Modern Shop is an important part in our daily life

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Modern Shop is an important part in our daily life



Shop is an important part in our daily life. In modern science it is imagine considering a shop without computer. For the proper use of the shop computer will be very helpful. Only computer can give all the information quickly and also easily. Inventory and Pawnshop Management System is an application, which manages the Jewelry shop information by keeping the details of Employee’s, Customers, Jewelry Item, and Purchase products, Sales Products, Cash In, Cash Out and Reports of all Transaction.

1.1 Introduction:

Inventory and Pawnshop Management Systemis an application, which manages the Jewelry shop information by keeping the details of Employees, Customers, and Suppliers. It manages the Jewelry shop information by keeping the details of Employee’s, Customers, Jewelry Item, and Purchase products, Sales Products, Cash In, Cash Out and Reports of all Transaction.

After entering the Main Form one can select what he/she actually wants to do. If he want to see the Jewelry Products information and can add new products he will go to the Add New Item of Jewelry. There he can see, Add button to add jewelry item Information Very Easily. To add a new item one must fill up all the information and then needs to click the Add Button.

In the Employee Information Form one can very easily add new Employee Information to click the Save button and See Existing Member Information Including Picture.

In the Customer Information Form one can very easily Add new Customer Information to click the Save button .To Add the Customer Information fill up all the fields and then click the save button.

In the Supplier Name Information Form one can very easily Add new Supplier Information to click the Save button. To Add the Customer Information fill up all the fields and then click the save button.

In the Item Types Form one can very easily Add new Item Information to click the Save button.

In the New Product Item Form one can very easily add new Product Item Information to click the Add button. To Add the Product Item Information fill up all the fields and then click the Add button.

You can easily backup the Information in your Flash Drive just by clicking the Backup menu and also restore the database.

You can create new user and can change the existing user password just by clicking on the change password.

1.2 Objectives:

Our aim about the newly designed systems is to improve the overall performance of the Inventory and Pawnshop management system of the shop with remaining unchanged the existing services. We also consider any additional functionality so that it can work as self-content sector. The Inventory and Pawnshop management system of a Jewelry shop is an important part it has a great importance role because the information of all sector of the shop is stored by this and depend on it. From the starting page the software handles the service manually. For this purpose the Inventory and Pawnshop management system are used to maintain the jewelry shop properly.

Our purpose is to provide a fully automated robust Inventory and Pawnshop management system with extreme security but it is integrated with the sections, to achieve the goal all the related sectors.

So the main target of the system is –

1. To achieve and maintain the coverage of Inventory and Pawnshop management system of a jewelry shop using computer system with operator responsibility.

2. To maintain the Employee info, Customer info, Supplier info, Product Item info, Cash In info, Cash Out info, Sales info, Purchases info, more easily and comfortably.

3. To report the sales item, Purchases item, Inventory, Cash in, Cash out, subject an also user name using a squire Database with MS-Access, as like the Firewall for access out side of this database.

4. To make a discipline on the Inventory and Pawnshop management system of the jewelry shop, As other persons who are not related with this system are not responsible for it. The persons, who are harmful for the system should not be able to access it .So it will be logon with password, password will be squired among the responsible person for the system.

Overly it will be maintain with regular discipline



To run this software and work efficiently in practical life we must fulfill some requirements characterize than in two categories. Those are:

(a) Hardware requirement

(b) Software requirement

2.1 Requirement of the system:

The requirement of the software and hardware for the system is as follows:

2.2 Software:

Description of the software that are used in this system as follows:

1. Windows 98/ 2000/ XP

2. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

3. Microsoft Access

Inventory and Pawnshop Management Systemthat we produce we be able to run in any of the operating system versions of windows (98/2000/XP). The environment of all these operating system is suitable for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0, Microsoft Access.

