Nari Maitree is a non-government
development women organization. In 1983 the organization was established by a
group of women activist in order to build the capacity of women, children and
adolescent for establishing their rights in the society.
NM has special interested to work
with the children. At present Nari Maitree runs 17 different projects those are
directly or indirectly have some impact on children especially deprived children.
As a whole NM intend to work in a holistic approach for the best interest of
the children. As children are not apart from the society and family, therefore,
NM also works with the family and society to bring positive change in the life
of children. From the working experience Nari Maitree felt that most of the
disaster situation like flood and other natural calamity, children position is
most venerable and their lives are in thereat from the context of physical and
mental health development. During these time children are in more vulnerable
situation in terms of sexual, physical and mental exploitation and abuse.
According to the National Sample
survey of Child Labor by Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (2002-2003), 17.5 per
cent of the total child population was child laborers. However, this survey did
not include figures from several parts of the informal sector, in which the
largest numbers of child laborers are found, e.g. child domestic workers. Among
12.1 million working children (5-12 age group), boys were 8.8 million and 3.3
million were girls. Child laborers of age group 5-17 years are 3.38 million
(Boys: 2.58 and girls: .8 million). Only 7.1% of the child labor (5-17) was in
the formal sector, the rest of 92.9% were in the informal sector. About 65.4%
of working children were employed in the agricultural sector. By residency,
number of working children is 20.7 million among them 16.05 are in urban area
and 22.0 are in rural area. They work for a minimum of 9 hours to as long as 18
hours a day for very low wages.
Considering the reality and
importance, Nari Maitree introduced some activities to address this immerging
issue under a program with financial assistance of Danish Embassy since
November 1991 to 1995. This program was introduced in some slum areas under the
Dhaka City Corporation. Based on the working experience from this project, Nari
Matree incepted a program namely “Education and Rights for Working Children”
with financial cooperation of Red Barnet, Save the Children Denmark (Now it is Save
the Children Sweden-Denmark). The project aimed at education and child rights
development program in wards no 25 and 26 of Dhaka City Corporation. The
project was continued up to June 1999. This project was expanded since 1999
July to December 2002 under the title of “Intervention towards Child
Development”. As a continual process, a gap-bridging project for two years was
incepted from January 2003 to December 2004.
1.2 NGO Profile:
Mission Statement:
To empower the under-privileged
people by undertaking intensive and extensive programs in order to bring about
changes in the family life style and social system.
Vision of NM:
Our vision is to establish an
equitable society.
Objectives of NM:
increase education rate among the adolescents
aware the adolescent, women and other stakeholder about HIV/AIDS
establish human rights and empowering of women, children and adolescents
help facilities to the target people to raise their voice for social justice
undertake programs on preventive and curative health services
facilitate sustainable development
ensure male participation in program activities
promote volunteerism among the youth
enhance knowledge on natural and social disaster management
Policies of NM:
Nari Maitree
has developed different types of policies to operate the organizational
activities smoothly and properly. The policies are as follows;
Resource Development Policy
Place where we work:
Nari Maitree covered as many as 17
wards of Dhaka Metropolitan City 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 49, 52,
54, 55, 56, 57, 60 and 85 including 12 villages of Demra Thana. Besides, it
also covered the 457,948 disadvantaged children, women and adolescents of
Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Netrakona, Tangail, Tongi, Kishoreganj, Sherpur, Cox’s
Bazar, Comilla, Feni and Chandpur districts
Organizational Structure
1.3.1 Management Structure:
NM has 39
members General Committee (GC) and eleven members Executive Committee (EC). The
GC meets once in a year to approve annual budget and review progress reports
while the EC meets once after three months. The EC members take decisions,
review the progress, give financial approvals and consider other priority
items. The Executive Director is the operative Head of the Organization and is
responsible for overall program management. Under the able guidance of the ED,
each Program Manager/Coordinator manages his /her program area. Program
Managers/Coordinators, Area Coordinators also manage their respective programs
outside Dhaka. They all report to the Executive Director.
Nari Maitree has the Management
structure as below:
q Executive Committee/ Governing Body
q Advisory Committee
q Professional staff
1.3.2 Total Staff of the Organization
Currently, NM
has 359 (2007) staff who are also working in different project areas. Women
constitute 70 percent of the current staffs.
1.3.3 Summary of NM Projects/Programs
Nari Maitree has been engaged to
fulfill its objectives through the following multi-dimensional programs:
‘Improvement of public awareness for
HIV/AIDS and women trafficking’ funded by ADB through Ministry of Women and
Child Affairs
‘Mother and child health care and
family planning program’
‘Adolescent development program’
under Action Aid
‘HIV/AIDS Prevention Project (HAPP)’
for Street Based Sex workers under UNICEF & NASP
‘Volunteer development program’
‘Better SRH service for urban
adolescent and youth (RHIYA)’
‘Child Development Intervention
Project’ under Save the Children Sweden-Denmark
‘Capacity Building, Poverty
Alleviation and Sustainable Livelihood for Socially Disadvantaged Women and
their Children, Dhaka’ financed by UNDP through DSS
‘Capacity Building, Poverty
Alleviation and Sustainable Livelihood for Socially Disadvantaged Women and their Children,
Mymensingh’ financed by UNDP through DSS
‘Empowering Adolescents to become the
agents for Social transformation program, Dewanganj’ financed by UNESCO, Paris
‘Empowering Adolescents to become the
agents for Social transformation program, Madhupur/ Tangail’ financed by
‘Integrated Education, Health and
Capacity Building for Adolescent girls in Bangladesh at Dhalpur’.
‘Urban Primary Health Care project
PA-5’ through Dhaka City Corporation funded by ADB.
‘Violence Against Women’ at Dhaka
‘Income Generating Program (IGP)’ at
Dhaka funded by NM
‘Training on prevention of HIV/AIDS
for workers of Garment Factories’ supported by PHD.
‘Action research with Child sex
worker’ funded by UNICEF.
‘Prevention and Protection on
HIV/AIDS and STD’ funded by CARE.
‘Creating awareness on HIV/AIDS
prevention of urban slum adolescent and youth’ through Dhaka City Corporation
funded by UNDP.
‘Comprehensive Reproductive health
care center’ funded by UNFPA.
‘Piloting of sex worker manage health
care system with in the Brothel’ funded by World Bank.
‘Establishing child Led organization
to ensure child participation’ funded by Plan Bangladesh
‘Participation of the urban Poor in
Municipal’ funded by Plan Bangladesh
‘CARE income project’ funded by CARE
‘Education for all and capacity
building project’ funded by UNESCO
Nari Maitree has spread its multi-dimensional programs at
different thanas/wards in 9 districts of the country with different target
people. It is making coordination with several organizations working in the
same field of activities and collaborating with each other.
In addition to that Nari Maitree is
closely associated and linked to different NGO networking organizations &
apex bodies as one of the significant members:
Network of Bangladesh
¨ Voluntary
Health Services Society (VHSS),
¨ Coalition
for the Urban Poor (CUP),
¨ Credit
and development Forum (CDF),
¨ Disadvantaged
Adolescents Working NGOs Forum (DAWN),
¨ Action
against Trafficking and Sexual Exportation of Children (ATSEC)
¨ Bangladesh
Shishu Adhikar (Child Rights) Forum (BSAF)
¨ Girls’
Child Forum
¨ Together
we work for working children
¨ International
Association of Voluntary Efforts (IAVE)
1.3.5 Financial Management Structure
Nari Maitree is quite aware of
updating the Financial Management structure from its inception in 1983. It has
transformed all the Accountants of the projects by the skilled personnel after
providing training. The financial programs of the projects are guided by the organization’s
own Guideline but it also be followed the guidelines of donor agencies on
demand. The organization took the initiatives of making advance in
consolidating the financial activities of the projects in a monthly finance
meeting with all Managers, project coordinators and the accountants.
1.3.6 Audit Management:
Nari Maitree has given special
emphasis on the external audit side by side with the internal auditor of the
donor agencies, NM’s own initiative and Govt. audit to bring the clarity in the
accounts of the projects. The financial management is concentrated with the
implementation of the recommendations of the internal auditor, external auditor
and Govt. audit.
