Inter office Memo
BBA Program
Date : 28 October 2009
To : Mr. N
From : Dr. A
Professor, School of Business
Director, BBA Program
Subject : Supervision of Reading Course
You have been scheduled to supervise MIS 310: Database Systems for Business for Naqueeb Zaman (ID# 081-310-030) in Fall 2009. Please note that the requirement for reading course is very similar to a regular course except that the student is not required to sit in the class. Please prepare a course outline for students and submit a copy to the office of the BBA program as soon as possible. The course should consist of exams, quizzes, cases and other assignments like a regular course. Please prescribe a textbook and assign reading material to the student based on which exams will be given. The student must meet and consult with you on a regular basis as per a meeting schedule approved by you.
The course must be completed within this semester. If you have any questions or queries, Please discuss with me.
Thank you