Microsoft Access is a powerful tool for creating database implemented by Microsoft Corporation. By “Microsoft Access” it is possible to build up very large, strong and complex database. Here many tables can be created in one database and a relationship can be established among the tables on the basis of primary key and foreign key. The Microsoft Access allows query i.e. code so that we will be able to view a number of columns from different tables in a single table. The Microsoft Access also gives a strong security to the database. So that the contains of the database can not modify without legal authority. The database table will be used ADOBC control to connect with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.

“Microsoft Visual Basis 6.0” is a popular interesting programming language developed by ‘Microsoft Corporation’. ’Microsoft Visual 6.0’ will be used for interface. Form will be designed using Microsoft visual basic 6.0 and required code will be written for maintaining the database table (created by MS Access) as well as user interface. Generally the users of this Inventory and Pawnshop Management System can see the form designed using the Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 and will be able to access, i.e. data encode, data output etc. into\from the MS Access database table via the interfacing form.

2.3 Software requirement:

Maximum software requirement for this system development are given below:

  1. Operating System platform – WINDOWS ( 95/ 98/ 2000/ Me/ NT/ XP)
  2. Microsoft Access – Any Version ( 95/ 97/ 98/ XP)

For the back end in designing of the entire system

  1. Microsoft Visual Basic – Any Version ( 5.0/ 6.0 )

For front end designing and the implementation of the entire system.

  1. Microsoft Word – Any Version ( 95/ 97/ 2000/ XP )
  2. For composing the project documentation to be printed.

6. Adobe Photoshop 7.0

For design the Main page of the Project

2.4 Hardware:

The minimum requirement of hardware for the system is as follows:

1. Pentium Processor

2. Motherboard

3. 64 MB RAM

4. 8 MB AGP Card

5. 20 GB Secondary Storage Hard Disk

6. Monitor

7. Printer

8. Keyboard

9. Mous

2.5 System Development Manpower Requirement:

To develop the system required manpower has six persons. They were grouped into various types according to the working principle. Their group distribution listed as below:

Group Name No Of Person

System Analyst 1

Programmer 2

Program Designer 1

Front Page Designer 1

Program Testing 1

2.6 Maintenance Manpower requirement:

To develop this system required manpower has six persons. They were grouped into various types according to the working principle. Their group distribution listed as below:

Group Name No Of Person

Hardware Engineer 1

Software Engineer 4

Programmer 1



3.1 Introduction:

Back and database has been designed in Microsoft Access and list of the tables used in this database are given below along with their ERD and structural description.

3.2 Description:

The Entity – Relation (E-R) data model is based on a perception of a real world that consists of a collection of basic objects, called Entity, and of relationship among these objects.

An Entity is a “thing” or “object” in the real world that is distinguishable form other objects.

In addition to Entities Relationships, the E – R model represents certain constraints

To which the contents of a database must conform. One important constraint is mapping cardinalities, which express the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via relationship set.

The overall logical structure of a database can be expressed, graphically by an E-R diagram, which built up from the following components:

1. Rectangle, which represents entity sets.

2. Double Rectangle, which represent the weak entity set.

3. Ellipses, which represent attributes.

4. Diamonds, which represent relationship sets.

5. Lines, which link attributes to entity sets and entity sets to relationship sets.

6. Double ellipses, which represent multi valued attributes.

7. Dashed ellipses, which represent derived attributes.

8. Double Lines, which indicate total participation of an entity in a relationship set.

3.3 Database Table and Its Description:

3.3.1 Table : table Cashing

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Date Date When the user give the order
GivenBy Text Who paid
ReceivedBy Text Who receive
Amount Text Amount of money
Remarks Text Remarks
OR Text Yes Order Number

Figure 3.3.1 table Cashing

3.3.2 Table: table Cash OUT

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Date Date When the user give the order
Category Text Category of products
GivenBy Text Who paid
ReceivedBy Text Who receive
Amount Text Amount of money
Remarks Text Remarks

Figure 3.3.2 table Cash OUT

3.3.3 Table : tblCashOUTCategory

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Category Text Category of products