1.3.7 Current Donor Agencies:
Nari Maitree obtained
donations/grants from the following Donor Agencies at home and abroad for
implementation of different projects/programs:
the Children Sweden-Denmark
Aid Bangladesh
through Social Welfare Department
Development Bank through City Corporation
through Ministry of Women and Child Affairs
Canada – Bangladesh
1.3.8 Monitoring and Evaluation:
Nari Maitree conducted the following
monitoring and preparation of Database reports
based study
based field visit
by the Donors and internal monitoring and evaluation
meeting with all section chiefs
1.3.9 Physical Resources of NM:
Nari Maitree
runs a number of programs in different parts of the country. To ensure
effective program implementation and smooth operation, NM has physical and
logistical facilities at Head office and field offices including equipment and
Describing of THE Existing (on-
going) Project(s)
It is to be mentioned here that the
proposed project will be constructed on the past experience of NM in
implementing health, nutrition and population based projects. NM has so far implemented different projects
of similar nature, which is a major strength of the organization in proposing
this project. Of them a total of six (6) projects are currently under implementation and two have
been completed recently. The following are the projects:
v Project Title: Intervention towards Child Development
v Name of the Donor Agency: Save the Children Sweden-Denmark
v Duration of the Project: v Project Location:25,27,28 and 60 no. ward under Dhaka
city corporation
v Total Budget: BDT 11,815,784/=
2.0 Summarize of the Project:
The project will cover the targeted
child labourers and street children at Goran, (Ward no-25) Ragarbagh (Ward
no-28), Bashaboo (Ward no-27) and Lalbagh (Ward no-60) of Dhaka City
Corporation. As a preventing aim the proposed new phase will include to
motivate the parents, children, guardian, community people and employers to
realize their responsibilities and accountability towards reduction of child
labour and participation of working children as rights holder to demand their
rights. As a curative the project will include basic services like non-formal
education, vocational and skill development training, credit support and
psychosocial rehabilitation and life skills. Throughout the next 3 years, 36
children will be mainstreaming from NFE to formal school. 150 children will
receive vocational training including computer operating, sign board writing,
mobile servicing, tailoring, beauty parlor, block batik, embroidery, electric
and electronic, provide credit support
to 135 children and 150 children will get job placement and self employment
Finally Nari Maitree together with
other Save Children Sweden-Denmark’s partners who work with child labourers
problems will establish an active implementing sub-network for combating child
labour. Nari Maitree prefers the other partners in the formal and informal
network and consultants contribute to solve common identified problems and
develop needed tools, materials and methods.
sustainability through the awareness raising activities on child rights issue
children, parents and community people have been disseminated within the next
generation. After phase out of the project Child forum will be community based
children organization and community based resource centers will also be
established, which will be run by children and local community people in the
project areas. These resource centers will be consist of a library, indoor-game
material, child rights related books and information, cultural and recreational
materials. Moreover, children who will over the age of 18 years we will linkage
them with local “youth club”. In future they will be able to continue the
children organizational activities from their own views and capacities.
Participation of community people is another dimension, which have been worked
for the sustainability of the project. Finally, CMC (Center Management
Committee) has been formed by the project which consists of local government,
local elite people, teachers, employers, parents’ etc. People of different
classes and levels have been included in the CMC to get the necessary support
and feedback from the local community people. Gradually, it is expected that
CMC help to resolve different problems of children and have taken different
activities to establish the child right after phase out of the project.
The project is based upon the
assumption that the political environment will remain stable. It is also
assumed that is will be possible to establish contracts to employers among the
middle class without major obstacles.
Total budget for this project is Tk.
11,815,784/= for the period 2008-2010.
The project has been developed
following a series of consultation through FGD, workshop, formal and informal
meeting or discussion with the participation of children, parents, employers,
community people and project staff. In deed, Nari Maitree aims to involve
community people in the project design to make the sense of sustainability
real. Eventually all the lessons learnt has been incorporated in the new
proposed project.
Project Document was prepared through
stakeholder analysis. During the stakeholder analysis beneficiaries,
caregivers, duty bearers, support groups as well as the opponents groups are
considered. Their problems, their interest and stakes, their potentials as well
their linkage are considered in the present undesirable situation.
During the development the project
document Logical Framework Analysis (LFA) is followed which was practiced
through a workshop in presence of all thematic partners. Team has identified
core problem through analyzing the cause effect in the context of project
learning and experience. On the basis of the problem, the development and
immediate objectives, outputs and the project matrix have been reformulated in
the light of GIM dimensions and CRP approaches.
Recently a base survey and situation
analysis has been conducted at Nari Maitree project areas by INCIDIN
Bangladesh. Number of focus group discussions was held during the survey and
situation analysis. Reflections from the focus group discussion were also
analyzed and learning was considered for PD development.
Lesson Learn from previous Phases:
In Nari Maitree working areas, most
of the families live in the slums and living below the poverty line in Dhaka
City. Generally people migrated from rural areas due to river erosion that
makes them land less, and other natural calamities bring them in the slum
areas. These areas are densely populated, characterized by huge scarcity of
water, sanitation, medical facilities and other facilities of urban life. The
poor parents could not provide nutrition, clothing and education, health care,
recreational facilities. Due to this situation children are growing up without
enjoying their minimum rights. Generally they involved in hazardous work. Without
any exception, the working environment of these children is hazardous also.
Child Forum was developed to ensure
children participation in different level, make the children voice stronger on
CRC in local, national level, develop their leadership capacity through create
a child friendly space. By this time they have achieved, confident to interact
with each other, create a good position & acceptance in their family &
community, children are able to improvised drama, capable to write newsletter,
some children are involved in family decision-making & solving problem,
children are involved in raising awareness family, community & national
level. Through strong participation of different activities children are more
disciplined, organized, socialized. They have strong contribution to, reduced
early marriage, physical & humiliating punishment, working time in their
Through the consultation with
disadvantaged children it is found that the stakeholders are aware about the
child rights, employer become sensitize on child labour issues. In community
level people are encouraged for birth registration, increasing knowledge of
child rights and understand bad consequences of child labour. This result came
out through massive initiative have been taken during the last phases on code
of conduct and PHP.
From the consultation of the center
management committee members it is found that they are very much interested to
organize meeting with community people to sensitize the child rights issues to
the community which will ultimate reduce the child labour as per their opinion.
From our consultation meeting with
children and parents of our project areas it reveals that still now many
children are deprived from their basic rights. It is found that most of the
working children are Muslims and very few are Hindus. Most of the working
children families are consisted of 5-6 members. Parents of working children are
engaged in small traders, small factory workers, garments workers, drivers,
vendors, baggier, day labor and rickshaw puller. Most of the parents are
illiterate. So, parents are not aware about the importance of education of
their children. Children do not get any
participation scope in their family. Moreover children face physical and mental
violence from the family member.
The recommendations from midterm evaluation are as follows:
project should extend NFE centers in other localities including more children.
existing non-formal education curriculum should include lessons /training on
life skill education for the children/adolescents for more clear conception.
parents/guardians meetings should be organized and CMC meetings should be held
at the Project areas to make community involvement in the program.
stipends could be granted for the interested and meritorious children/
adolescents so that they could participate at the computer education from the distant places of their home
networks and coalitions should be strengthened to advocate for rights of
working children at the national level
steps to recruit quality/appropriate resource persons for conducting different
trade based training for the children/ adolescents of the center
project should closely develop linkage with the cal
for employing the adolescents who have received skill training.
Recommendation from Project Base line and situation analysis 2007 are as
finance assistance to parents
Rehabilitation services for potential child laborer
with no of parents/ caregivers:
For child
workers code of conduct should be introduced to bind the employers with
responsibility of child’s well being.
awareness of the household members on equal rights of the girls especially in
terms of access to protection and development resources (such as health,
education etc.).
· The culture of early marriage has to
be challenged not only at family level but also at broader community level. In
this regard a comprehensive awareness campaign has to be carried out.
· The family heads and the employers of
the marginalized children (both working and non-working children) need to be
sensitized on the advantages and rights of the children in participating in
decision making process with respect to work major decisions concerning their
wellbeing (e.g. health, education, work, leisure and marriage etc.).
- A campaign against
stigmatization of the child survivors of sexual violence needs to be
carried out at family, school and community level.
Initiation of community-based advocacy program is
needed to create a collective space for the realization of provisional rights
of the children
access of the working children in health services needs to be expanded both in
terms of knowledge and health support services
2.2 Relationship to other SCSD projects
The current 4th phase of the project is a
part of Save the Children Sweden-Denmark’s Child Labour theme programme. Save
the Children Sweden-Denmark has gradually built up its partnership cooperation
with this group of like minded local NGOs. Central in the screening for
partners has been shared visions, willingness to work with a right based
approach and willingness not only to implement their own project but also
contribute to the implementation of a coherent program. So every project of
these organizations is a part of the theme.
The current 4th phase of
the project is developed within the framework of Save the Children Sweden
Denmark program. The framework of the SCSD program started to work in relation
to cross cutting issues like: Physical and humiliation Punishment (PhP), Child
Sexual Abuse Exploitation and Trafficking (CSAET), CRP, Media-communication,
and Emergency. Project will maintain relation with the CRP thematic group for
capacity building on human resource development, researching on child rights
issues, Documentation and child rights policy. Through the relation with the
media-communication of SCSD, project will create space for children
participation in media. Besides, the accountability, non discrimination, child
participation in development activities, awareness development on HIV/AIDs,
gender development, and empowerment and trafficking issues are considered as
cross cutting issues. Considering the country strategy of SCSD above mentioned
interventions were incorporated in this project.
CC Project is
one of the rural based child led organization. Nari Maitree has aim to acquire
knowledge from the experiences of CC Project. In this regard Nari Maitree
maintain network with this project. In
future Nari Maitree will utilize related experience in this project which will
improve this project activity also. On the other hand Nari Maitree has good
practice in relation with children organization which will be introduced and
incorporated in the CC project also.
Together with working Children (TWC)
is one of the Child labor base forums. Nari Maitree is one of the members of
this forum. Nari Maitree is working with this forum for local and national
level advocacy work very actively and cordially. Nari Maitree believes that
joint forces are needed to strengthen any initiative, especially National level
advocacy work.
