BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) is the largest multi-crop research institute conducting research on a large number of crops.

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BRI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) is the largest multi-crop research institute conducting research on a large number of crops,

BARI (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute) is the largest multi-crop research institute conducting research on a large number of crops, such as cereals, tubers, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits, spices, flowers, etc. Besides variety development, this institute also carries out research on non-commodity areas, such as soil and crop management, disease and insect management, irrigation and water management, development of farm machinery, improvement of cropping and farming system management, post-harvest handling and processing, and socio-economics studies related to production, marketing, and consumption.

Location of BARI:

The Institute has its central research station at Joydebpur about 35 km north of Dhaka. The research compound of the central Station is spread over 176 hectares of land of which 126 hectares are experiment fields.

Function of BARI:

The institute functions through three major wings, such as Research Wing, Support Service Wing, and Training and Communication Wing. The Research Wing executes and monitors all the research programmes through 7 special crop research centres, 14 research divisions, 6 regional research stations and 28 sub-stations. The Support Service Wing provides all the logistic supports in research management as well as personnel management. This wing is also responsible for infrastructural development, financial management and general procurement of the institute. The Training and Communication Wing performs its responsibilities by conducting and offering training to the scientists, extension workers, and farmers. Dissemination of information through publications and transfer of technologies through commodity distribution, and human resource development also fall under the discretion of this Wing.

The Institute has established 6 regional research stations in 6 agro-ecological regions of Bangladesh to develop new technologies for specific location. The regional stations are located at Ishurdi, Jamalpur, Jessore, Hathazari, Rahmatpur, and Akbarpur. Besides these the Institute has 28 research stations including 3 hill research stations (Khagrachari, Ramgarh and Raikhali) that function under the technical guidance of the adjacent regional station.

BARI has 7 crop research centres, 4 of which are at the central research station at Joydebpur. These include Tuber Crops Research Centre (TCRC), Plant Genetic Resource Centre (PGRC), Oilseed Research Centre (ORC), and Horticulture Research Centre (HRC). The Wheat Research Centre (WRC) is situated at Nashipur, Dinajpur, while the Pulses Research Centre is located at Ishurdi, Pabna and Spices Research Centre (SRC) at Shibgonj, Bogra.

Apart from these, the Institute Conducts technology validation trials and farmer’s field trials through its On-farm Research Division (OFRD) in 9 Farming System Research (FSR) sites and 72 Multi-location Testing (MLT) sites spread over the country.


Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of agriculture, responsible for conducting research on all crops except rice, jute, sugarcane, and tea for which there are separate institutes. It was established in 1908 as Agricultural Research Laboratory, Bengal at Dhaka. The laboratory was under the Bengal Department of Agriculture which was created in 1906. After the partition of India in 1947, the Bengal Department of Agriculture became the East Pakistan Department of Agriculture with two wings, one for research and the other for extension. The laboratory formed the research wing. In 1968, the Department of Agriculture was bifurcated into two separate directorates, namely, the Directorate of Agriculture (Extension and Management), and the Directorate of Agriculture (Research and Education). The latter was converted to Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) in 1976. During the early sixties, BARI was shifted to Joydebpur to allow rebuilding of its research facilities.

The shifting was completed in 1980. The original laboratory buildings constructed in 1908 and located on Khamar Road near Farmgate in Dhaka, now house several other offices. The research farm of the original laboratory covered an area of about 182 ha.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur

Achievement of BARI:

The achievements of BARI are given below:

Cereal crops
Vegetable crops
Fruit crops
Flower crops
Pulse crops
Oilseed crops
Spice crops
Tuber crops






BARI Tomato- 8
BARI Begun-6 (Bringal)
BARI Begun-5 (Bringal)
BARI Begun-1 (Bringal)
BARI Mula-2 (Radish)
TASAKI Mula-1 (Radish)



BARI Litchu-4 (Litchi)
BARI Litchu-3 (Litchi)
BARI Litchu-2 (Litchi)
BARI Aam-1 (Mango)
Shahi Pepe (Papaya)
BARI Peara -2 (Guava)
Kazi Peara (Guava)
BARI Aam-4 (Hybred)
BARI Aam-2 (Mango)


BARI Gladiolus -1
BARI Orchid -1


BARI Masur-2 (Utfala)
BARI Masur-1 (Utfala)


BARI Sarisha-8 (Rapeseed)
Tori-7 (Tori rape)
BARI Sarisha-7 (Rapeseed)