Figure 3.3.3 table Cash OUT Category

3.3.4 Table: tblCategory

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Type Text Type of products
Description Text Description of products

Figure 3.3.4 table Category

3.3.5 Table: tblCustomer

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Cust_Firstname Text Customer First Name
Cust_MI Text Customer Middle Name
Cust_LastName Text Customer Last Name
Cust_StreetAddress Text Customer Address
Cust_City Text Customer City
Cust_Province Text Customer Province
Cust_Zip Text Customer Zip Code
Cust_ContactNumber Text Customer contact Number
Cust_Birthdate Text Customer Birth date
Cust_Sex Text Customer Sex
Cust_Remarks Text Remarks
Cust_Number Text Yes Customer Number

Figure 3.3.5 table Customer

3.3.6 Table : table Division

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Type Text Type of products
Description Text Description of products

Figure 3.3.6 table Division

3.3.7 Table: table Employee

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Emp_Nick_Name Text Employee Nick name
Emp_FirstName Text Employee first name
Emp_MI Text Employee Middle name
Emp_LastName Text Employee Last name
Emp_StreetAddress Text Employee Street Address
Emp_City Text Employee City
Emp_Province Text Employee Province
Emp_Zip Text Employee Zip Code
Emp_ContactNumber Text Employee Contact Number
Emp_Birthday Text Employee Birth Day
Emp_BirthPlace Text Employee Birth Place
Emp_Sex Text Employee Sex
Emp_Remark Text Employee Remarks
Emp_Number Text Yes Employee Number
Emp_Pic Employee Pictures

Figure 3.3.7 table Employee

3.3.8 Table: tblPassword

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Password Text User Password

Figure 3.3.8 table Password

3.3.9 Table: table Product

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Category Text Category of products
Unit Text Unit of the products
Type Text Type of the products
Division Text Division of the products
Item Description Text Description of the products
Unit Price Text Unit price of the products
Qty Text Quantity of the products
Remarks Text Remarks

Figure 3.3.9 table Product

3.3.10 Table: tbl Purchase

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Category Text Category of purchase item
Unit Text Unit of the purchase item
Type Text Type of the purchase item
Division Text Division of the purchase item
Item Description Text Description of purchase item
Qty Text Quantityof the purchase item
Cost Text Costof the purchase item
Supplier Name Text Name of the Supplier
Supplier Address Text Address of the Supplier
Date Purchased Text Date of the purchase item
Amount Text Amountof the purchase item
Purchase Cod Text Yes Code of the purchase item

Figure 3.3.10 table Purchase

3.3.11 Table: table Sales

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
OR_Number Text Yes Order No of the Products
Date_Sold Text Date of the sold item
Customer_Name Text Customer Name
Customer_Address Text Customer Address
Category Text Category of the products
Unit Text Unit of the products
Type Text Type of the products
Division Text Divisionof the products
Item_Description Text Item Description of the products
Qty Text Quantity of the products
Unit_Price Text Unit price of the products
Amount Text Amount of the products

Figure 3.3.11 table Sales

3.3.12 Table: table Supplier

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Sup_Name Text Name of the Supplier
Sup_StreetAddress Text Street Address of the Supplier
Sup_City Text City of the Supplier
Sup_Province Text Province of the Supplier
Sup_Zip Text Zip code of the Supplier
Sup_ContactPerson Text Contact person of the Supplier
Sup_ContactNumber Text Contact number of the Supplier
Sup_Remarks Text Remarks
Sup_Number Text Yes Number of the Supplier
Sup_ContactNumber2 Text Another Contact number

Figure 3.3.12 table Supplier

3.3.13 Table: table Type

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Type Text Type of the products item
Description Text Description of the products

Figure 3.3.13 table Type

3.3.14 Table: table Unit

Field name Data Type Primary Key Default Value Description
Type Text Type of the unit
Description Text Description of the unit

Figure 3.3.14 table Unit

3.4 ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) :

Fig: ERD of Inventory and Pawnshop Management System

3.5 Data Flow Diagram:

Data flow diagrams also called data flow graphs are commonly used during problem analysis. Data flow diagrams (DFDs) [7] are quite general& are not limited to problem analysis for software requirement specification DFDs are very useful in understanding a system & can be effectively used during analysis.