2.3 Relation to Nari Maitree’s Organizational Strategy:
This project objective fully
coincides with the vision and mission of Nari Maitree. Moreover Nari Maitree
has special competence to address the problems of child labor in the working
areas. Nari Maitree has a long attachment to work on child rights issue
especially on child labour issue that gives a wider insight to the staff
working with the organization. This organizational learning through experiences
to work on Child Labour issues strengthens the competence level of Nari Maitree
as a whole. Nari Maitree intervention rescued the child labor from hazardous
work and provided them with skill training and credit to select their own trade
to be self-employed. Besides these, Nari Maitree has taken awareness program
for the parents and the employers about danger of hazardous job performed by
the children.
Competency of Nari Maitree to deal with Children issue:
Based on the working experience from
July 1999 Nari Maitree started another project titled “Intervention
towards Child Development” with the financial and technical support from save
the children Denmark. Till now Nari Maitree is working with Save the Children
Sweden- Denmark with very good relation and cooperation. As a result NM has
working since long towards the change of the child labourer lives. According to
our last few years experience many of the parents become aware to support their
children in pursuing their studies. The children being aware of their rights
and oriented towards learning while in NM’s schools have been pursuing their
education. As a part of project achievement Child labourers are facing lesser
instance of physical punishment and verbal abuse both by employers and parents.
The children face less exploitation as the working hours in factory have
reduced with out any reduction in their wage. Discrimination against girl
children with respect to education and participation have reduced a lot which
is manifested in their enrollment and continuation in schools and involvement
in the cultural activities and other recreational & mobilizing activities
organized to mobilize community’s opinion in favour of child rights.
2.4 Nari Maitree Project at a glance in child sector:
Name of the projects |
Project Areas/Ward |
Funding sources |
Core objectives |
Major |
Adolescent |
Word no-27 Dhaka |
Action Aid Bangladesh |
To To |
1500 targeted Adolescent |
Capacity Building Property |
Ward no –85 Dhaka |
To To To |
Creating Awareness on HIV/AIDS |
Ward No: 25,26,27,28 and 31 Dhaka city |
Increase |
Adolescent |
UNSCO Paris |
To |
1200 Adolescent |
Action Research With Child Sex Worker in Dhaka |
Ward |
To To |
75 Child sex worker |
Improving quality of life of Child |
Dhaka |
To |
1000 |
Urban |
Dhaka |
ADB through DCC |
To |
400000 |
Capacity need:
Nari Maitree is one of the community
trusted organization. Nari Maitree works with local government as well as
community people. In community and
national level organizational value of Nari Maitree is very high. In the
non-formal education sector Nari Maitree use CRC based curriculum, flexibility
in program designing, maintain child friendly environment. In health side Nari
Maitree provide health service through referral service and through linkage.
The capacity building is needed both
for organizational & program level. Capacity building is necessary for
facilitation area so that most of the staff and trainer team of child forum
could conduct training as well as they know how to facilitation the children
organization. Moreover, basic and refresher training on CRP & CRC should be
continued. The capacity building on the following issues is needed for the
project staff & beneficiaries: First Aid Training, Leadership training,
communication skills, Monitoring and Supervision training is an essential part
to proper implementation of the program or project objective, Training on
accountability. Another capacity building area is Record keeping, reporting and
documentation for making accurate planning. Advocacy training is also very much
necessary for field staffs. Capacity building is also needed for children,
community people and others duty bears like school teacher, religious leaders, and
ward commissioner for improving their contribution in the project.
Local resources and knowledge
Executive Director of Nari Maitree is
a member of the local government school committee, Bangladesh Shishu Adhiker
Forum (BSAF), ATSEC Bangladesh Chapter, Voluntary Health Services Society
(VHSS), Coalition for the urban poor (CUP). She is well experienced in
education and project management and she has good relations with the education
resource person of the country. She has received different development related
training both for overseas and national label training.
Vice president of Nari
Maitree is an assistant headmistress of the local high school. The Executive
Director (ED), as operative head of the organization is responsible for the
overall management of organization as well as programs. Under the guidance of
ED, each program Manager/Coordinator manages implement her/his program as per
agreement between NM and donors. Area Coordinators and Program Coordinators
also manage their respective programs in the local offices outside Dhaka. The
ED also acts as the member secretary of the Executive Committee. Currently Nari
Maitree has 246 total staff. Besides, 56 Volunteer Staff (48 TBA and 8 peer
educators) work in different projects.
NM has skill staff-members that are
volunteer-minded. When there is insufficient fund they can with small salary.
Even thought they could work without salary for month after month.
It is mentionable that NM has 13
projects funded by different donors. Among them two projects (Women Development
Programme and Income Generation Programme) have been running without donors ie
those projects have been going on from the NM’s own fund. In every project
there are credit programme. It is also notable that the Women Development
Programme is based on Credit.
Legal status:
Nari Maitree is registered with the
Department of Women Affairs, Directorate of Family Planning and NGO Affairs’
Bureau. The details of the legal status of Nari Maitree are given below
Registration Authority |
Registration Number |
Department of Women Affairs |
MWA-299/84 |
15 October, 1984 |
Directorate of Family Planning |
No.43 |
17 April, 1986 |
NGO Affairs Bureau |
FDR 326 |
19 November, 1989 |
Affiliation status
NM is a member of the NGO apex bodies
like the Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh (ADAB), Voluntary
Health Services Society (VHSS), and Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar (Child Rights)
Forum (BSAF), Coalition for Urban Poor (CUP).
Staff recruiting policy
There is staff recruitment committee in Nari Maitree.
Staff recruiting policy is maintains through the gender policy. Gender policy
has been address gender sensitiveness among the staff. During the recruiting of
staff NM maintain non-discrimination process.
3.1 Child rights context at National Level:
Child labor is considered to be one
of the most important child rights violations in Bangladesh. Large numbers of
children are contributing directly to their household economy and work in
hazardous environment. Children work full-time as well as part-time; they are
engaged in wage employment as well as in non-income generating activities.
Child laborers face several problems.
They are deprived of their childhood and they often work very long hours
under hazardous working conditions, which represent a threat towards their
physical health and psychological-social development. Many child laborers are
also exposed to different forms of abuse, including sexual abuse, which
represent not only a physical but also a mental health hazards. The vast
majority of the child laborers are denied their rights to education. They are
also more prone to be trafficked especially the working children on streets.
Child labourers are mostly live in the slums or street and other peripheral
Children, adolescents of urban slums
and streets are marginalized group who are most vulnerable groups in this
scenario. Problems of security and
violence are predominant and most importantly violence against children, child
abuse, trafficking, drug use & selling, the rising number of street
children and their associated vulnerability have put forward a major
development challenge to the urban society. The whole environment is not
protecting child rights & not supporting in creating enabling environment
for their normal growth. This situation is crippling our next generation.
Within the urban slum context
children are exposed to a series of risks and vulnerabilities that affect their
interests and their rights for survival, development, protection and
participation. Their risk and
vulnerabilities increase due to discriminations regarding income, age, gender, and
ethnicity; decisions and life strategies
adopted by individuals and households that could harm children’s interests when
family’s interests are considered as more important; due to inadequate
government policy, lack of meaningful coordination among the development actors
in urban contexts that generate child labourer.
445,226 street based child workers
are engaged in different kind of jobs in six divisions of Bangladesh. Out of
them 334807 street workers are alone in Dhaka cities; of which 54% illiterate,
44% can read and sign only and 1.1% attend NGOs school according to Baseline
survey (DSS and UNDP).Street children working time is not fixed it varies from
early morning to even midnight. Street based child workers are currently
involved mainly day labourer, shop keeper, vendor, restaurant helper and
vagrants (Tokai)
Child labourers have little
participation in decision making process either in family or community level.
Children are not allowed to raise their voice by their parents and are taught
to be quiet. Street and domestic children have less access as they are
struggling to make a livelihood. Govt. pays little attention to poor
underprivileged children’s participation.
3.2 Child rights context in Dhaka City:
Dhaka, the capital city of
Bangladesh, has one of the fastest urbanization rates in the world. Now, it is
the 11th most populous city in the world. Slum is one of the major
problems that are occupying 30% land of the city. There are about 3,000 slums
and squatters settlements which houses about 1.3 million poor people.
In the city, there are children and
families who live and work in the streets in an unhealthy, unsafe and
unprotected environment. During day time they do odd jobs or collect garbage
for their livelihood and in the night they sleep in street/path. They are
vulnerable to violence as they grow up without adult care or guidance. Harassment
by police, mastans, security guards and elders and abused by interest groups
are part of their everyday life. Children engaged in domestic work are abused
and tortured frequently. Around 334807 children (ARISE Report) are street
In Dhaka City there are children who
live in slum and street in an unhealthy, un-safe and unprotected environment.
Child labor constitutes about 12% of the total labor force in the country.
According to the National plan of Action for children in 1997-2002 adopted by
MOWCA the number of children working in urban areas was 2-4 million which has
probably increased to 3 million now. Around 1.1 million children live in the
Metropolitan Cities. Many of them are living in slum areas under the most
unhygienic conditions, are engaged in hazardous jobs, working on an average 48
hours per week and earning less than 1500 taka in a month. In practice child
labor laws in Bangladesh do not protect working children. Employers prefer
children as they are cheap, productive and obedient. Children working in the
industrial sector have no contract of employment and so it is difficult to
stands up for themselves and fight for their rights.
