Interviewed to collect all the information related to training. Also Interviewed Mr. Rajib Alam Chowdhury (Officer, Training) for further and internal information.
3.3.2 Questionnaire
Most of the information is collect by interviewing, record review and observation; as a result of that questionnaire wasn’t done here.
3.3.3 Record or Document Review
All the existing sample records about the admission system were checked very vigilantly. Like Trainee information form, application status, the report of number of trainee were appear for training in a particular quarter.
3.3.4 Observation
All the different steps that are performed sequentially in the system were very seriously observed. With the help of training team personnel; it was easy to find out problem and overhead works occurring in the system.
3.4 Software Application Aids Used
A number of Software aids will be used to facilitate the design and development phases. For the graphical design approach, CASE (Computer Aided System Engineering) tool namely Microsoft Visio will be used. Using this powerful software, the DFDs, and ERDs are drawn.
3.5 Physical Development
Every attempt was made to emphasize User-friendliness. Wherever possible options were put in place to reduce or facilitate user input (e.g. Drop-down-lists, Comboboxes, Radio buttons etc.) the unit test is done. A user-friendly menu will also develop with Visual Basic (VB). In the coding phase, proper programming practices will follow in the development of the SQL server 2000 trigger code. Whenever compilation errors will encounter, extensive debugging will do to remove them.
4.1 Problem Analysis
In problem analysis the main key concern was to study the existing system, try to collect the factual information from system users, find out the existing problems etc. Here also core apprehension was to come across problem solutions and try to think and search the system improvement techniques.
4.1.1 Existing System
One of the major goals of system analysis is to study an existing system, its working environment, evaluate its effectiveness to meet the organization’s requirements. In order to analyze the existing system it is significant to learn current methods and assess effectiveness. The problems in the existing system are analyzed and the requirements of the system are defined.
Training Manager’s Office:
The core intention of Training Manager’s Office is store all the training applicant information in such a way that whenever any information is required they can use it. Like applicant information form, status, the report of number of applicant was appearing for training in a particular quarter.
How admission office help applicants
At first Training Manager’s Office do the counseling, means helping applicant-providing applicant required information.
- Help applicant to fill the training and travel form.
- Inform the application status
- They also inform the visa date those who passed the preliminary steps.
4.1.2 Problem in Existing System
Maintaining paper files to keep the interested training applicants information all together and prepare the approved applicants list . Then they select the applicants to for training. As a separate form is maintained for each trainee, whenever any necessary action takes place, they have to find it out the required form and also the record is kept in the personal file of the trainee. Due to the manual maintenance error occur during information processing. Whenever any report is needed, all the personal files have to be searched which is absolutely waste of valuable time. Again because of the lack of time none of the records has any backup copies so if any useful paper is lost then they have to face a terrible situation. Then data can’t be retrieved as information. That’s why all the training unit of Grameenphone needs to develop a new reliable process.
4.2 Requirement Analysis
In the software industry, catastrophic software failures are common. If the software is based on inaccurate requirements, then despite well-written code and design, the software will be unsatisfactory. Therefore a System’s Requirement Analysis is an important component of the system development process. The specific findings which my requirement analysis of the system yielded are listed below:
4.2.1 Purpose of the Training
In education, certification, counseling, and many other fields, training is a tool or technique intended to bring up of knowledge, skills and/or abilities. The core purpose of training is to develop the employee competence level.
4.2.2 Functional Requirements
What steps are performed (input, process, and output)?
For training management perform the following steps. These are listed below:
Step 1: Training applicants search common folder and collects the training and travel form.
Step 2: Filling the training and travel form applicants put forward the form to training office.
Step 3: Submitted forms are tartan that all the forms fills up perfectly.
Step 4: Data entry person enter the applicant’s information into the system.
Step 5: If applicants number is more than capacity then applicants list are sorted according to supervisors need.
Step 6: Request mail from trainee/manager to training section
Step 7: Travel & Training form raised by the trainee after the approval from supervisor, and department head.
Step 8: Received Travel & Training form by training section.
Step 9: Approval from training manager.
Step 10: Approval from Cost control.
Step 11: Approval from CTO.
Step 12: A1 send to the vendor for the final confirmation of the training seat.
Step 13: Travel and Training form forwarded to Finance by Cost control.