A DFD shows the flow of data through a system. It views a system as a function that transforms the inputs into desired output. The DFDs aim to capture the transformations that take place with in a system to the input data so that eventually the output data is produce. The agent that performs the transaction of data from one state to another is called a process or a bubble. So, a DFD shows the movement of data through the different transformation or processes in the system. Named circles show the processes & named arrows entering or leaving the bubbles represents data flows. A rectangle represents a source or a sink is typically outside the main system of study.

Numbers of




Products Payments



Supplier ID

& place order




Product Number

Fig: DFD for Inventory Management System

3.6 Relationship:

A relationship is an association among several entities.

A relationship set is a set of relationship of the same types

Fig: Relationship Diagram



In this chapter there are going to describe the forms that are designed for the project. For better understand of all general people it has try to elaborate all forms easily.

Form Designing and Its Description:

In the following our project various form are designed and described:

4.1 Design of Form: Software Security

Figure 4.1 Software Security

4.2 Description of form: Software Security

This form is used for maintaining the security of the project here the user gives his password. Fast type password then Press the Enter then the project will continue to run. Other wise it shows a message: “Invalid password”. If you Press ‘ESC’ then the program will be terminated.

4.3 Design of the form Main window : (Inventory and Pawnshop Management System) :

Figure 4.3Main Window

4.4 Description of the form: Main Window

We implemented the Inventory and PawnshopManagement System software for a large Shops has various services, which are conducted, by various sections The Shop has three department or sections, they are Utilities, Transactions, Report and . Utilities contains Back Up Database, Change Password, Add New Employee, Add New Customer,Add New Supplier, Jewelry Item Types, Add New Item of Jewelry. Transactions contains Purchases, Sales, Cash In, and Cash Out. Reportscontains Sales Report, Purchases Report, Inventory Report, Cash In Report, Cash Out Report and Cash Flow.

4.5 Design of the form: Employee’s Information

Figure4.5 Employee’s Information

4.6 Description of the form: Employee’s Information

This is the form that is use to insert information for the Employee. In this form the user has to put the Nick name, First name, Middle name, Last name, Street Address, City, Post, Zip, Contact number, Birth day, Birth place, Sex., Remarks Then click the SAVE button, it will be insert into Employee information. If you want to insert more, click Add button again and again. Main window is always top of the behind.

4.7 Design of the form: Find Employee

Figure 4.7 Find Employee

4.8 Description of the form: Find Employee

This is the form that is use to find out the employee .To find out employee there are two kind of search. (1) Search by employee code (2) Search by name.

If you want to search by employee code then put employee code and click the search button.

If you want to search by name then put first or middle or last name and click the search button.

4.9 Design of the form: Customer Information

Figure 4.9 Customer Information

4.10 Description of the form: Customer Information

This is the form that is use to insert Customer information to store customer info to the database. So the user has to put the First name, Middle name, Last name, Street Address, City, Post, Zip, Contact number, Birth day, Sex., Remarks Then click the SAVE button, it will be insert into Customer information. If you want to insert more, click Add button again and again. Main window is always top of the behind.

4.11 Design of the form: Find Customer

Figure 4.11 Find customer

4.12 Description of the form: Find customer

This is the form that is use to find out the employee .To find out employee there are two kind of search. (1) Search by Customer Number (2) Search by name of Customer.

If you want to search by customer number then put customer number and click the search button. If you want to search by name then put first or last name and click the search button. Here also facility to add new record by clicking Add New Record.