3.3 Child rights context in Project level:
The proposed area for the project is
Goran, Bashaboo, Razarbagh and Lalbagh. These are located at the east and south
part of Dhaka City. A common
scenario in the project area is, like other areas of Dhaka that small portions
of population control the big percentage of asset. The economic gap between
rich and poor within these areas is widening at an increasing rate and poverty
has afflicted in the city. Poor people are not uniform. Poverty has different
dimension as well as absolute and relative poverty. It is still in project area
the highest number of people living in poverty.
According to the situation analysis
conducted in 2002, the population of the four areas (Goran- Ward 25, Bashaboo-
Ward 27, Rajarbagh- Ward 28, Lalbagh- Ward 60) where Nari Maitree has been
working was 571000 in 2001. The said area is comparatively poorer and
underdeveloped. The proposed area is densely populated and everyday in
migration is taking place, as this is a growing new township with lots of small
and medium size factories are developing. During our situation analysis it came
out that approximately 4800 children live at Shobuzbagh Khilgoan and Lalbagh Thana and out of which
3300 are engaged in hazardous child labour.
Shobuzbagh and Khilgoan Thana area started getting inhabited
especially in the 1960s. At that time, as a result of increased access to
economic activities of the East Pakistanis following the Indo-Pak independence
in 1947, people of even relatively lower economic echelons started settling
here in order to make a more prosperous urban living. There are two adjacent
natural lakes that are prone to over flooding even early in the rainy season.
Most roads get inundated in floodwater, especially in the rainy season. This
area has not been blessed with any flood protection initiative as those in the
western side of the city. In the aftermath of flood and other natural
disasters, there is outbreak of different diseases like diarrhea, scabies,
malaria, and dengue. As a result, life becomes difficult for people. Those who
are involved in different small business cannot make any profit. Their very
existence is jeopardized due to such natural disasters.
The flow of in migration is higher in
this area because of the mentioned reasons. The employers get Child Labour from
mentioned areas. As a result of increasing poverty and growing population,
there is a huge demand for child labour from different Khilgoan, Shobujbagh and
lalbagh Thana.
From the working areas it has been seen that children are mostly involved
as Garments employee (21.1%), handicrafts labourer
(karchupi/jori/embroidery/small cottage) (19.9%), domestic labourer (14.8%),
low salaried government/non-government employee (10.5%), small business (8.6%),
low income work (8.2%), day labour (6.6%), unskilled labour (4.7%), Assistance
Wielding/automobile (4.7%), others (Soil digging, Beggar,
Carpenter, Mason, Hawker, Sales man, Shoe making,
Office assistance, Butcher ‘s
shop) (4.8%) etc.
3.4 Findings from base line and situation analysis:
From the situation analysis (under
the title of Base line and situation analysis for child labour projects of Nari
Maitree Project area, conducted by INCIDIN Bangladesh) it is found that
significant number children engaged in work in some earlier occasions i.e.
10.3% boy and 9.6%girl. Girl children are more vulnerable to that of the boy
children almost fifty percent children working against their will. It is also
found that in all respects work hours per day of the studied children reflects
severe rights violation of the working children. Regarding holidays, children
are worked seven days in a week. Significant number children mentioned that
their employers behaved rudely. Regarding freedom to leave employment, a
significant number of children (20% boy children and 25.7% girl) denied of this
participation rights by their employer. It also revels that a significant
number of under non-working children showed their ignorance of the marriage
age. Regarding right to play and recreation a number of children expresses that
they have no chance or time to play. Another instance is that a significant
number of children can play after launch time that means after providing their
labor at the first half of the day. In considering all it is found that
children are far behind to that of the level standardized in CRC.
The baseline study concluded that the
vulnerability of the children into child labour is proportional to the size of
the family of the children. Also children from the broken family who are living
at female headed households are more vulnerable for being economically active
than the male headed households. Adolescent age (15-17 years) is the most
vulnerable period for potential child labour irrespective of gender. More than
half (53.7%) of the children are in between 10 to 14 years. That means more
than half of the children are in their post puberty.
Child labour Characteristics:
Handicraft works controls the invisible child labour market at the working
areas of Nari Maitree. The average work hour of the child labourers is 9.5
hours per day. The mean working days for the children, according to the WRC
stand 6 days. It can be pointed that almost every household have 0.79 (working
children / Household) working children. More than half of all child labourers
(52.2%) are working 7 days per week, and the other nearer to half (40.0%) work
with a leave of one holiday round the week (6 days). Only small percentages of
child labours (6.9%) are working 4 – 5 days per week. Working children bear or
contribute 20% to 50% of the monthly household expenditure of the family. Almost one-third of the working children do
not have any scope to enjoy themselves with recreational
Decision making regarding well-being
of the children: More male household heads (90.1%) within their household take
decision on behalf of their family members on what they can do or not. About
children’s education male household head is the major decision maker.
Educational status of the working
children: The educational status of the working children depicts an alarming
situation. Non-working children are currently attending school 7.3 times more
than working children. Presently, only a little number of working children have
access to mainstream education. Economic vulnerability as the most common
reason for being dropped out from the school. Children consider NGO school as a
ray of hope for the enjoyment of their participation rights regarding scope of
association, participation and access to information.
Knowledge base on the child rights: More than half of the household heads (66.0%) heard
about child rights. Among the HH heads neighbor is the second main source of
dissemination of information on Child Rights, after mass media. Most of the HH
heads firmly hold education as an important element for the well being of the
children. More than three quarter of HH heads believe child abuse as a
punishable act.
4.1 Causes of the child rights Violation:
One of major cause is inadequate
income of the families forced the children to hazardous work which lead the
prevalence of Child Labour in the country. About 55 million people live below
the poverty line in Bangladesh because most of the poor households have large
family size moreover their job opportunity is very much limited in their
locality. Beside this, income is very poor from the existing job. In the
context of Bangladesh, most of the family are male dominated, female member are
not allowed to go out side work for income. So children of the family become
bound to involve in hazardous work for survive.
Lack of job opportunity at rural
level a bulk proportion of unskilled children migrated to suburbs area of city.
As they are very much unskilled, they have no bargaining capacity for benefits.
It is one of the great opportunities for small scale informal factory owner.
So, unskilled migrated children are high demanded to them.
The children of Bangladesh are in a
vulnerable position, trapped in their current situation by an interlinking
network of forces, including poverty, vulnerability, lack of access to basic
services, broken family, inadequate knowledge of parents and employers about
hazardous child labor, lack of employment opportunities, limited mobility, lack
of awareness on issues affecting their health, increased rural-urban migration,
life choices and self-development, and an inability to exercise their basic
rights. As a result Children as well as
their parents are not aware about the child rights also. They do not aware and
do not know the bad consequences of child labor so, they are engaged the
children in work.
Child marriage in these areas is
quite prevalent because of socio-economic reasons. Such as men demanding
smaller dowries for younger brides, or the social perception of girls as being
a financial burden on parents, parental anxiety regarding their children’s
social security, the maintenance of social prestige, and local customs and
traditions. In traditional communities such as these, there is invariably a
large age gap between women and their husbands, usually between 7-9 years, but
for adolescent females whose marriages were arranged when they are between the
ages of 12 to 14, the difference can be up to 18 years. Adolescent females in
these circumstances have no access to information relating to the procedures
for marriage registration, legal rights of women regarding dowry, early
marriage, polygamy and divorce. Lack of adequate legal awareness among
adolescent females makes them unable and sometimes unwilling to play a more
proactive role in exercising their rights.
The target children live in
communities where there is little or no awareness of issues relating to gender
relations or equality, and females are not offered the opportunities or life
choices afforded to males. Children from these poor communities have little
opportunity to receive formal education, and subsequently their prospects of
finding work and improving their socio-economic situation in the future are
limited. Neither male nor female adolescents have many opportunities in
relation to skill development or employment, and many out-of-school
children/adolescents are unemployed, involved in unpaid work, or engaged in
unskilled labor under poor conditions, for minimum wages. Many gave to work to
support them or contribute to the family income.
The target community people are not
aware about the consequences of hazardous child labor. They don’t even bother
the ultimate future of their children rather think about the immediate
benefits. So they send their children to work. Early involvement of children in
work leads to serious health and developmental consequences. Working children
suffer significant growth deficits as compared to school children. They row up
sorter and lighter, and their boy size continues to be smaller even in
adulthood. Many of them work under condition that leaves them alarmingly
vulnerable to chemical and biological hazards. Child workers tend to develop
muscular, chest and abdominal pain, headaches, dizziness, respiratory
infections, diarrhea and worm infection. Poor working conditions make tem more
susceptible than their adult colleagues do to infectious disease, injuries and
other workplace-related ailments. Many even experience amputations or loss of
body parts. Moreover, children in certain occupations experience particular
types of abuse. Child domestic workers are often found to be victims of verbal
and sexual abuse, beating or punishment by starvation. Children, engaged in
scavenging, rag-picking or marginal economic activities in the streets, are
exposed to drugs, violence, and criminal activities, physical and sexual abuse
in many parts of the country.
Other forms of child rights violation
also occurs in the project areas of Nari Maitree and those violations should be
stopped as well. But the above-mentioned violations are more serious. So, the
organization gives priority to stop these child rights violations at first.
