Al Barew Development Ltd: A Housing Company
Al Barew Development Ltd. is one of the newly establish housing company involved in the sector since 2008 and member of the Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB).
Al Barew Development Ltd, not only believe in quality as a mere vision statement but also implement it in every aspect of our operations and the way we do business. To bolster our core values of quality and excellence, we have taken on board a team of dedicated and skilled professionals consisting of architects, engineers, designers, planners etc.
- RAJUK approved projects
- Dispute free lands
- High quality construction
- Modern Functional Design
- In time handover
- After Sales Service
We shall endeavor to excel in every aspect of our operation and thereby provide quality products and services to our customers.
Our organization will have a challenging and satisfying working environment so that the talents and potential of our human resource is given the full opportunity to blossom & grow.
Customer Policy: To always focus on the customer; because the customer’s satisfaction is our inspiration.
Business Policy: To conduct the business with high integrity.
Employee Policy: To nurture the best human resource through training & motivation.
Quality Policy: To consistently developed high quality real estate to keep our standard above others.
Environment Policy: To address environmental issues aptly & carry on our activities in line.
Future Policy: To endeavor innovation to excel in every aspect of our operation.
Al Barew Development Ltd is committed to expand and diversify in the years to come. It has taken on board a number of projects which will have a definite impact on the socio-economic fabric of the country and play a dynamic role in the overall economic development of Bangladesh.
Interaction of Urbanization with Population Growth
3.1 Interaction of urbanization with population
High population growth and rural-urban migration intensify the problems of urbanization in Bangladesh, as in all developing countries. For Bangladesh the problem is further aggravated by limited land supply in urban areas, lower land utilization and lack of proper policy and planning of land-use. The ever growing urban population is creating an increasing demand for space. This rapid influx of population to the (capital) city results in sky rocketing land prices and provides some stimulus to construction of tall buildings.
During the last four decades, metropolitan Dhaka has recorded a phenomenal growth in ~terms of population and area. Dhaka at present is one of the fastest growing metropolises in the world. After the war of independence of 1971, Dhaka’s provincial capital status was raised to national capital overnight and its population increased manifold in the subsequent decades. The land area and population of Dhaka is usually expressed in terms of two boundaries. One is Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) and the other one is the larger boundary of Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkhya (RAJUK). Within DCC limits (with about 520 square kilometer i.e. 200 square mile); there are already over 1 million people and growing possibly at 5.5 percent annually. Gross density is 11,570-13,500 persons per square kilometer (30,000-35,000 persons per square mile). In some parts density of over 38,580 persons per square kilometer (100,000 persons per square mile) exist, with an average of 3 stories for pucca development or one story for kutcha development. But at such high densities, we do not get enough road space or open space or other non-residential space either. Outside DCC, but within RAJUK limits, there are 1008 square kilometers (about 390 square miles), wherein live another 2 to 3 million people. Densities in such areas vary from very high to very low. In fact much of the RAJUK areas, beyond DCC, are not ready for proper urban development yet. There are low lands, liable to annual floods, and to deep flooding during abnormal floods. But urban expansion takes place even in such marginal lands through gradual earth filling.
3.2 Housing of Dhaka city
Housing conditions of Dhaka City vary greatly between high and low-income groups as well as by area. The gap is obvious between luxurious high income apartments/houses which exist in highline one areas such as Guishan, Baridhara, Dhanmondi, Uttara areas and poorly constructed temporary housing (Jhupri) with extremely small floor space, very densely located on the lands prone to floodDisasters.
About 30% of the slum dwellers live in Jhupri, 24% in Chhai, 13% in Tong, 30% in Tin-shed, 2.5°/o in Semi-pucca and O.5% in Pucca type of structure. Housing requirements in Dhaka is 218,000 units including dissolution of backlog until 2001 and replacement, wherein the requirements of urban poor are 140,000 units, which share almost two-thirds of the total requirements. In terms of tenure, 54% of the households are on private rental basis while 31% are owned. Only 1.2% is on social housing.
It can be pointed out that people from all socio-economic backgrounds in Dhaka are facing housing problem of one type or another. The low-income families are in need of low cost flats or plots and the middle and upper income families are complaining that the cost of a decent plot or a decent flat is going beyond their means. The solution to the problems of these different groups is also different and mainly lies in the hand of the policy makers and the government.