BARI Garlic-1


BARI Iumaric-3
BARI Iumaric-1
BARI Chilla-1


BARI Alu – 7 (Potato)
BARI Alu – 1 (Potato)
BARI SP-3 (Sweet Potato)
BARI SP-2 (Sweet Potato)
NON COMMODITY ACHIEVEMENT and Water Management Machinery Pest Management
Biotechnology harvest Fertility and Soil Management Studies
Wheat Technology
Oilseed Technology
Pulse Pilot Project


Wheat Research Centre

Wheat Improvment

Variety development

Development of high yield potential variety (15 experiments)

Development of Late Heat tolerant Genotypes (5 experiments)

Development of BpLB Tolerant Genotypes (2 experiments)

Development of Sterility Tolerant Wheat Variety (5 farmers’ fields)

Development of Abiotic Stress Tolerant Variety (3 experiments)

Breeding for Nutrient Use Efficiency (2 experiments)

Collaborative studies (17 experiments)

Varietal Differentiation Through Molecular Approach (2 experiments)

Participatory Wheat Improvement (3 experiments)

Development of Durum and Triticale Variety (6 experiments)
Crop and Soil management

Crop Management in Resource Conservation (3 experiments)

Crop Management in Rice-Wheat System (13 experiments)

Physiological Studies (3 experiments)

Long-term and short-term experiments on soil fertility in Wheat and wheat-rice cropping pattern (3 experiments)

Economics study of different cropping pattern, resource conserving technologies and estimation of variety wise wheat area (1 experiments)

Farmers’ Participatory wheat seed production (1 experiments)

Conservation Agriculture, Livestock and Livelihood Strategies in Indo-Gangetic Plains of Bangladesh: Synergies and Trade Offs (1 experiments)
Maintenance Breeding and Seed Production

Maintenance of first and Second year lines (1experiments)

Breeder Seed Production (1 experiments)

Truthfully labeled seed production (2 experiments)

Technology Transfer (5 experiments)

Training (Demonstration farmers, Whole family, Peronnel from different GO and NGO, New Wheat Scientists, PTOS) (5 Programmes will be executed)

Farmeres Rally (Field days), workshops (3 Prgrammes will be executed Updating Wheat Production and Seed Preservation Video, and Publishing Books and Bengali Leaflets on Wheat Production (3 experiments)

Oilseeds Research Centre

Varietal Development

Rapeseed and Mustard

Germplasm colleciton, eevaluation & maintenance, hybridization, generation advance, population improvement, inbred developmeent, yield trials and molecular characterization (36 experiments)


Germplasm colleciton, eevaluation & maintenance, hybridization, generation advance, screening genotypes under water logged condidtion and yieldd trials (10 experiments)


Germplasm collection, evaluation & maintenance, hybridization, generation advance, screning genotypes in charaeas and yield trials (14experiments).


Germplasm collection, Evaluation & maintenance, hybridization, induced mutation and yield trials (9 experiments)


ermplasm collection, evaluation & maintenance, composites/synthetics maintenance, inbred development and yield trials (8 experiments)

Oil palm

Germplasm collection, evaluation & maintenance.

Linseed, Niger, Safflower

Germplasm maintenance.

Crop and soil management

Performance of intercropping groundnut with vegetables, weeding of groundnut and groundnut oriented cropping pattern (3 experiments).

Effect of sowing time on the yield and yield contributing characters of some advanced lines of sesame

Effect of sowing time, morphological and biochemical, phytohormone studies and yield contributing characters of mustard (4 experiments).

Performance of promising soybean varieties under different mangement practices, fertilizer and plant spacing, physiological and biochemical studies (6 experiments).

Disease management

Screening of different lines of rapeseed mustard, groundnut and soybean against Alternaria blight, leaf spot and rust, soybean mosaic virus, respectively (3 experiments)

Germplasm evaluation of rapeseed-mustard, groundnut, sesame and soybean against leaf blight, leaf spot, rust and YMV, respectively (4 experiments).

Appropriate time of single application of rovral against Alterenaria blight of mustard.

Minimum spray of fungicides in controlling leaf sopt anf rust of groundnut

Evaluation of fungicides inconttrolling Sclerotinia stem rot of mustard.

Evaluation of new fungicides in controlling leaf spot and rust of groundnut, leaf spot of sesame, leaf blight of sunflower (3 experiments)

Management of lesion nematode and leaf spot of groundnut.

Disease free seed production of oil crops

Determination of aflatoxin content in groundnut and soybean

Technology Transfer

On-farm adaptive trial (Variety development)

Adaptive trials of advanced lines of rapeseed & mustard, sesame, groundnut & Soybean (4 experiments)

Seed Production and Distribution

Nucleus seed production of rapeseed & mustard, sesame, groundnut, soybean & sunflower.