4.2 Articles
In order to protect the children from
these violation the project has aimed to work on specific article 32 and will focus on CRC principles and some relevant articles are;
Right to education, article #28
Right to Nutrition and Health, article #24
c) Right to express those views in all
matter affecting the child, article # 12
d) Right to freedom of expression, article
# 13
e) Right to Right to Recreation leisure,
and cultural activities, article # 31
f) Right to protection from economic
exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to
interfere with the child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or
physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development, article #32;
g) Right to protection from physical or
mental violence, article #19;
h) Right to protection from all forms of
discrimination, irrespective of the child’s or his or her parent’s or legal
guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,
national, ethnic, property, disability, birth and other status, article #2.
i) Right to survival and development of
the child, Article # 6
4.3 Local Level duty bearer:
District Administration/Courts: District Administration/Courts play very important role in
enforcing the existing laws regarding child rights other rights. Usually these
institutions are more busy with other things and reluctant to preserve the
rights and privileges of the poorest section of the population. Sometimes few
unscrupulous officials favors the affluent section depriving the rights of the
poorest section of the population especially women and children.
Ward Commissioners: Ward Commissioners possess much influence over its population as they are
more closed to people. Though local bodies’ track record in implementing
development programs/projects is not so encouraging, their influence over the
population has to be addressed carefully. Experience shows that the local
bodies support ensures smooth implementation program /project. And if motivated
in the right manner, they have come forward with extensive cooperation with
other organizations.
Thana Education Officer (TEO): Thana Education Officer (TEO) plays a very important role in
educating the children in his/her locality. Thana education offices have the
latest information about the education status of the respective Thanas. TEO
possess the responsibility for the extension education for the hard to reach
children. Non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations in
cases come forward regarding each other’s interest.
The elected representatives: The elected representatives of the working areas have
important role in the community to protect the rights of the children. As
elected representative they have certainly an edge over others towards any
intervention at the community level. Many a time the elected representatives
have come forward with support and other practical suggestions.
School organizers: Organizers
in Bangladesh society are very much respected by the community. Therefore they
can play an effective role in motivating the parents and guardians towards
enforcing child rights and a better living condition for the children in the
Civil Society: All
in contemporary Bangladesh now recognizes an ever-increasing role of the civil
society at the local level in the field of social development. The civil
society has so far responded well to the felt needs of the society. There is
hardly any sector left that the civil society did not intervene. So, the
problems in the society have to be addressed by the civil society.
4.4 Networks:
Networks of the like-minded
organizations have been playing very important role in the development sector.
Such networks ensure no duplication of works, avoid rivalry between
organizations of sharing of the same target group, developing common agenda for
actions, and sharing of new ideas and information regarding the development
potentials both in the community and national level.
Bangladesh Shishu Adhiker Forum
(BSAF), an apex body of 270 non government, local and national organizations,
has been working for promotion and protection of child rights since 1990.The
enhancement of government structure has been matched in the NGO sector through
the various member organizations of BSAF. Besides, there are other groups
namely Breaking the Silence, “Shangjog”, BNWLA, ACD working to combat sexual
abuse of children particularly on girls children. Red Barnet Partner
Coordination Body (RBPCB), Action Against Child Trafficking and Sexual Abuse of
Children (ATSEC) and “Traffic Watch Bangladesh” also undertake advocacy and
lobbying programs for prevention of children from abuse and neglect.
4.5 National Level Duty bearers:
Government Agency: Bangladesh one of the first 20 countries to both signs and ratifies the
convention. The National Children Policy, drawn up in the context of CRC, WSC
Declaration. Bangladesh commitment to realizing the World Summit goals and the
rights enshrined in the Convention has ushered in a new era for children. The
overall responsibility for the fulfillment of children’s rights in relation to
the convention on the Rights of the child is with the sate and its agencies and
departments including the government. By signing and ratifying the convention
on the rights of the child, the national government has taken on the obligation
to realize child rights and the overall responsibility for doing so. In-spite
of the fact that the government of Bangladesh has ratified all relevant
conventions and made a national policy for child labour, child labour remains a
major child rights problem in Bangladesh. The important stakeholders of the
ministry in relation to child labour are Ministry of Education (MOE), National
Children Council (NCC), and Ministry of Health (MOH) etc.
Printed and electronic media: Printed and electronic media play a very important role in
enforcing rights of the citizenry. They are the most vocal section of the
population who are emphasizing the aspects of human and child rights and
claimed violation of the same. In many occasions, the media (both printed and
electronic) have attracted the interest of the nation to issues of concern. The
media have a profound image among the population and a positive media role is
very much significant in this regard.
Political parties: The political parties in Bangladesh play important role in the
socio-economic issues. The political parties raise their voice against any
violation of the rights and privileges of the citizenry. Their voice can easily
attract the attention of the population.
The political parties through their activists can popularize messages
even at the grassroots level. Therefore pro-poor political activity is essential
source protecting the rights of the underprivileged people especially the women
and children.
Bangladesh Shishu Academy mainly concentrates on the recreational aspects of the
children of affluent and middle class society. It has undertaken some activities
for the disadvantaged group of children. During the celebrate of Child Rights
Week Shishu Academy took initiative for the working children of Dhaka City by
providing space for different cultural activities and by providing financial
and technical assistance in a befitting manner. Shishu Academy also organized
various activities,which play a vital role for the mental development of the
poor disadvantaged children.
4.6 The Government Policy:
Since 1992 every year the occasion of
child rights week has been observed in Bangladesh to spread awareness through
out the society of the existence of children rights. The situation of the
children of Bangladesh is described in various report published within and out
side in Bangladesh. GOB has signed and ratified a number of international and
regional treaties and declarations.
These include UNCRC, ILO Convention No. 29, 87, 98, 100, 105, 111 and
182. National Child Labour Policy is very
near to finalize and Labour Law 2006 has been enacted.
Bangladesh’s commitment to realizing
the World Summit goals and the rights enshrined in the Convention has ushered
in a new era for children. The basic institutional framework for bringing about
changes necessary to ensure the rights of children is now in place. The
National Children’s Council, under the Ministry of Women and Children’s
Council, has responsibility for protecting the interests and rights of
children, especially through policy and legislative action. The Shishu Academy
has an important role to play in promoting widespread awareness of the
Convention through its district branches.
The caregivers are the parents and or
guardians of the child. In some
cultures guardians may be members of the extended family, neighbors and other
adults who have been given the role of taking care of the child and also older
children could be the prospective caregivers of the younger siblings.
The Parents/Guardians: The poor parents/guardians in the slum areas are so helpless
that they do not have any idea about what to do with their children. Most of
the parents in the slum area are from the very poor section of the population.
They do not have enough income to supplement the cost of education for their
children. They have the typical belief that their kids will not become big men
in the society and they do not need education rather supplementing the family income
by their children is more important to them. They do not aware of the rights of
the children, no idea about health and hygiene.Often relatives play a
caregiver’s role as both parents are busy for bread-earning and many of their
children living away from them. Some working children may
National and regional NGO networks: In some cases children have organized themselves to
address child labor and other child rights violations. The children’s congress
and the child Brigade are examples of such networks. Bangladesh shishu Adhikar
Forum (BSAF) the national child rights network is a body of 152 local and
national NGOs and it prepares the Alternative CR Report the UN convention on
the Rights of the child NGO committee. The joint child labour working group has
as its main task to identify common problems and initiate advocacy on child
labour issues. A common agenda and working procedures particularly for advocacy
e.g. lobbying of ILO 182 has been developed and plans for reviewing the
national Child labour policy made.
Multilateral organizations: UNICEF’s work in Bangladesh is mainly concentrated on
providing financial and technical assistance to government supported program
include primary education, child healthcare and nutrition, safe motherhood,
reproductive health, water and sanitation and awareness rising on women and
children’s rights. ILO’s work with regard to children is concentrated on the
elimination of child labor. ILO operates mainly through the Government of
Bangladesh; however, they are also supporting a few local projects through
NGOs. Recently, ILO has started supporting the trade unions in getting the
informal sector organized. The main focus of ILO’s work is on withdrawal of
children from hazardous labour and provision of non-formal education.
Informal Networks and Individuals: Informal networks and individuals are also of great
importance to the children. During consultations with non-NGO working children
the community was mentioned as very important. The children emphasized
individuals are not formally organized, but they are close to the children and
provide support in everyday life. The children also identified the social power
relations and knew how to mobilize these relations for the improvement of their
The Opponents
Apart from the above stakeholders, there are some opponents
who for different reasons are against reduction of hazardous labour. Opponents
could be potential support group, who have chosen to be in opposition. The
opponents are often not homogeneous group. They may include NGOs, INGOs,
religious groups, political parties, political leaders and traditional leaders.
The employers are often opponents, since they have directly financial
advantages by employing cheap labor. Also government officers might in some
cases oppose initiatives addressing child labour
Figure: Duty Bearer analysis
5.0 Project Implementation approach:
5.1 Children participation:
Project will identified children’s participation as
important areas where the organization in cooperation with Save the Children
Sweden- Denmark, can make a difference and initiate processes, which on longer
terms lead to a positive development for the children who are currently
burdened by hazardous labor. Participation as an important tool has been
selected on the basis of previous experiences and thus constitutes a field
where project has an added value and can build on lessons learnt. Diversified
child participatory approaches and methods will be followed based on specific
context and interests of the group of children targeted by the project.
Community based children organization and community based resource centers run
by the children and local community people.