In recent years there has been a new trend of housing development mainly in the private sector. A new type of residential development has come on the scene, which can be broadly termed as apartment development. In most of the cases an individual or company constructs one or more buildings comprising of several apartments, which are later sold to individual purchasers. This has prompted many individual entrepreneurs to develop apartment buildings resulting in an increased number of real estate companies in the city. There has been considerable criticism regarding apartment development as well as real estate development in Dhaka City in recent years. While many of these criticisms are valid, others are distorted based on misconceptions and/or inaccurate information.
3.3 Housing access and affordability
The rapid growth of city population has led to a phenomenal increase in housing demand in the city. The housing market of the city consists of five tenure groups — owner occupied, private rental, rent free, squatters and slums. Physically, housing has extended from makeshift arrangement and permanent houses. Dhaka City has a very high proportion of poor population (65%) and as such affordability of housing is significantly affected by the income distribution. The access of poor to housing is constrained by high land and material prices. In one study (DMDP, 1995), it has been observed that the first quintile of city household has zero affordability to housing; the second quintile can afford Tk. 140 to Tk. 300 per month; the third quintile can afford Tk. 300-400 per month; the fourth quintile of household can afford Tk.500 to Tk. 600 per month and the fifth quintile of household can afford Tk.
1000-2500 per month. Only 3.85% of household can afford above Tk. 2500. The affordability indices of Dhaka City imply that the govt. has to play the role of both provider and facilitator/enabler for different income groups.
3.4 Apartment/real estate development in Dhaka city
Three decades back the city dwellers were reluctant to live in flats while ten years back some one would have thought twice before buying an apartment/flat. But in the last couple of years people have shown an increased interest in owning apartments.
As mentioned earlier the main reason is economic due to increased land cost as well as construction cost. There are also other reasons such as reluctance of individuals to spend time and energy in house construction, increased awareness of apartment living, and western influence. As a result apartment-owning is becoming increasingly popular. Moreover the absentee i.e. the wage earners in Middle East and other countries are also a major contributing factor towards the increasing demand for apartments. As a result of increased demand, many apartment builders have appeared in the market in recent years. Twenty years ago there were fewer than five companies in Bangladesh engaged in developing apartments while today there are more than 600 developers. It may be mentioned here that in 1988 there were less than 20 such developers in Dhaka. At present there are 350 such developers working in Dhaka City who are members of Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHB). But there are many other companies/individuals engaged in such development in smaller scale and selling apartments to friends and relatives only.
3.5 Construction and development process
The contribution of construction industry in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 12.14%. Over the last 15 year the Real Estate Development sector has made significant contributions to many sectors of our economy. Since 1985 this sector~ has created homes for over 12,000 families in the metropolitan thousands of areas of land have been developed into housing estates where lower middle and middle-income families can construct-their own dwellings.
The fact that many cement manufacturing industries have now been set up in Bangladesh is a reflection of the impetus the Real Estate Development sector has given to our economy. In the last decade many steel mills would have shut down had it not been due to the support of the Real Estate Development sector. Several new mechanized construction material manufacturing industries have recently come up due to the existence of this sector. Today about 200 architects and consulting engineers are directly supported by this sector; over 500 graduate engineers are holding management positions in this sector and almost 2500 diploma engineers are engaged by this sector.
The construction sector is directly linked with employment. There are both formal and informal building firms, who undertake works. In the period 1985-90, this sector contributed more than 5.55% in GDP. It is estimated that about 1.77 million man/ year in 1994/95 (according to Fourth Five year plan) were engaged in this sector. A large number of companies/firms in Dhaka are engaged in construction activities.
3.6 Development of high-rise building
High-rise buildings probably were first constructed in response to the corporate need for increased direct communication and expansion of business operation. Businessmen understood the need for proximity and personal communications and quickly recognized the value of “going vertically up” within a compact business core in the central city.
The corporate world is not the only beneficiary of high-rise development; often other enterprises that serve corporate business or its employees also locate themselves in high-rise structures. Offices for lawyers, accountants and other business related professionals are established in close proximity to the corporations, often being located in the same building. Medical and dental practices open where they can capture and serve office workers as well as the general urban population from a central location. Even where the structure bears a corporate name and was built specifically for a corporate tenant finally ends up catering to various professional and business clients. Today’s high-rise building usually contains a variety of tenants.
Depending on overall factors, during the last three decades, Dhaka City attempted to expand vertically to meet the problems of urban population explosion, scarcity of land and spiraling land price. High-rise structure also has a positive influence on city form and organization.