Step 14: Approval and budgetary conformation from Finance budget unit and CFO.
Step 15: Approval from Director HR.
Step 16: Approval from MD.
Step 17: Approval from HRD.
Step 18: Received Invitation Letter from vendor.
Step 19: Visa processing starts from Travel desk (HR).
Step 20: Ticket confirmation from Travel Desk (HR).
4.2.3 Nonfunctional Requirements
- Where are they performed?
The most of the steps are performed in training office. In this process different unit, accounts department and higher administration of the company also involve.
- Who performed them?
Manager: For sending trainee there is a manager to brief up the detail to Applicants and his/her managers and looking up the eligibility and status of the applicants.
Officer: They enter relevant data into the system. Also they generate required reports for management. They help manager to manage the training.
- How often it is done?
The process of sending employee for training is a continuous process.
- How great is the volume of transaction?
The volume of transaction is not fixed, it fluctuates. It depends on the number of applicants employee. However, all the information is responsive, so the information is very care fully handled.
- Who uses the resulting information?
Management needs the resulting information for analyzing and taking decision.
4.3 Constraints
Does a problem exist and what is the cause?
i) Problem
It is mentioned earlier that the system is paper based. For this reason
- All the processes are time consuming
- Processes are not effective in rush hour as they are using few books for different transactions.
- Errors are occurring most of the time.
- Sometimes there are data redundancy problems.
- If useful and important paper gets lost then they do not have any kind of backup system for data recovery. So it lacks data security.
- Information searching is very much time consuming.
- Last but not the least it makes work tiring.
The new system will be automated and there will be simultaneous multiple user login facility to keep records of the various transactions. This new system will reduce the redundancy of data. Data backup mechanism will be introduced in the automated system. Searching option will be given that will save valuable time. Users will find interest by using the automated system.
ii) Problem
Top management need different kinds of report like how many applicants get the training for a particular quarter. They also have to compare different information. These require customized reports. With this existing paper based system it takes long time to deliver requested reports to management.
But the new system will offer customized report generation facility that will reduce work pressure and will save valuable time.
4.4 Feasibility Study
4.4.1 Technical Feasibility
The solution has the full technical feasibility, because our solution can be implemented with the available hardware, software and technical resources that are present at training unit. I will use SQL Server as backend and Visual Basic at front-end which is very friendly to the users. The new proposed Training Accounts Information System will be operating on the following hardware:
¤ Machines consists of: Pentium IV 1.8 Processor, 40GB Hard drive, Mother Board Intel, Sound Card, AGP card, Network Interface Card, 15 inch Monitor, Standard Keyboard, Mouse and Printer.
¤ Server machine are UNIX based Sun Solaris Server machines. Reason behind to use this hardware
- All the accessories are available in the market.
- Easy to set up.
- Work will be Faster.
4.4.2 Operational Feasibility:
When an organization develops its new system, it involves additional cost. Implementing system will not require much training of the personnel. So it saves both time and money. The staff of those departments may feel uncomfortable while using the system and it will take some time before they start working efficiently using the system. This might cause the company to incur economic losses. On the other hand, as soon as the employees get acquainted with the new system, the company will start getting benefit from the system Company’s daily activities will be done more efficiently and the company will get economic benefits from it. This may be considered as an outcome of an investment. The following benefits will be provided by my new system:
(a) It will save time for organizational activities.
(b) It will make the employee more flexible.
(c) It will eliminate errors in organizational processes.
(d) It will avoid complication and to makes work more comfortable.
4.4.3 Economical Feasibility
The system will change the working environment rapidly. Once the system is implemented, there will be no more sluggish activities and erroneous movements from any staff. Since, the new system is designed according to the specification of the management and end users there will be no problem for the users of the system to operate on the system. The system is also designed to overcome the existing barriers of the organization. Moreover, the use of this system will not have any effect in organization’s culture, task, politics and standard operating procedures. The input and output screen of the system are designed to give a better GUI for the users. The system is also easy to operate and necessary tips/instructions will be given to the user during validation, verification and errors. The new system will make the problem solving activities more reliable, error free, efficient, flexible and acceptable to the overall end users. As less time and personnel is required means less expenses and better profit.
4.5 Feasibility Study Analysis
Therefore, after careful consideration of all the feasibility factors affecting the system
development project, it can be stated that the project is feasible for Grameenphone.