As a result all stakeholders follow child protection policies, code of
conduct is implemented in the informal sectors, children physical and mental
torture are reduced in family, school and Madrasha, Children right based laws
will be implemented appropriately and children will enjoy their childhood
benefit. Community people have been encouraged for birth registration. During
the proposed project period a child forum will be established for ensuring the
participation of children. 980 Children (530 children from previous phase and
450 children from new phase) have organized themselves through Child Forum. 360
Child laborers have negotiated with their employers to allow flexible working
hour. Child Rights Week, National and international days (World Day against
child Labour, World AIDS day, Literacy day, Say Yes for children day) will be
observed through child participation. Children will visit the historical
places, National Museum, recreational places, and other similar organizations.
Study Tour will organize one time in a year in where 120 working children can
be participated.
5.2 Project principle:
Project strategy will guide by the
following four principles that are in each stage of the project, discrimination
and exclusion are defined and adequately addressed. Interest of the child will
be considered before each decision regarding the development of the project. The
knowledge, resources and acceptance of the children will be sought at each
stage of the project. The project will help ensuring that children have access
to information and preventive actions will be taken to protect children against
5.3 Direct Support:
Under the direct support 360 child
laborers and 90 street children will receive NFE including children rights in 3
batches. Project will keep linkages with the local schools for
mainstreaming the child labourer in formal school through personal visit,
attending different meetings, seminars, function of the school and invite the
schools authority in any kind of functions organized by NM. And project will
organize workshops, discussions for the authority of the formal schools and
area-based Thana Education Officer (TEO). This will help at least 36 children
into the local schools as per the children’s performance with the help of the
organizer. The Program Officer have been identify the relevant
institutions/firms where some job opportunities are exists to recruit the
children who have been complete their skill training and aiming that at least
60 working children in the relevant firms/institutions. Project will identify
120 Child laborers above the age of 16 and provide credit support for income
generating activities (IGAs) on the basis of child friendly credit policy. Project has been prepared the list of
referral centers and referred the children to medical center for better health
service. Vocational training centers will be established based on market
demand’s job on beauty parlor, tailoring, block boutique and embroider, Mobile
servicing and electric and electronic and computer operating..
5.4 Capacity Building:
Provide Life skill and skill
development training for the 8 staffs and 450 children based on identified
training need assessment and arrange training on CRC, Child participation,
Child led Advocacy, HIV/AIDS, Reproductive health service, gender
discrimination, Monitoring and Evaluation, financial management and 120
children have received life skill and skill training such as electrical
wearing, electronic goods repairing, Swing, Parlor.
5.5 Advocacy and Massive Awareness/ Campaign:
The project will give more emphasis
on advocacy work based on previous phase’s experience. For example, it has been
able to mainstream some students of non-formal education centers into formal
school. The same strategy will be followed where the project will include
school authority in the executive committee of the organization. CMC will make
the community people more accountable in accomplishing different works of the
center. For local level advocacy TfD/Puppet show/Street drama will be core tool
for local level advocacy and existing group of children who have been skilled
on TfD will take responsibility for local level advocacy initiatives. As per
local situation TfD group will be selected the TfD topic on child rights relate
with child labour issues.
Local level advocacy program will be
organized through massive awareness and campaign will be taken during the
proposed period. The issues would be on Citizenship right, Birth registration,
Stop physical and mental punishment in school, Proper implementation of
existing child labor law, Code of conduct with employer for informal sector.
Total 980 children (in danger of becoming child laborers
(6-12) years who work/live on the street without their family and with their
family, Working children who are engage in hazardous work (14-18 Years )and
live in slums or working place. Ratio of the target group: Boys 50% and Girls
For the loan term preventive work the
beneficiaries are the 3500 children, their families, employers and other local
community people.
6.0 Development Objective:
Child Laborers are enable to enjoy a
conduce childhood and proper mental, physical and social
development is established development has been established.
6.1 Immediate objective:
Alternative livelihood options are
accessible for child labor and street children by 2010.
Duty bearers, stakeholders, caregivers at local and national level have
become more responsive
Capacity has
increased for staff, children, parents and community for promoting the rights
of working and street children by 2010.
Output under immediate objective # 1
By 2010, adequate access to services and development services has been ensured
for the children.
By 2010, Family dependencies on children’s income have been reduced.
Output under immediate objective # 2
2.1 By 2010
Parents, employers, community people, civil society members and local govt.
representatives are more responsive to create enabling environment for
2.2 By 2010, legal and health protection mechanism
have been strengthened for ensure child rights protection.
2.3 By 2010, advocacy mechanisms have been strengthened
with the like-minded organization at local and national level to address child
labor issues.
Output under immediate objective # 3
3.1 By 2010,
capacity of the children and adults have been developed on different child rights issues.
Output under immediate objective # 4
4.1 By 2010, Partnership cooperation has been
enhanced through strengthening organizational capacity.
6.2 Activities
Activity under 1.1
To recruit /re-contract 09 project
To organize a daylong orientation
session on project activities for the project staffs in January 2008.
- To
identify 120 children and 30 street children through survey by January
Rent/re-contract of 05 Non -Formal education centers by January, 2008.
enroll 30 children for each Non Formal education centers.
Procure/purchase education materials for Non Formal Education centers.
To motivate Parents, guardians and employers for sending children to 5
non- formal education centers.
To run non-formal
education programs by the centers.
To provide monthly
stipend Tk.150 to each child laborer and Tk.100 to each street children
To conduct # of visit
for monitoring and supervise the education activities
To conduct monthly
evaluation of Non Formal education centers.
To arrange recreational
days by street children in each quarter
- To
organize (01) one exposure visits for the child laborers.
To organize a sharing
meeting with the authority of formal schools as well as the ( Thana Education
Officer ) TEO for mainstreaming children into formal schools.
To admit 15 street
children into the govt. and local primary school during 2008
- To
follow-up admitted children in formal school. - To
conduct need assessment for skill training of the children
organize skill training for 60 children based on children’s consultation
- To
organize and facilitate a day long training (IGA) for children - To
disburse credit among 30 selected 30 child laborers. - To
arrange job placement for 15
Activity under 1.2
To arrange training for mothers of
child labourers on IGA for smoothly and efficiently operate the credit
To provide credit to 25 mothers of
child labourers for increase their family income.
To organize training for parenting
service for parents for ensuring education, health care, recreation as well as
protection of their children.
Activity under 2.1
- To
arrange 12 monthly meeting with parents/guardians
To organize 2 half-yearly
sharing/discussion meeting with theparents/guardians, employer and community
To organize 4 quarterly discussion
meeting with Center Management Committee
To follow up the NF education center
activities by the Center management committee.
- To
arrange CRC training for members of CMC, Imams of mosques and teachers of
formal schools for sensitizing them on child rights related issues. - To
observe 3 national / international day on child rights in 2008.
Activity under 2.2
- To
strengthen networking and linkage for advocacy work on child participation,
child trafficking, prostitution, Child sexual exploitation and abuse, HIV/
AIDS etc. - To
participate in different child rights related trainings, workshops,
seminars arranged by like minded organizations/forum for doing advocacy
work at national level. - To
strengthen linkage with like minded organizations for getting access to
different facilities.
The proposed project is an extension,
modification and expansion of the ongoing project “Intervention towards child
Development” of Nari Maitree. Goran, Razarbagh, Bashaboo, and Lalbagh will be
the working areas under the project. The project will be mended through CRP
with the mandate of CRC principle.
7.0 Non-formal education:
Based on the positive findings from
the present project the NFE, Nari Maitree will select the 30 street children
and 120 child laborers for the project. 150 children will be enrolled in 05 NFE
classes. In each one-year course 150 children will be enrolled and complete the
NFE course following the curriculum of CLPTP.
It is to be mentioned here that every year 30 vulnerable children will
continue their education and among them 50% children will be admitted into the
formal schools in the local areas. After completion of 2-year education a total
of 24 vulnerable children will be admitted into the formal schools. The
children themselves will celebrate monthly one recreation day because they are
deprived of recreation and games. In this day they will enjoy their moments
according to their pleasure and will. They will perform cultural activities,
and participate in different games. Refreshment will also be given to them.
The Project Management committee and
NM will take the responsibility to mainstream the children. Therefore, they
will keep linkages with the local schools through personal visit, attending
different meetings, seminars, function of the school and invite the schools
authority and area-based Thana Education Officer (TEO) in any kind of
functions. A total of 45 children (15 children each year) will be mainstreamed
into 7 formal local Govt. or private primary schools in grade I and II during the 3 years project period.
360 child laborers will receive
Tk.150 each and 90 street children will receive Tk.100 each as monthly stipend
to compensate for the monetary loss while s/he will spend the time non-formal
school. Since the children’s income quite often is essential for the family
income this monetary compensation will compensate some of the losses in income.