The tallest building in Dhaka (30 stories) has been constructed at Motijheel for office purpose. High-rise buildings for residential purposes are being seriously considered to provide an answer to urban housing problems. How far this is tenable in context of conditions prevailing in developing countries must be studied in greater depth so that planned growth in high-rise housing construction can be promoted.
Because of the great size and height the development of tall buildings usually involves active interaction of public and private decision-makers. Successful public private collaboration usually revitalizes the urban environment. Thus, tall building development in the form of office towers, hotels and residential apartment buildings can. Become a critical part of revitalization in major cities of the world, including Dhaka.
In terms of Dhaka, it can be seen that the location of the majority of the high-rise structures are clustered in the business districts and central city areas where land value is highest.
The reasons of this development are as follows:
1. Easy access.
2. Proximately of supporting facilities of offices.
3. Higher rate of return on investment.
4. Besides the land value there are other reasons for the construction of high-rise structures to accommodate office staff where land is limited.
Prospects & Problems of High Rise Building
4.1 Current state of tall building in Bangladesh
The history of tall building in Bangladesh is only four decades old.
Broadly speaking two types of high-rise buildings are constructed in terms of use type:
1. Institutional buildings including government & commercial office buildings,
hotels etc.
2. Residential buildings particularly for middle class low income groups.
The trend that started in 1963 with the construction of 11-storied WAPDA building at Motijheel, the Central Business District (CBD) of the capital city Dhaka has currently gained a tremendous momentum. Although tall buildings are being constructed in few numbers in other cities at the country, almost all the existing and under-construction tall buildings of the country are located in the capital city. In Dhaka, there are about 120 such notable buildings clustered mainly at the Motijheel commercial area and in places like Eskaton, Mohakhali and Banani. If one compares the number of tall buildings in the capital city with the size of the greater Dhaka with a present population of about 10 million, the insignificant proportion of the tall buildings with respect to, the overall scenario becomes evident.
It is evident from the figure that a steady increase in the number of tall structures has taken place in the recent years. Whereas in the sixties and seventies, on an average five high rise buildings were constructed in Dhaka City, in the eighties about twenty tall buildings were constructed. Construction of tall structures attained its peak in the nineties, and, in the last five years about 50% of the total present number of all tall buildings of the capital city has been constructed. The trend of going high is still there.
4.2 Prospects and problems of tall buildings
It is almost inevitable that high rise construction will increase in future in Bangladesh. In fact, in a fast growing metropolis like Dhaka where, land is scarce and land value is high, there is no other obvious option but to go for tall structures. In a country where expatriate consultants and contractors are being inducted in almost every field of technological activity, it is interesting to note that all the tall buildings in Bangladesh have been planned, designed and constructed by local architects. But high rise buildings, both commercial and residential; of Bangladesh have already revealed their merits and demerits in the very short time that they have been serving the community.
Some of the advantages of tall buildings are given below:
1. It increases land-use density leading to proper utilization of inner city land.
2. If properly designed and constructed it can increase the user efficiency for both commercial and residential use.
3. It can bring positive effect on city form.
4. High-rise buildings and the users that occupy them usually return more revenue (benefits) to local governments than they require in services (costs) from them. This positive cost-benefit ratio is often used as a measure of the attractiveness of a development.
5. High-rise buildings have established an efficient setting for corporate business enterprise, a significant source of revenue for local government, and a business focus for the entire metropolitan area.
6. Residential uses in high-rise have resulted in both success and failure. Tall apartment buildings have successfully fulfilled the needs of upper income and middle income families in different developing countries.
4.3 Land use, land use economy and land value
The trend towards construction of tall buildings in Dhaka is very much connected with the very high price of land in the main commercial and business districts. Since land value is very high in inner city areas, population density should be increased by adoption of multi-storied construction. In less developed areas, where commercial value is less, tall buildings are virtually non-existent. It is evident from the study that only 39% of the total lands of the capital are in urban use, while 6l% has rural or semi-rural use.
High-rise buildings are constructed to ensure economical use of land in areas where land is scarce and its cost is high. Individual plot holders can save a lot of land by going in for multi-story buildings. However, the savings in a given sector of land depend on the gross densities in number of dwellings per acre including the land required for common amenities like parks, playground, schools, shops, road etc.
