Mr. M
Our Ref:……………. Dated: ………………….
Mr. ………………………. Dear Sir,
We refer to your letter dated …………….. regarding the above subject.
We have perused the draft lease agreement and our observations are as follows:
Sl. | Clause | Observations
01 | Preamble
Paragraph 2 |
Under the terms of this paragraph, the rent may be open to negotiation for the last 2(two) years. Please check whether the landlord agrees on it. |
02 | Article 2 | A specific date for payment of rent should be stipulated, e.g. within 5th days after expiry of every quarter . |
03 | Article 4 | The first 2 reasons seems reasonable. But it is not understandable how the third one, i.e. a reduction in the number of staff in the British High Commission, shall affect this lease.
We suggest to clarify the matter with Mr. Stevenson. |
04 | Article 6 (c) | Check whether the landlord is agreeable on execution of the suggested repair by the Lessee. |
05 | Article 6(i) | This clause provides for indemnification by the landlord to the Lessee for any damage caused by third party .
What if, should the third party associated with the Lessee. |
06 | Additional clause | We suggest to incorporate the following additional clauses numbering in order:
“Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the lease under these presents is not terminable by the either party before expiry of the Lease Term unless there is a material breach on the part of either party, in which case either party shall have the right to terminate the lease by giving 3 (three) months’ prior notice in writing to the other party”. “This Agreement shall be binding upon the successor-in-interest, legal representatives, administrators and assigns of the parties hereto”. |
Apart from the above observations, the rest of the draft Agreement is otherwise in order.
Should you have any further query, please revert back to us.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Drafted by:
For: “The Lawyers & Jurists”
M.L.Hotel Tower Ltd,208,Shahid Syed Nazrul Islam Sarani,
Bijoy Nagar, Dhaka-1000.