Nari Maitree will establish
vocational training centre where activities are perform on beauty parlour,
tailoring, block boutique and embroidery, mobile servicing and electric and
electronic and computer operating. Skill training /vocational training
infrastructure will be established that will link with credit support for
children and their parents, stipend for children. 120 child laborers (At least
50% girls) will be provided with need based marketable skill training and 50%
of them engaged themselves in self-employment as well as 30% will be provided
with job placement. This intervention
will help children to get job placement/self employment through training &
credit support, Child laborers are involved in non-hazardous work a through
self-employment and job placement, Provide skills training to the children as
per market and children’s demands. It will help the children to search better
employment and earn much which will be very relevant for the future
7.1 Job placement of children:
Job placement has played important
roll to ensure empowerment and sustainable development of children. This issue
is also very much related with their protection and survival needs. After
receiving the vocational training, working children has need to help for
getting a job as per their skilled, ability and potentiality. Staffs of NM will
take initiative to ensure the job placement of the children. Then they will
communicate with different institutions, factories and related organizations
and if there is job opportunity is available, and if the children are agree to
joint in job, then NM will ensure the job of the children in above mention
area. NM will also develop a follow up mechanism to protect those children.
7.2 Key steps for job placement:
Step – 1 : Selection
objective of job placement.
Step – 2 : Possible
job area selection according to skills.
Step – 3 : Survey
of job opportunities.
Step – 4 : Finalized
of Employee and employers list.
Step – 5 : Individual
profile and bio-data for the employees.
Step – 6 : Finalized
Job profile.
Step – 7 : Smart
guideline for job management.
Step – 8 : Tracking
system for the beneficiaries.
Step – 9 : Work
plan with a focus schedule as per activities.
Step – 9 : Job
placement mapping.
Step – 10 : Supervision, monitoring and evaluation.
8.3 Linkage develops with production house of Nari Maitree:
Children who have expertise in
cutting & tailoring, karcupi, embroidery and buticks skills, staffs of ITCD
project will develop linkage with production house of Nari Maitree to good use
of their talent. Production house of Nari Maitree will takes initiative to
marketing their product and refund their production cost with benefit. By this
initiative the children can be mainstreamed in order to socially, economically
and personally.
7.4 Providing credit support:
7.5 Recreational Day:
Quarterly recreational day for the
street children will be observed. In this day the street children will perform
cultural activities and play games according to their pleasure and will because
they are deprived of such opportunities. Refreshment also will be provided for
them to enjoy the whole day.
7.6 Referral Health and legal support:
Most of the children are unable of
going to clinic for treatment and they have limited knowledge about health and
hygiene. As the modern health services with screening facilities are not
available at community level, most of these community people go to Pharmacy. Nari
Maitree will make linkages with clinical services for general treatment along
with referral for complicated cases for the children of these areas to related
GO/NGO’s health center. The Project Coordinator and Organizer have been
communicated with local health care center and refereed in case of health
related problems related of the target children. This is can be verified by the
Monthly report, Referral register & cards.
7.7 Staff Training and Orientation:
The Executive Director with the help of other
management members need assessment for staff training will be done after
reviewing the 1st three months performance of the project staff. According to
the training need assessment a training schedule will be prepared and training
will be given. So that it would build capacity of the project staff.
7.8 Life Skill and Leadership Training:
From each
center, one or two children will be selected for life skill and leadership
training. The training duration would be three-four days. The participants will
again disseminate training lesson to others. It would build the capacity of the
children. They will have taken massive Awareness/ Campaign program on
Citizenship rights, Birth registration, Stop physical and mental punishment in
school and Proper implementation of existing child labor law through
strengthening the children club /forum. Children are capacitated to organize
campaign program to reduced child violation as well as establish child rights
at local level. 980 disadvantaged Children and 7500 parents, guardians, local
government and community people will be the targeted group of Nari Maitree.
Children participation are ensuring in decision making process (planning,
designing and implementing) at family, School and organizational level.
7.9 TFD Training and
From each center, one or two children
will be selected for TFD training. Objectives of TfD training are to build the
capacity of the staffs as well as children on TfD process to raise children’s
voice for claiming their rights, to build capacity of the children and adults
on making theatre and initiate dialogue at community level, to increase
facilitation and negotiation skill of the children and adults and to create
linkage between TfD and child Labor. After receiving the training children will
organize street drama in their respective area. The street dramas are organized
based on the issues of working children. Such as in most of informal sector
factories children are not enjoyed the weekly holiday or working children of
any form of factory can not enjoy leave when they wish to meet with their
family member. These problems ultimately destroy the children creativity as
well as productivity of children. More over, which may be lead the physical and
mental problem of the children. This street
drama will help to advocate the factory owners and local people which
ultimately lead the national level advocacy also. Center based TfD shows will
be organized by the TfD team. In each year 8 TfD show will be organized in 5
areas of project. After performing TfD shows formal and informal dialogue will
be held and outcome of the dialogue will be considered as project content.
7.10 Exposure visit & Day observance:
Exposure visit will be arranged in
each year where working children will participate. In this visit children will
participate to see the historical place, Museum, Zoo according to their
pleasure and will because they are deprived of such opportunities. Refreshment
also will be provided for them to enjoy the whole day. Child Rights Week, National
and international days (World Day against child Labour, World AIDS day,
Literacy day, Say Yes for children day) will be observed through child
7.11 Formation of Child groups:
Children will form a total of 05 new
groups’ in a year. In this way a total of 15 groups will be formed in 3 years
project period. Each group consists of
30 members. The 15 groups will include in Children Forum. According to the guideline prepared by the
existing Forum-members, all activities of the children will be implemented
properly and accurately. In this guideline, implementing strategy, policy,
election procedure, membership criteria, and responsibilities of the members
will be incorporated. For advocacy purpose, the members of the Forum will
maintain linkages with Child Brigade, BNWLA Forum Committee, BSAF and Ychchya
Media will be trained on advocacy and leadership to establish their rights, to
speak their rights in public, press conference, and developed networking skill.
Gradually they will handle their problems.
group of child forum will receive training on different issues like CRC, Child
participation, Life skills, Social norms and values and gender discrimination,
Reproductive health, within the project period to raise their voice for establishing
child rights as well as they will competent to organize advocacy and campaign
activities at local level. This facilitator group will also arrange the same
training for other members of child forum.
Strengthening Child forum:
many years with children, the authority of Nari Maitree felt that there should
be a space and platform for the children where they would deal with different
child related issues, express their feelings and opinions, show their potential
and acquire leadership quality and sort out different problems. From this
realization, Nari Maitree formed Child Forum for the betterment of children.
There are 830 members of child forum.
It has an elected committee, which consists of 11 members. All the children of
child forum are members of marginalized, deprived and downtrodden section of
the society. The civil society and development sector are striving hard for
bringing positive changes in the lives of these vulnerable children. Child
forum has developed different child groups to ensure participation in decision
making process of project activities. The groups are: Child monitoring team,
Child cultural team, TfD, drama and puppet team and trainer’s team.
7.12 Established Youth/Younger child team for advocacy on child related
Those children’s who already have
been received different capacity building training, skills and others training
from the organization, and who is that children have already been crossed the
age border line, NM can introduced them with the others local clubs or
organizations who are supportable for the younger child or youths.
In the upcoming working period, ITCD
project will make a linkage between youth and the other club and organizations.
ITCD will contact for seven numbers of club or organizations to ensure
participation in local and national level advocacy issues.
For establishment of youth/younger
child team, within the working period ITCD will complete its activities as
a maximum opportunity environment for the youth.
protection issues for the youths.
with NGO’s and youth club.
with different institutions.
with the ministry of youth development.
with the law and enforcement department.
with the electric and print media.
Strengthen Child monitoring team:
Members of child forum will form two
child monitoring team for monitor the project activities which will help them
for there capacity development and ensure the children participation in project
activities. This team will monitor the child development related activities or
supports that they are getting from the organization. They will find out the
difficulties, merits and demerits are supportable or not supportable for the
children. Through these monitoring activities children participation will
ensure in decision making process in the program. This team will make work plan
with a very smart schedule. The team also will take initiative to stop
violation against child rights in the working arena. The team also make a
suggestive report about there monitoring experience and the situation of child
rights and there latest condition on the program.
Working strategy/process of children
monitoring team:
· Formation of team
· Working area selection
· Monitoring Check list develop
· Monitoring schedule
· Documentation and report
· Cross check of monitoring report
Establish a resource center:
The children of the Forum will establish a Resource
Center. They will preserve different information, books, journals, reports,
magazines and other materials related to the children. The children will be
able to study about the situation of the children in Bangladesh and all over
the world. To properly run the resource center, there will be a guideline
develop by the children.
BCC materials such as poster leaflet,
flyers, and sticker will be developed through the participation of children
with the help of SCSD.
Parenting Program:
The project will introduce parenting
program which will help to realize the importance of childhood, mental and
psychical development, importance of education as traditional beliefs like low
return from education and other taboos, realize the adolescents special need
and support them accordingly. 450 parents will be capable regarding parenting
services through training, discussion meeting, workshop, etc. A “Parenting
Module” will be developed by SCSD and its partners to implement the program
NM have been initiated to develop
network linkage with partner organization of SCSD, BSAF, and other local child
rights related NGO’s, through “Together for working children” for lobbing and
advocacy on child right issues. Again NM have been initiated to develop network
linkage and bondage with local organization. This network linkage will help for
strengthening child rights movement, lobbing and advocacy on child right issues
at national level.
Community awareness raising activities:
Nari Maitree will inform the negative
impact of child labour and child abuse through motivational meetings on
children’s rights and communicate essential information regarding child rights.