Dhaka has experienced an unprecedented increase in land value since the early seventies. In the past decade Dhaka mainly developed along the two main axes towards the north of Dhaka. Due to huge increase in the population of Dhaka, the pressure on land for residential use has been very high. Since the sixties until today RAJUK has provided less than ten thousand plots at subsidized rate mainly for the middle and upper income groups. The value of land in Dhaka City, mainly in the central area, has increased at a rate much higher than the increase in cost of living in Dhaka. The price of high-class residential land has increased 100 times (approx.) during the period 1975-2000. In the absence of any proper land value records it is very difficult to compare the land value over the past decades.
It has been stated that the big real estate companies are mainly responsible for the high price of land in the central area because they pay a much higher price for a good piece of land. It is argued that due to this reason middle and upper middle class families are being unable to buy land in Dhaka.
We are of the opinion; however, that Real Estate companies are just one among several reasons for the rise in price as the value of urban land is actually determined and fixed through competition in a complex economic process. Besides, there are other factors, which influence urban land value. These are social values, customs and others. On carefully analyzing the land value trend of Dhaka City and the suburbs for the last thirty years, a number of causes of high land value have been identified as follows:
a) Lack of investment opportunity; in other sectors of economy.
b) Rapid urbanization and consequent scarcity of land.
c) Uncontrolled land market.
d) Lack of comprehensive land policy.
e) Inappropriate taxation policy.
f) Political instability.
g) High rate of inflation.
h) Land speculation and the role-played by brokers.
i) Land ownership being regarded as a symbol of social prestige.
j) Inflow of foreign remittances earned by Bangladeshis abroad, especially from the Middle East.
k) Land purchase by real estate developers.
Since land value is very high in inner city areas, increasing multi-storied construction will increase the density. Many parcels of inner city land are under utilized or vacant, which should be put to proper use for balanced growth.
To achieve these objectives and to minimize the negative effects of high-rise constructions the following recommendations are suggested:
a) Proper rules and regulations for high-rise construction should be formulated and implemented.
b) In case of apartment, exclusive apartment Land dominium law) should be enacted and implemented by RAJUK and other concerned agencies.
c) Zoning law for Dhaka City in terms of use class and height class should be formulated and strictly enforced as per DMDP structure plan and related plans.
d) Particularly in the high cost areas of inner city vacant land tax and punitive tax for very low-rise construction should be enacted.
e) Building rules related to lift; parking and fire fighting should be strictly monitored and enforced by concerned agencies, as per Bangladesh National Building Code 1993.
f) In commercial areas low-rise structures should be totally discouraged by appropriate measures.
g) In high-rise/high density zones, co-ordination between utility agencies should be increased to plan in advance for high capacity utility mains.
However, in the context of Dhaka it is envisaged that in the future year’s high-rise construction will increase both for commercial buildings and residential development.
4.4 Construction industry and environment
Once undesirable environmental consequences of the use of a natural resource have been identified, there are two types of control, which can be exercised: control of the supply and control of the demand. Control of supply could be exercised by means of introducing land-use regulations, pricing of the resource and other measures, eliminating indiscriminate explosion or reducing it to acceptable levels. Demand side controls aimed to change the nature of the activity. The goal is to reduce or eliminate the demand.
In the case of construction activity, which is acknowledged to be essential for virtually every type of development, an increase rather than a decrease is desirable in all developing countries. There are many ways in which the nature of current construction activity can be changed to make it less environmentally damaging, without reducing the total amount of construction in terms of the built space created or other functions it performs.
These include:
1. Improving land-use and pollution emission legislation and control
2. Pre-construction environmental impact appraisals
3. Greater use of demolition and mineral & agricultural wastes in construction.
4. Extending the life of and reuse of existing buildings
4.5 Potentialities in construction sector
The construction sector has great potentials. The traditionally used building materials are locally produced. Cheap labor, appropriate technologies and easy transportation system have also been a positive catalyst for the advancement of the construction industry.
(a) Building Materials:
Locally available traditional raw materials can be used as effective construction materials. The government should publicize information regarding locally available building materials, its high productivity, the locations and accessibility. Local small-scale industries should be encouraged to produce quality-building materials. The Housing and Building Research Institute (HBRI) is encouraged to develop new building materials and techniques with the objectives of reducing costs and imports. On one hand, there is research into alternative and low-cost materials and techniques while on the other land; alternative building materials of indigenous sources like clay tiles get little interest.