4.13 Design of the form: Supplier Name

Figure 4.13 Supplier Name

4.14 Description of the form: Supplier Name

This is the form that is use to insert Supplier information to store Supplier Name to the database. So the user has to put the Supplier name, Street Address, City, Post, Zip, Contact Person, Contact Number(Tel), Contact Number(CP), Remarks Then click the SAVE button, it will be insert into Supplier information. If you want to insert more, click Add button again and again. Main window is always top of the behind.

4.15 Design of the form : Find Suppliers

Figure 4.15 Find Suppliers

4.16 Description of the form: Find Suppliers

This is the form that is use to find out the Supplier’s .To find out Supplier info there are two kind of search. (1) Search by Supplier Number (2) Search by name or Contact name of supplier.

If you want to search by Supplier number then put Supplier number and click the search button.

If you want to search by name then put name or contact name and click the search button.

Here also facility to add new record by clicking Add New Record

4.17 Design of the form: Item Types

Figure 4.17Item Types

4.18 Description of the form: Item Types

In this form there are four sections of item types. (1) Category (2) Unit (3) Type (4) Division.

For Category first click add button then save button will active and show. Now fill the type and description then click the save button for store data in database. If you click cancel button the data will not store to the database. For Unit first click add button then save button will active and show. Now fill the type and description then click the save button for store data in database. If you click cancel button the data will not store to the database. For Type first click add button then save button will active and show. Now fill the type and description then click the save button for store data in database. If you click cancel button the data will not store to the database. For Division first click add button then save button will active and show. Now fill the type and description then click the save button for store data in database. If you click cancel button the data will not store to the database.

4.19 Design of the form: Change Password

Figure 4.19Change Password

4.20 Description of the form: Change Password

This form is used for security. If the password is known to unauthorized people then you can change the old password using a new password. First put the old password then put your new password and put confirm password then click Ok button then the password will be changed.

4.21 Design of the form: New Product Item

Figure 4.21New Product Item

4.22 Description of the form : New Product Item

This form is used to add new product item in database. First you have to select Category, Unit, Type, and Division. When you will select Category the Category will show the beside text box, and Unit, Types, Division are also same. Then you have to fill the item description, Unit price and remark. Now click the Add button to store t5he product item in database. Here clear button work to clear all the fields. If you want to add more item then follow the step again and again.

4.23 Design of the form: Cash out Category Utility

Figure 4.23Cash out Category Utility

4.24 Description of the form: Cash out Category Utility

This form is used to Add Cash out Categories. This Cash out Category Utility is used during Cash out. Categories are used to categorized the expenses during the operation of the business. In a running transaction it can be add new category for cash out business by using this.

4.25 Design of the form: Back Up Database

Figure 4.25Back Up Database

4.26 Description of the form: Back Up Database

This form is used to store information for Backup. If you want to store information for backup first you choose path that means where you want to store for backup then click the Save button for store data backup.

4.27 Design of the form: Purchase Item

Figure 4.27Purchase Item

4.28 Description of the form: Purchase Item

This form is used to Purchase Item from supplier. First fill the Category, Unit, type, Division. If the entire sector is match then item will show in below. After that you have to fill Purchase code, Date Purchased, Supplier Name, Supplier address, Description, Quantity, Unit Price, Amount then click to the Add button to add item. When item will add in database it will show below the box. Then you can Purchase Product by clicking purchase button. You can remove last entry by clicking the Remove Last Entry button. If you want more item to purchase you have to follow the step again.

4.29 Design of the form: Sales

Figure 4.29Sales

4.30 Description of the form: Sales

This form is used to sales the products. At first you have to fill Order Number, Date Purchased, Customer Name, Customer address. Then you have to click the product button. After clicking the product button you have to fill up all the fields like Category, Unit, Type, Description. If all fields are match then the product item will show in the box below. Then you have to click select button to sale the product. Now you have to click the Add button to add product item in list. Then click the sold button to finally sell the products. If you wish to remove the last entry then click Remove Last Entry button.