Breeder’s seed & Truthfully Labeled Seed (TLS) production of rapeseed & mustard, sesame, groundnut, soybean, sunflower& minor oil seed crops.

Pulses Research Centre, Gazipur

(I) Programme Area:

i. Varietal Development programme of lentil (No. of expt. would be conducted 13), mungbean(No. of expt. would be conducted 9), grasspea (No. of expt. would be conducted 2), blackgram (No. of expt. would be conducted 8), chickpea(No. of expt. would be conducted 12), cowpea(No. of expt. would be conducted 3), field pea (No. of expt. would be conducted 3), fababean (No. of expt. would be conducted 4), and pegion pea (No. of expt. would be conducted 1)

ii. Crop and Soil management programme (No. of expt. would be conducted 15)

iii. Disease management programme of pulse crop (No. of expt. would be conducted 31)

iii. Insect management of pulse crop (No. of expt. would be conducted 4)

Tuber Crop Research Centre

Hybridization and selection of potato (8 experiments)

Introduction and selection of exotic potato varieties ( 4 experiments)

Variety development for specific purpose ( 8 experiments)

Sweet potato breeding (10 experiments )

Collection and maintenance

Screening for salt tolerance

Aroid and Minor Root Crops breeding (9 experiments)

Screening for salt tolerance

Insect Pest Management

Insect pest management of potato, sweet potato and taro against aphid, Cut worm control, resistant varieties and chemicals (4 experiments).

Tissue culture and Seed production

Meristem isolation, in-vitro multiplication, micro/mini tuber production, Protoplast fusion, DNA Fingerprinting (SSR & RAPD),Mini storage tuber Prod’n, Alternative Shoot regeneration (12 experiments).

Multiplication of tissue culture materials and breeder seed production

Post – Harvest Technology

Storage behavior and processing of Potato, sweet potato and aroids (4 experiments)

Transfer of Technology Training

540 farmers, 40 SAAO and 10 NGOs, 50 SA, 80 SSA’s, 220 Scientists & Extension Officials will be trained (18 training)

15 field days, 250 on-farm trials and

Adaptive trial of potato

Adaptive trial of sweet potato

Adaptive trial of aroids

Two workshops: Present status and Future plan for tuber crops seed production, Annual Review workshop

Horticulture Research Centre


Varietal improvement of solanaceae and crucifereae vegetables (13 experiments)

Varietal imprvement of cucurbitaceae vegetables (35 experiments)

Varietal imprvement of legumes and others vegetables (17 experiments)

Hybrid development of vegetables (11 experiments)

Production technology of vegetables (6 experiments)

Off season vege. And protective culture (5 experiments)

Production of organic vegetables (2 experiments)

Seed production technology (4 experiments)

Vegetable crop technology trial in farmers field (17 experiments)

Tissue culture and micropropagation (3 experiments)

Toxicology (6 experiments)

Plant physiology (7 experiments)

Insect management (6 experiments)

Disease management (12 experiments)

Soil and water management (16 experiments)

Post harvest technology (5 experiments)

Agril. Economics (1 experiment)

Technology transfer


Variety Development (61 expts.)

Propagation Techniques (18 expts.)

Cultural Management (16 experiments)

Maintenance of germplasm (2 experiments)

Physiological Studies (3 experiments)

Disease Management (13 experiments)

Insect Pest Management (5 experiments)

Soil and Water Management (8 experiments)

Post-harvest Management (8 experiments)

Socio-Economic Studies

Micro propagation (2 experiments)

Technology Transfer

Orange Development Project (20 experiments)


Varietal development of flower

Collection, evaluation and maintenance of different flower and ornamental crops (3 expts.) and hybridization of adenium


Propagation on african violet, ground orchid and palms (3 experiments)

Cultural Management

Potting media on euphorbia (1 expt.) plant spacing on aster, lily and gypsophila (3 experiments)

Insect management

Survey on pest status of rose and gerbera

Post harvest technology

Vase solutions on vase life of tuberose

Socio-economic studies

Agro-economic analysis of gerbera

Spices Research Centre

Variety development

Collection, evaluation and characterization of onion, Chilli, Ginger, Turmeric, Cumin and different plantation spices germplasm. (9 Experiments)

Development of Onion male sterile line and Chilli variety using Malic hydrazide and positive mass selection respectively. (2 Experiments)

Regional yield trials of garlic, turmeric and ginger lines at different location. (4 Experiments)

Nutrient management

Response to nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and Zinc on growth and yield of kharif onion, garlic, chilli, turmeric and ginger.(7 Experiments)

Effect of micro-nutrients on the growth, yield and quality of kharif onion and garlic. (2 Experiments)

Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on yield and quality of onion, ginger and turmeric. (4 Experiments)

Effect of top dress of organic manure and nitrogen fertilizer on the yield and quality of onion and garlic. (2 Experiments)

Response of USG (urea super granule) on the yield and yield attributes of chilli.