(b) Labor Force:
Construction industries can create employment opportunities. Institutional training should be facilitated for the unskilled laborers. Special vocational training should be introduced and training made essential for creating highly skilled specialized labor force.
(c) Appropriate and Simple Technology
Building technologies will differ from place to place. Use of appropriate and simple technology is essential to improve construction productivity. In Bangladesh the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) has developed Low Cost. Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) piles, which have cost similar to timber plies. These low cost piles address the deficiencies of the timber piles and also possess additional advantages compared to cast-in-situ and pre-stressed piles.
These piles can be used as compaction piles as well as load bearing piles. For small structures, the possibility of application of this pile is immense e.g., in buildings, bridges, culverts etc.
The newly evolved RCC pile can be locally produced with relatively simple technology. These piles would provide a much better alternative to the timber piles, which are, at present, being widely used. The Low cost RCC piles will contribute towards better conservation of forest resources and thereby minimize degradation of the environment.
Apartment development: Problems & Prospects
5.1 Problems and Prospects of Apartment development
Apartment development in Dhaka City, as mentioned earlier, has become increasingly popular in recent days and is likely to continue for sometime. It has a number of plus point regarding solving housing problems of the city. But at the same time it certain demerits. We propose to review critically both the prospects and problems. It may be worthwhile to describe here the types of apartments, which are now being built in Dhaka. Broadly speaking two types of apartment development can be noticed. Firstly, up to G+ 5 story walk up apartments, which are usually RCC frame structure with average fittings and fixtures (e.g. in-situ mosaic, concealed wiring with local fittings, best quality BISF sanitary ware etc.). These flats within the central areas are sold around Tk. 3,500 to Tk. 5,000 per sq. ft. excluding the cost of parking space. An apartment of this type with an area of 1400 sq. ft. (3 bed rooms, 2 + 1 toilets) and a secured parking space will cost around Tk. 50-70 Lac. The cost may be higher if the apartment is located in a major road. The second types of development are those apartments in high-rise buildings of more than six stories. But the present trend in Dhaka City is 12-20 stories. The price of such apartments is presently more that Tk. 2,500-3,000 per sq. ft. plus the cost of parking space ranging from Tk. 2.0 Lac to Tk. 2.5 Lac per parking space in a good location.
Area Selling Rate/Sft (tk) Selling Rate/Sft (us$)
(1 US$ = 70 TK)
1) Gulshan 5000-8000 71.42 — 114.28
2) Banani 4000-7000 57.14 — 100.00
3) Dhanmondi 5000-8000 71.42 — 114.28
4) Mirpur 2000-3000 28.57 — 42.86
5) Shantinagar 2500-3000 35.71 — 42.86
6) Wan 2500-3000 35.71 — 42.86
7) Moghbzar 2500-3000 35.71 — 42.86
8) Shaymoli 2000-2800 28.57 — 40.00
19) D.O.H.S 4000-5000 57.14 — 71.43
10) Uttara 2500-3500 35.71 — 50.00
Heretic has been attempted to identify the major criticisms of apartment development as cited in the media.
They are:
i. Economic:
Mainly middle and upper income families are purchasing both walks up and high rise apartments. Lower middle and lower income groups can not buy such expensive flats.
ii. Services:
In many apartment complex certain services (mainly recreational and community space, open area) are lacking. Problems associated with water supply, fire fighting and fire escape (mainly in high rise apartments), and inadequacy of lift are notable.
iii. Social:
It is sometimes argued that high-rise building prevents social contact with other neighbors, which can lead to socio-psychological problem.
The above mentioned criticisms can be contradicted on the following grounds:
i. Economic:
The private apartment developers are catering for the middle or upper income group and thereby solving the problem partially for that group. This has noting to do with the housing problems of lower income groups. Only government and autonomous agencies can be helpful by subsidizing and/or extent loans to their employees in apartment construction and/or purchase. Private sector can only be effective when soft term credit area extended to private developers for constructing apartments at lower cost catering for lower income families.
ii. Services:
Services provided are related to the cost of the apartment. In the private sector higher facilities will lead to higher cost which can be prohibitive even for upper middle income families. Lack of open space is entirely due to very high land cost in the good localities. Many associated problems regarding service and design problem can be very effectively tackled with proper institutional and design control. Sometimes these problems only arise in the cases of developers lacking in professional and financial expertise.
iii. Social:
This can be minimized by more careful planning and design of high rise apartments. Rather than constructing matchbox type structure more intimate and personal design elements can be incorporated in high rise blocks.