4.31 Design of the form: Cash In

Figure 4.31Cash In

4.32 Description of the form: Cash In

This form is used to Cash In in the database. To Cash In fill the all fields like Date, Given by, received by, Amount, OR Number, Remarks. Here Given by means who is paiding, Received by means who received, Amount means total taka, OR Number means Order number. after fill the fields click the Receive button to Cash In.

4.33 Design of the form: Cash Out

Figure 4.33Cash Out

4.34 Description of the form : Cash Out

This form is used to transaction of the shop as Cash Out or total expense. This form will keep all information of expenses. To use this form first fill up all fields Date, Category, Given by that means who will pay money, Received by that means who will take money, amount means total amount. If category is not available then click Add Category to add new category then click Release button to complete the transaction.

4.35 Design of the form: Sales Report

Figure 4.35Sales Report

4.36 Description of the form: Sales Report

This form is used to show report of all sales transaction. There is a little facility to search data by month in condition. It has a start date and end date to search. To determine the start date and end date then click the search button, then it shows all sales transaction between the given start and end date. It also shows full preview report by clicking the Preview Report button. This report can print the data Report.

4.37 Design of the form: Purchase Report

Figure 4.37Purchase Report

4.38 Description of the form: Purchase Report

This form is used to show report of all Purchase transaction. There are a little facility to search data by month in condition. It has a start date and end date to search. To determine the start date and end date then click the search button, then it shows all Purchase transaction between the given start and end date. It also shows full preview report by clicking the Preview Report button. This report can print the data Report

4.39 Design of the form: Inventory Report

Figure4.39Inventory Report

4.40 Description of the form: Inventory Report

This form is used to show report of all Inventory transaction. Here there are four sector of fields are Category, Unit, Price, Division. Four fields must have to fill if it match then it will shows all data in below. Click the Compute asset on Hand button then it will show total price of asset. It can also show all products by clicking the Preview All Product button. It provides the facility to print all the data of the products.

4.41 Design of the form: Cash In Report

Figure 4.41Cash In Report

4.42 Description of the form: Cash in Report

This form is used to show report of all Cash In transaction. There is a little facility to search data by month in condition. It has a start date and end date to search. To determine the start date and end date then click the search button, then it shows all Cash In transaction between the given start and end date. It also shows full preview report by clicking the Preview Report button. This report can print the data Report

4.43Design of the form: Cash Out Report

Figure 4.43Cash out Report

4.44 Description of the form: Cash out Report

This form is used to show report of all Cash Out transaction. There a little facility to search data by month in condition. It has a start date and end date to search. To determine the start date and end date then click the search button, then it shows all Cash Out transaction between the given start and end date. It also shows full preview report by clicking the Preview Report button. This report can print the data Report.

4.45 Design of the form : Cash Flow Report

Figure 4.45Cash Flow Report

4.46 Description of the form: Cash Flow Report

This form is used to show report of all Cash Flow transaction. There are a little facility to search data by month in condition. It has a start date and end date to search. To determine the start date and end date then click the Generate button then it shows the total value of products Inventory, Total sales, Total Purchases, Total Cash In, Total Cash Out, Net.



Report Design:

Report design is very important part of the Project. Suppose you need to find out the sales report you just select the sales report and you will immediately get the list of all information about sales. And also you can print it.

5.1 For Sales Report:

Order Number:

It shows the Order Number for the Sales Products..


It indicate the Date that date’s the product been sold.

Customer Name:

It shows the name of the Customer .

Item Description:

It shows the Description of the Item.

Unit Price:

It shows the price per unit of the Products.


It shows the Quantity of the Products.


It shows the Amount of the Products.

5.2 Report Design 🙁 Sales Report)


Figure 6.2 Sales Report

5.3 For Purchase Report:

Purchase Code:

It will show the Purchase code of the Products.