System Design refers to the reconstructing of the components and the functions identified during the System Analysis phase to produce the backbone of the software product. The goal of the system design phase is
• Determining which system components will cover which requirements in the system specification, and
• How these system components will work together.
The design phase is concerned with technology-based views of the system’s Data, Process and Interfaces. The system is designed with the aim of fulfilling the requirements identified in the System Analysis phase. For this project both two designs- Logical Design and Physical Design are applied.
5.1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
A data flow diagram (DFD) is graphic representation of the “flow” of data through business functions or processes. More generally, a data flow diagram is used for the visualization of data processing. It illustrates the processes, data stores, and external entities, data flows in a business or other system and the relationships between these things.
5.1.1 Context Level DFD
The highest level of DFD becomes the Context Diagram. This puts the system to be analyzed into context by showing the external people, processes and systems with which the system as a whole interacts. This is similar to the Unified Modeling Language action diagrams.The context level diagram of Training Accounts Information System is shown here. In this diagram the basic work process of the software is shown. From this diagram it is identified that how in the system applicants collect admission form, submit it, how applicants are chosen after written test, viva-voice and then reports with all information are send to the management. The over view of the Training Accounts Information System are shown here as at a glance
Training Accounts Information
System Data Flow
Diagram Logical
View Context Level
Figure 5.1: Context level diagram of Training Accounts Information System
5.1.2 System Diagram
System level diagram is the explosion of the context level diagram. Each process is numbered with an integer, generally starting from the upper left-hand corner of the diagram and working toward the lower right-hand corner. The major data stores and all external entities are included on system diagram. From the system level diagram of Training Accounts Information System can be divided, identify total five subsystems. These subsystems or process describes the feathers of each part of the total system in small segments and each segment describes the individual part of the program. The subsystems we have in the Training Accounts Information System of Grameenphone are as bellow:
- Application Process
- Selection Process
- Budget Process
- Application Progress Process
- Feedback Process
Selection Process: Managers select employee by searching their past training history
Training Accounts Information System
Data Flow Diagram
Logical View
System Level
Figure 5.2: System level diagram of Training Accounts Information System
Selection Process: Managers select employee by searching their past training history
Training Accounts Information System
Data Flow Diagram
Logical View (Level 1)
Selection Process
Figure 5.3: Selection process diagram of Training Accounts Information System
Application Process: In this process I tried to describe form distribution, collection and verification. When Applicants come and request for training form, is given to him/her. After fill up, applicants return it. Collected forms are then verified means applicants fill the form properly or not. Afterward Applicants information is stored in the system.
Training Accounts Information System
Data Flow Diagram
Logical View (Level 1)
Application Process
Figure 5.4: Application process diagram of Training Accounts Information System
Budget process: Business control and managers keep budget information. After raising the application.
Training Accounts Information System
Data Flow Diagram
Logical View (Level 1)
Budget Process
Figure 5.5: Budget process diagram of Training Accounts Information System
Application progress process: Training and travel form passes through 16 internal steps to accomplish the training.
Training Accounts Information System
Data Flow Diagram
Logical View (Level 1)
Application Progress Process
Figure 5.6: Application progress process diagram of Training Accounts Information System
Feedback process: Returning from the training , trainee fills up a feedback form to evaluate the training.
Training Accounts Information Syatem
Data Flow Diagram
Logical View (Level 1)
Feedback Process
Figure 5.7: Feedback process diagram of Training Accounts Information System
5.2 Entity Relation Diagram
5.2.1 Logical ERD
Essentially a database system is a computerized record-keeping system. It is regarded as a kind of electronic filing cabinet i.e., it is repository or container for a collection of computerized data files. Entity-Relationship Model (E-R Model) is a very functional tool for modeling the entities and their relationship in real world entities. So, the help of ERD model is being taken for the data requirements of Training Accounts Information System.
Training Account Information System
Entity Relationship Diagram
Logical Representation
Figure 5.8: Entity relationship diagram of Training Accounts Information System
5.2.2 Physical ERD
Training Account Information System
Entity Relationship Diagram
Physical Representation
Figure 5.9: Physical ERD diagram of Training Accounts Information System
Use Case Diagram
Figure 5.10: Use case diagram of Training Accounts Information System
Table no:5.1
Table Name: Use case analysis of selection employee for training
USE CASE NAME: | Selection employee for training | |
ACTOR(s): | Managers of technical division | |
DESCRIPTION: | This use case describe how managers select employee for training. | |
STEP 1: This use case begins when Training unit ask for employee for training.