Besides these broad criticisms,, many small problems have been identified from the responses by apartment users in different apartment blocks in the city.
These are cited below under the following headings:
a) Planning Problems
I. Inadequate distance from one building to another.
ii. Some parts of the building are always shaded.
iii. Lack of green space.
iv. No relationship between neighbors.
v. No fire escape or fire fighting provisions.
vi. Absence of community space or any playing area for the children.
vii. Exposed gas lines inconveniently situated at the main entry, which may be
dangerously hazardous.
viii. Height variation between different closely associated buildings creating privacy
ix. Absence of lifts or inadequate number of lifts.
x. Absence of mail box.
b) Planning and Designing Problems
Parking area is paved and totally open and unsecured in many cases.
ii. Outer view is disturbed by unplanned telephone lines.
iii. Absence of garbage chute or garbage disposal arrangements.
iv. People drying wet clothes inconveniently from verandah or in ground space and spoiling the beauty of the building.
c) Design Problems
- Ladders are used to approach the roof, which are inconvenient. In some apartments roofs can not be used at all.
ii. Secondary entry is more utilized than the main entry as it exposes the kitchen, or toilets of master bed etc.
iii. Entry to the building is through a dark place, which is not easy to locate.
iv. Entry to the apartment with long corridor, every inch is an improper utilization of space.
v. Lack of proper outlet makes the stagnant air hot and unhealthy.
vi. Dining space is the circulation space with inadequate opening and designed without considering furniture layout.
vii. Privacy problem created between exposed living and dining space.
viii. Staggering stair cases with narrow stairs.
ix. Lack of proper ventilation or light in different rooms of an apartment due to improper planning of rooms.
x. Built-in closet is not functional in terms of sizes, shape and height.
xi. Absence of lighting arrester.
xii. No provision for installation of air-conditions units at later stage.
d) Construction Problems
i. Fitting and finish of toilet fixtures in certain cases are unsatisfactory.
ii. Constructional defect heading to cracks in the floors and walls.
iii. Dampness in external walls and in certain cases in internal walls.
iv. Excessive heats in the top floor due to lack of lime terracing.
For solving the housing problem in Dhaka city the following steps should~ be considered, some of these stapes are directly related to housing, while others are concerned with different issues having impact upon housing:
a) The growth of Dhaka City needs to be checked. This can be attained by developing small and medium towns through adoption policy of balanced urbanization decentralization. By generation employment opportunities through these intermediate cities, the migration towards Dhaka can be trapped in those towers.
b) A metropolitan housing policy should be devised in conjunction with overall metropolitan transport and land policies.
c) Provisions of areas for high-rise, low-rise, permanent and semi-permanent structures should be made in the Master plan of Dhaka City. Expensive central city areas should be reserved for high rise developments. In this way the concerned authorities can provide higher capacity infrastructure at an optimum cost.
d) Housing development both in public and private sectors should conform to the development of physical and social infra-structures like roads, electricity, water-supply, sewerage, gas, telephone and the like.
e) Sprawl development of Dhaka City in any direction should be discouraged. Underutilized land within the city limit should be developed and properly utilized.
f) Special schemes for housing the urban poor and destitute by constructing low cost core housing with provision for upgrading on self-help basis should be adopted.
g) The private sector should be encouraged to cater for the upper middle and upper income groups.
h) Walk-up row housing and tenement blocks should be developed both in the private and public sectors to house the lower income groups.
I) Credit facilities ~or housing development for individuals and institutions should be modified to increase the housing stock.
j) National and municipal policies for high rise development should be formulated.
k) To check the mushroom growth of real estate companies there should be arrangements for scrutinizing the technical, financial and institutional capabilities of prospective companies.
Developing housing sector comprises not only building of houses but also the development of socio-economic infrastructure. In fact, a separate directorate of Real Estate could be established, which will inter link all the concerned agencies, related to house construction such as RAJUK, Dhaka Municipal Corporation, WASA, PDB, Titas and House Building Finance Corporation (HBFC). This will minimize the procedures and formalities associated with house construction.
All future activities of concerned agencies involving land, finance and utilities should be forward-planned under a common framework to increase the efficiency and minimize overlapping of responsibilities. The neglect of the private sector is a fundamental defect in our housing policy. A comprehensive and pragmatic housing policy should be adopted by the government, which will expedite housing developments. The economy of land use should be given top priority in any future housing policy.