It indicate the Date that date’s the product been Purchase

Supplier Name:

It shows the Name of the Suppliers.


It shows the Category of the Purchasing Products.


It shows the Unit of the Purchasing Products.


It shows the Type of the Purchasing Products.


It shows the Division of the Purchasing Products

Item Description:

It shows the Item Description of the Purchasing Products.


It shows the Quantity of the purchasing Products.

Cost Per Unit:

It shows the Cost per Unit of the purchasing Products.


It shows the Amount of the purchasing Products.

5.4 Report Design 🙁 Purchase Report)

Figure 5.4 Purchase Report

5.5 For Inventory Report:

Item Description:

It shows the Item Description.


It shows the Category of the Products


It shows the Unit of the Products.


It shows the Type of the Products.


It shows the Division of the Products.

Unit Price:

It shows the Unit Price of the Products.


It shows the Quantity of the Products.


It shows the Remarks of the Products.

5.6 Report Design 🙁 Product Inventory Report)

Figure 5.6 Product Inventory Report

5.7 For Cash in Report:

Order Number:

It shows the Order Number for the Cash In report


It indicate the Date that date’s the product been Purchase

Given By:

It shows the name who gives the money

Received By:

It shows the name who receive the money


It shows the amount of Cash money


It shows the Remarks of the Cash.

5.8 Report Design 🙁 Cash In Report)

Figure 5.8 Cash in Report

5.9 For Cash out Report:


It shows the date of Cash Out.


It shows the Category of the Products

Given By:

It shows the name who gives the money

Received By:

It shows the name who receive the money


It shows the amount of Cash money


It shows the Remarks of the Cash.

5.10 Report Design 🙁 Cash Out Report)

Figure 5.10 Sales Report



6.1 Limitation of This Software:

When this Inventory maintains all the record of their different sections, which includes all kind of activities then they are some problem is raised. The problem area of the library is that the current activities of the Inventory are manually as conventional and traditional way. For solving this problem that is stated above we develop the software .But still it has some limitations. The limitation of the software are as follows:

In this software there is no web networking facilities. It has no web page facilities. We design the software using Visual Basic and Access. The database is designed using Access. But is known to all that security option of Access is small.

6.2 Future Expandability:

To develop a new system we complete the analyze of the existing system of the Inventory and find out the benefits and scope of the proposed the system. At last estimate the cost of proposed system.

Future development of the proposed system is:

1. Web based network will included.

2. For better security in future we hope we can develop this system by using ORACLE in back end.

3. Internet facilities will be added

4. The system will able to general every kind of report quickly and efficiently

5. Brief description of all kinds of error message must be available in system help content.



7.1 Conclusion:

In developing the system first investigation of the current system was carried out, then a feasibility study was performed, then the design and implantation of the system under taken. After the whole document was developed final treating and evaluation was carried out. The process was completed with the documentation of the system.

In this competitive Inventory system of adhesive in our country, if any one wants to be the leader in their fields then they have to be very careful about their member’s service, authentication about their information etc. Here the computerization helps them to provide better and faster service to the member.

In brief, we conclude that, we have designed a complete Inventory system. We hope that, this report will be useful for future developers and designers working on this particular project or expanding the system. We look forward towards a more secured and efficient “Inventory and Pawnshop Management System” of the shop in future and hope that our design and suggestions will play its due role in this process.


Description of Form Admin :


Private Sub txt_Password_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)

If KeyAscii = 13 Then

If UCase(txt_Password) = UCase(txt_dbPassword) Then

Unload Me

CMJ_Main.Enabled = True

‘unlock database here


MsgBox “Invalid password.”, vbExclamation


SendKeys “{home}” & “+{end}”

counter = counter + 1

If counter = 3 Then

MsgBox “You have reached the maximum tries to enter your password.” & Chr(13) & _

“System is terminating.”, vbExclamation


End If

End If

End If

If K