Probate And
Administration Act, 1881
every case where either the Will itself or anything done under it is
challenged, whether proof of execution and capacity on the part of the testator
and of the appointment of the executor, would be required.
every case where either the Will itself, or anything done under it by the
executor, is challenged, proof of execution and capacity on the part of the
testator, and of the appointment of the executor, would be required. The object
of the section is only to get rid of this multiplication of proofs. Probate
once granted authenticates the Will against all the world; it affords a ready
means of proof of the contents of the Will and it is a complete answer by the
executor to any challenge of his authority as such.
Jogendra Nath alias Govinda Sarker Vs Amulya Chandra Sarker and others, 13 BLD (AD)
P. Lakshmi Reddy Vs. L. Lakshimi Reddy, AIR 1957(SC)314; Dwijendra Narain Roy
Vs. Jogesh Chandra De, AIR 1924 (Cal) 600(H) at Page 609; Venkata Subamma
Vs.Ramayya, AIR 1932 Privy Council 92; Bali Ram Vs. Bhupendra Nath, AIR 1978
Cal 559 (564); Habibullah Vs. Ananga Mohan, AIR (29)1942 Calcutta 571; 43 l.A.
113; 1894 A.C. 437; 22 C.L.J. 266; 14 C.W.N. 256- Cited.