Cultural management

Effect of different cultural practices like weed control, plant spacing, bulblet size, planting depth, leaf cutting, mulching etc. on the yield and quality of onion, turmeric, ginger, fenugreek and fennel. (7 Experiments)

Effects of water stress, cold treatment and irrigation management on the growth, yield and quality of onion and garlic. (4 Experiments)

Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi (AMF) on growth, development and storage quality of onion.

Study on rubbering and premature sprouting of garlic.

Intercropping of turmeric, ginger, onion, garlic and different spices with chilli, hybride maize, legume and non legume crops. (7 Experiments)

Growth, yield and quality of turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) cultivated on dark-red soil, gray soil and red soil in Bangladesh.

Insect and disease management

Seasonal fluctuation of thrips, survey and documentation of damages caused by pests, insect management, biology in different spices crops (onion, chilli, garlic and ginger). (5 Experiments)

Disease management of different spices crops. (4 Experiments)

Survey and assessment for the post harvest diseases of onion.

Survey on the diseases of ginger and identification of associated microorganisms with diseases.

Seed Production Technology

Effect of GA3, hormone and chemicals on uniform flowering and spouting in summer onion seed production.(3 Experiments)

Effect of storage duration on scape production in summer onion.

Effects of seed bulb vernalization, bulb size and planting time on the seed yield and quality of kharif onion. (2 Experiments)

Effect of deblossoming, planting technique (planting time, planting method) on the yield and quality seed of summer onion. (3 Experiments)

Post Harvest Management

Post harvest management and processing technique of onion, ginger, chilli and turmeric. (7 experiments)


Impact analysis of summer onion in Bangladesh.

Status of existing spices crop in farmers field at northern region of Bangladesh.

Breeder Seed Production

Breeder seed production of BARI Piaz- 1, 2, 3 & 4.

Breeder seed production of BARI Rashun- 1 & 2

Breeder seed production of BARI Holud- 1,2 & 3

Breeder seed production of BARI Morich-1, BARI Dhonia-1 and BARI Methi-1& 2

Plant Genetic Resource Centre

Plant Genetic Resources

Conservation and Management

Survey and collecting plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (PGRFA)

Morphological characterization

Screening of Soybean, Mustard, Muskmelon, Sweet gourd, Cow pea and Ash gourd germplasm against salinity

Morphological characterization of Mustard

Characterization of okra and evaluation against YMV

Characterization of BARI released vegetable varieties

Regeneration and safety duplication of regionally prioritized crop collection Grasspea, Lentil, Chickpea, Mungbean, Blackgram and Millets

Characterization and evaluation of Grass pea germplasm

Screening of Chilli germplasm against growing season

Characterization of Amaranth germplasm

Molecular characterization

Morphomolecular characterization of Pulse crops and Mango

DNA fingerprinting of Wheat and Eggplant

Molecular characterization of BARI released Tomato varieties using SSR marker

Molecular characterization of Hyacinth bean using SSR marker

Germplasm conservation and regeneration

Conservation of germplasm in active and base collection

Monitoring of active and base collection

On farm conservation and community genebank

Maintenance and development of field genebank

Regeneration of newly collected and conserved accessions of different crops

Biotechnology in PGR collection, conservation, utilization and documentation

Protocol for in vitro germplasm collecting techniques

Protocol for in vitro and cryo-

preservation of germplasm

In vitro regeneration of hyacinth bean

Documentation of PGRFA

Database development for germplasm documentation

Plant Breeding Division

Collection, maintenance (2 experiments)

Development of Inbred Lines (5 experiments)

Evaluation of inbred lines (4 experiments)

Production of experimental hybrids ( 2 experiments)

Evaluation of experimental hybrid (9 experiments)

Maintenance and seed increase of inbred lines (4 experiments)

Seed production of hybrids (3 experiments)

Evaluation of Open pollinated varieties(3 experiments)

Biochemical Analysis and Molecular Breeding (6 Expts)

Stress Breeding (3 experiments)

Production Technology (8 experiments)

Technology transfer activities

(On-farm trials, demonstrations, Field day and trainings)

Barley & Millet improvement

Collection, hybridization, selection and Breeder seed production (10 experiments)


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