STEP 3: Managers check previous training history . STEP 4: Managers select trainee. |
STEP 2: System provides all past training history to managers. |
STEP 2: Managers can search by manually |
PRECONDITION: | Training must be related to employee’s work |
POSTCONDITION: | None at this time. |
ASSUMPTION: | None at this time. |
Table no: 5.2
Table Name: Use case analysis of Application process
USE CASE NAME: | Raise application | |
ACTOR(s): | Trainee | |
DESCRIPTION: | This use case describe how trainee raise training and travel form. | |
STEP 1: This use case begins when managers tell employee to raise training and travel form.
STEP 2: Trainee find the form into common folder. STEP 4: Trainee fills up the form. STEP 5: Approval from manager. STEP 5: Approval from department head. |
STEP 6: System store the application. |
STEP 2: Form can be stored in Training.TD file |
PRECONDITION: | Manager has to select employee for training |
POSTCONDITION: | None at this time. |
ASSUMPTION: | None at this time. |
In this chapter the discussion is about the software testing part. Testing is the process of exercising a program with the specific intent of finding errors prior to delivery to the end user. It tells about the performance of the system. It is also very important feature of any data entry system. Testing is done to find the errors or any kind of invalid input. So it also involves evaluating the result.
6.1 Steps Performed for Testing
- The testing has been performed by the following steps:
- Application’s higher-risk aspects have been identified, priorities are set, and scope and limitations of tests are determined.
- Test approaches and methods – unit, integration, functional, system, load, usability tests, etc. have been determined
- Test environment requirements (hardware, software, communications, etc.) are determined Requirements, functional design, and internal design specifications and other necessary documents have been obtained.
- Project-related personnel and their responsibilities, reporting requirements, required standards and processes have been determined.
- Input test data domain have been identified
- Tasks and required person-hour have been defined.
- Schedule estimates, timelines, milestones have been set
- Test plan document is defined and needed reviews/approvals are achieved
- Specific Test cases are written
- Reviews/inspections/approvals of test cases are achieved
- Tests are conducted according to specification
- Evaluation is done and reports are submitted.
- Un handled errors and bugs are recoded and notification is sent to project manager
- The testing cycle went on until final approve came from software manager.
6.2 Testing Classification
Testing of Information System can be broken down into three types of activities. These are Unit testing, System testing and Acceptance testing. In this project Unit testing and System testing were done.
6.2.1 Unit testing
Unit testing is the most ‘micro’ scale of testing; to test particular functions or code modules, typically done by the programmer and not by testers, as it requires detailed knowledge of the internal program design and code. Not always easily done unless the application has a well-designed architecture with tight code; may require developing test driver modules or test harnesses. In unit testing each program are separately tested. It focuses on the modules to locate errors. If any error found, the module is revised and possible cause of error is defined and corrected. The thing that is considered to do the unit testing are narrated below-
- The forms are tested to ensure that information flows into and out properly.
- Data are examined to ensure that data stored temporarily maintains its integrity during all steps in an algorithm’s execution.
- All independent paths (basis paths) through the control structure are exercised to ensure that all statements in a form executed at least once.
- Boundary conditions are tested to ensure that the forms operate properly at boundaries established to limit or restrict processing.
Finally all error handling paths are tested.
• Testing was done with wrong password; mandatory fields are filled up
or not and also invalid inputs.
Figure 6.1: Authentications check
6.2.2 System Testing
System testing tests the functioning of the system as a whole in order to determine if discrete modules will function together as planned. It means integration of the modules and test whether they performed properly. All the modules and forms were tested to see whether they working perfectly or not. Also all the modules, forms and buttons were tested to integrate perfectly.
• The beneath is the training form and information is available.
Figure 6.2: Training Data Entry Form
• Whenever the “Save” button is clicked then information is saved.