A private housing-bank could be set up for financing housing development as in the absence of such a bank; land developers and promoters are very much handicapped. Such a specialized bank to tide over the housing crises deserves serious consideration.
6.1 Findings & Issues
a) Lac of appropriate planning and programming for the construction project.
b) A major concern in the construction industry is the apparent backwardness in the adoption of new. Construction technologies for the adoption of new construction technologies and practices, which can reduce cost and increase quality.
c) Lac of general guidelines of building designs to prepare appropriate planning rules, building code based on the character of the area. It should also cover building regulations and related detailing of the building and also cover selection of materials.
d) It has been observed that the construction material and equipment differ from place to place, considering this fact, specialized standards and code should be made.
e) Lac of innovative technologies in the ~ sector for high productivity.
f) Lac of proper research support and financial support in public and private sectors.
g) Environmental impacts and other information are not available to the public.
h) Selection of building materials, the consultants and experienced contractors are in adequate.
i) Less encouragement of local based building materials as well as cheaper alternative/substitutes.
j) No separate financial policies for consultants/contractors.
k) Lac of management effectiveness in the construction sector.
i) No extensive and multifold regulation.
m) Lac of establishment the regulations and control procedures of the government.
6.2 Recommendation
Considering all issues, following broad general recommendations both in the public and private sector should be taken into consideration:
a) Appropriate planning and programming for the construction project would be framed based on the nature of works.
b) A major concern in the construction industry is the apparent backwardness in the adoption of new construction technologies for the adoption of new construction technologies and practices, which can reduce cost and increase quality.
c) The authority with help of professionals should formulate general guidelines of building designs. Special attention would be given to prepare appropriate planning rules, building codes etc. based on the character of the area. It will also cover building regulations and related detailing of the building and also cover selection of materials.
d) It has been observed that the construction material and equipment differ from place to place, considering this fact, specialized standards and code should be made.
e) Simple and innovative technologies should be introduced in the~ construction sector for high productivity. The attention should be given on its acceptability to the sectors. Affordability to the government as well public enterprises should be taken into consideration.
f) Research and innovation for development should be encouraged. Proper research support and financial support should be provided both in public and private sectors. Even groups of entrepreneurs and individuals should be encouraged by the policies.
g) Research outputs, available materials, energy consumption cost, environmental impacts and other information should be made available to the public through institutions and mass media.
h) Selection of building materials, the consultants are required in conjunction with experienced contractors.
I) Local based building materials as well as cheaper alternative/substitutes should be encouraged.
II) Special financial policies for consultants/contractors financing should be introduced. It would be included: i) reduction of bureaucracy ii) generous advance payments, iii) risk guaranties etc.
j) Overall management capabilities is essential for the construction sector. It should be managed through institutional basis, and the construction actors have contractors, laborers, managers and other related actors as active participants.
k) Adequate legislative support is to recognized construction sector as an important for national development. An extensive and multifold regulation is needed. It should includes civil engineering works, durability of construction outputs, all safety measures including loads, imposed deformations, environmental issues, fire and natural disasters etc.
m) The establishment of regulations and control procedures is the traditional function of the government. It is needed to recognize the construction industry as an important sector for national development. The regulations and control can contribute a strong positive impact to reduce construction cost, environment hazards, promote greater energy efficiency in building and limit energy consumption and pollution etc.
n) Special attention would be given to protect the physical environment of the project’s site. “Legal action” procedures would be updated in which legal
action can be taken against the faulty actors.
6.3 Conclusion
The planning and design approach is very important components in the construction sector specially to ensure sustainability. The technology and innovation in the construction industry may reduce construction cost and time, as well as increase safety. New technological innovations, often in conjunction with materials and equipment, should be introduced into several of the disciplines within the construction industry. Such technology also ensures higher productivity, which can bring socio-economic prosperity to the country. The Government sets regulations on construction industry (building code, land use, tendering constructor’s negotiation and environmental regulation) in national and local level. Changes are also sought to improve quality, management efficiency, material flow, and maintain schedules by better organization and controlling of design and production process.
1. Rajdhani Unnayan KartIpakkha (R.AJUK)
2. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)
3. Dhaka Metropliton Development plan (DMDP)
4. Real Estate Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB)
1. Various documents of Al Barew Development Ltd.
7. Web Site.