6.2.3 Acceptance testing
Acceptance testing means the final certification that the system is ready to be used in production setting. It is not done yet because this software is only for one part of the total business process. After completing and integrating all the modules, the entire software will be installed in all the machines and then the users will test to find out the lacking of the computerized system. In testing part tester must input data as an end user. Also the software must give some kind of warnings or error messages to warn or instruct the end users.
7.1 Limitation
Training Accounts Information System (TAIS) was chosen from Grameenphone to accomplish internship project. While doing this project a lot of moral as well as physical support from the supervisor and employees of training unit of Grameenphone. The system has been developed using SQL server as the backend and the front-end User Interface was developed using Microsoft Visual Basic (VB) suit. The system now awaits the completion of the testing phase and the actual implementation (installation) at Competence. Some knowledge surrounded by the books was there but in real life is not like that got some practical knowledge and with this project started to explore my practical knowledge. There was not any binding while doing this project which clarifies that worked here independently.
There is nothing in this world which is free from drawbacks. My project also got some drawbacks. These are discussed below:
- The main problem related with drawbacks was found is a very short period of time. Because of a short time the project was not done with an organized way as it should be.
- Mainly testing part has some lacking.
- This software is one of the earliest developed real life problem and for that reason not properly organized whether it will be a time consuming or not.
7.2 Conclusion
While doing this project tried to put best effort on it and follow the standards, techniques. The target of database based software is not just to enter the records, but also to analyze and represent them to the management for making decisions and corrective plans. At the end of the Training Accounts Information System reports are produced to serve the management needs and provide them with accurate picture of the transaction records in summarized form. In fine, want to mention that here learned how to work in professional environment with challenges in the real development world, how to improve coding and design techniques and how to cope with different working situations. Throughout the whole development process got the chance to implement theoretical knowledge of computer science that learnt over last 4 years from respected faculty members of Independent University. Not only that, through report writing got to know how to compose professional and formal reports for any project or research works. After working in a real-life project, have grown a new respect and appreciation for this line of work.
1) Software Engineering A practitioner’s Approach, Roger S. Pressman, 2005, McGraw-Hill.
2) SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of ORACLE; IVAN BAYBOSS Second Revised Edition 2001, BPB Publications.
3) System Analysis and Design; AWAD, ELIAS M. Second Edition, 2004, Galgotia Publications (P) Ltd.
4) Visual Basic Computer Programming, Third Edition 2003, Ghan Kosh Publications
(P) Ltd. Handouts
5) Course Materials of MIS and System Analysis (CSC 405); Dr. Indrani Haque, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Independent University, Bangladesh.
The proposal for a house is not complete without a representation of doors, windows, and utility connections for water, electricity, and telephone. The “doors, windows, and utility connections” for computer software make up the interface design of a system. User interface design creates an effective communication medium between human and a computer.
Considering this integrated financial management system, a user-friendly interface was developed for the users of the system. Below are some sample Graphical User Interfaces which connect the users to the backend database.
Input Forms
Form Name:Login Form
Purpose and Apply:This form is used to check the user’s authorization. For database security reason this login form is used. Only the authenticated users can log in the database and can have the access to the information. User has to type his own name and password to log in to the software. If the user is valid then main screen will be activated.
Figure 1: Login Screen
Form Name: Main Form
Purpose and Apply:This is the main form. Here we have three buttons. With the help of this button we can visit required form.
Figure 2: Main Screen
Form Name:Training Data Entry.
Purpose and Apply:This is the training form. This form is used to save
Training information about applicants.
Then the user put the information in the given field.
Figure 3: Training Screen
Form Name:Applicant Info
Purpose and Apply:To save applicant personal information, this form is
used. After opening this form code generates from the system and then the user give
the other information as input.
Figure 4: Applicant personal information Screen
Form Name:Budget Report
Purpose and Apply:To retrieve budget information, this form is
used. After opening this form code generates from the system and then the user give
the other information as input.
Figure 5: Budget information Screen
• By clicking on the report Search button we can get the report about Budget
Form Name:View Report
Purpose and Apply:To retrieve training Information.
Press Search button to get training report.
Figure 6:Training information Report Screen
Form Name:Feedback
Purpose and Apply:To enter feedback information in a particular training.
Figure 7: Feedback Entry Screen
Form Name:Division Data Entry
Purpose and Apply:To enter Division information in a particular year.
Figure 8: Division Entry Screen