The children, parents / guardians, community people and employers will aware
through participatory discussion meeting, training/workshop, Video Show,
Street/Spot Drama, and different communication materials. Campaign program will be organized on child
rights violation (Street –drama, cultural program, rally, posturing, picture
show, painting) by Nari Maitree.
Formation of Center Management Committee (CMC):
In order to mobilize the local
support and to receive guidance and facilitation to the project activities on a
regular basis, 5 Center based Center
Management Committees will be formed for 5 centers. Each committee will consist
of 7 members including one local elected person, two local leaders, one social
worker, one teacher, one employer and one parent. In the committee meeting discussion will be held on bad effects of child
labor, child participation, enrolment of children into schools, violence
against children, early marriage corporal punishment of children.
Organize quarterly meeting with CMC members and others:
Quarterly Meetings have been organized in a year at the education center. The
Project Coordinator in cooperation with the Executive Director has been
conducting the meeting. Through these meetings, the real situations of the
education center have been visualized in front of the audiences. As per the
feedback session, new strategy and technique will be applied to implement the
education activities properly and accurately in the learning center. Besides,
the guardians / employers / parents and the project staff have been informed
about the progress and status of the children in NFE Classes and Skill Training
Children together with the adults group will do
advocacy for the improvement of their working condition. Initially Office staff
will get training on advocacy on child rights and provide training to the
children also. Furthermore the member of the advocacy group will take
initiative to develop linkage with local government and other partner
organization’s child club to sharing experience and to establishing children’s
From the leader of 4 centers Advocacy
group will be formed to establish child right to advocate the duty bearers.
These advocacy works will engage in dialogue with key duty bearers and with
their communities to bring relevant changes into their lives. Nari Maitree will
organize advocacy workshop with the employers, community peoples, law
enforcement person, lowers, representative of local level government and other
organizational representative to reduce child labor.
Quarterly sharing and discussing
meeting will be organized with the employer regarding child labor related
issues, especially on code of conduct. It has been helpful to improve the
condition of working environment as well as implementation of code of conduct.
Nari Maitree
is taking care of the disadvantaged children especially street based worker
with focus on education, awareness building, health, recreation and credit for
the children and their parents. They will give more focus on education through
increasing NFE centre up to grade III, enrolled more children, stipend support
for children and street girls are mainstreaming in formal school.
The Executive Director will be the in
charge of the project. She will be responsible for the policy making and
planning of the program. She will also be responsible for the preparing the
project proposal for govt. approval. The executive director will do selection
of the staff recruitment with the executive committee.
The project coordinator will be
responsible for the over all project activities and he/she will also be
responsible for the linkage with the donor, Govt. official, NGOs Affairs Bureau
and other related organization. He/she will be responsible for preparing the
working plan, financial reports (Annual, Half-yearly, Quarterly), monitoring,
preparing progress report (Half –annual and Annual) on the job training of the
project staff. The coordinator will review the program at the end of each year.
The program officer will be
responsible for the over all project document. S/he will organize the laborers
in the project area, facilitate the child laborers to participate actively in
the discussion meeting, form the child group by the children in the project
The program officer will also
facilitate the member of the child group in taking part in deferent events in
Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum and informal network (Together for working children)of
Save the Children Sweden-Denmark’s other partner organizations, establish
linkage with the Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum and technical assistance form
Save the Children Sweden-Denmark and Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum of the
child groups and select the representative from the members of child group to
represent in the child institution.
The account officer will be
responsible for keeping all the account records according to need, credit
activities and distribution of stipends working children. The junior supervisor
will be responsible for keeping all the official document of credit and
supervised the credit activities.
The organizer will do the field visit
and will identify of the target group (Final selection will be done jointly by
the coordinator and supervisor). The organizer will also communicate with the
parents the local community, employers, enroll the children, conduct non-formal
education, follow up the children’s progress and also be responsible for day to
day supervision of the working area.
The project will maintain the books
of accounts following the procedure of the Save the Children Sweden-Denmark and
the NGO Affairs Bureau. Monthly action plan will be prepared and budget will be
followed up accordingly.
Expected end of project situation:
At the end of the project period Nari
Maitree expects that 255 child laborers will find themselves in a better
situation, empowered with an awareness of their rights and having received
non-formal education and skill training after their own choice. Some of the
children will get access to further education opportunities and others will
have got credit and established their own income generating activities. The 75
street children in danger of becoming child laborers will also receive
non-formal education and knowledge on Children rights issues especially the bad
effects of child labor, child trafficking and also on Life Skills. All 225
children will be able to enter the labor market with confidence, better
negotiation skills and much better job opportunities under sage working
Community, employers, different duty
bearers will be more accountable towards the establishing child rights.
Participation of community people is of utmost importance for making any
development program sustainable. It is easy for community people not only to
detect different problems of the locality in relation to child rights but also
to resolve those problems. That is why; Nari Maitree has given emphasis to this
from the very onset. The organization has always tried to ensure the extensive
and vigorous participation of the community people in their different
activities and valued their opinions and suggestions with high esteem. It
invites local people whenever it organizes any training, workshop. Recently,
Nari Maitree formed a CMC (Center Management Committee) in its Non formal
education center of Goran. CMC consists of local government, local elite
people, teachers, employers etc. People of different classes and levels have
been included in the CMC to get the necessary support and feedback from the
local community people. Formation of CMC is expected to help to run the centers
smoothly. Gradually, CMC will be formed in other centers as well. It is
expected that formation of CMC will also help to resolve different problems of
local people. It is expected that CMC will ultimately turn out to be a
successful committee. The community people have to be groomed to such an extent
that an ownership attitude will grow among themselves and they will feel the
urge to accomplish the unfinished works of the organization. But it is not
likely to happen overnight rather take some time for the people to reach that
level of perfection and sustainability.
There is a child forum in Nari
Maitree Nari, which consists of 230 members it has an elected committee
comprising 11 members. 300 more children will be taken as members in child
forum in the next 3 years. They are involved in different activities like
advocacy, awareness raising in the local community. There is a trainer group in
child forum that trains other children on different child rights related
issues. If the members of the forum are well trained and given the necessary
financial support, they are expected to be capable enough to carry on the
project activities.
As TFD group have been formed from
the child forum. This group will peddle the child rights issue through TFD to
raise the awareness of community people as a whole. This TFD will also be used
as a child led advocacy tools at local as well as national level.
Nari Maitree started work in the
project area with a view to reducing hazardous child labor and establishing
child rights. The authority of the organization always felt that the local
people should be made aware of child rights, bad effects of child labor etc.
However, it was realized that making people aware of these issues is not
enough. Rather it was necessary to involve people in different activities of
the organization and gradually make them accountable for taking up
responsibilities to ensure effective implementation of the project. As local
people are important duty bearers, it is not possible for any development
organization to successfully implement any project without the cooperation and
active participation of them. Nari Maitree always keeps a close and cordial
relationship with the local people in order to make them more accountable. It
invites local people whenever it organizes any training, workshop, and seminar
etc. seeks their valuable suggestion, advice regarding the project activities.
Off late, Nari Maitree formed a CMC (Center Management Committee) in its Non
formal education center of Goran. CMC consists of local government, local elite
people, teachers, employers etc. People of different classes and levels have
been included in the CMC to get the necessary support and feedback from the
local community people. Gradually, CMC will be formed in other centers as well.
It is expected that formation of CMC will also help to resolve different
problems of local people.
Micro credit disburses to children
and parents also help to sustain the project. After phase out the project,
credit holder children and parents will merge with our adult credit program.
Through credit program children and their parents will enhance their capacity
in terms of group formation, mobilization to empower their socio economic
condition which help them to strength their livelihood capacity.
Monitoring by the project staff and SCSD:
This year SCSD provided training on
GIM dimensions. This system has been analyze the impact of work on the lives of
children. GIM dimensions have been used to monitor the project activities of
Nari Maitree to understand the positive change of children. Moreover, improve
the quality of the program for maximizing program impact. It incorporated in
the PD and Matrix.
Besides this, a two-way information
flow to monitor the progress of activities will be followed during the
implementation of the project. Monthly reports on education activities and
awareness raising activities will be submitted to the coordinator by the
organizer. The supervisor will submit monthly monitoring reports on credit
activities to the co-coordinator. The supervisor and the coordinator will
submit monitoring reports to the Executive Director. Supervision will be done
once in a week by monitoring supervisor in each learning center. Monitoring
will be done once in a month in each learning center by the coordinator. The coordinator
will follow up the economic activities of the loaners by monitoring
income-generating activities. The overall program support Save the Children
Sweden- Denmark will curry out monitoring on a regular basis.
Monitoring by the members of the Forum
The child forum member will form
monitoring team. The team will consist 7 members. The team will receive 2 days
long training on monitoring by the training coordinator of NM. Project
activities will be monitored twice in a year by the team with the help of skill
monitor person of NM. During the project period the team will monitor three
areas such as NFE centers environment, Skill training and Forum activities.
NM will submit the following reports following the formats and timetables
as per SCSD manilas and following the requirement of Danida to the overall
program support secretariat and SCSD.
- Quarterly
technical report as well as financial report - Half-yearly
progress report including work plans for the next half year and financial
statement - An annual
report including work plan for the next year and an report of activities
and output - An
audited annual financial report - By
the end of the project, a project completion report and - Final
audited financial report
A threadbare discussion will be held
during report preparation especially on learning, gapes and challenges. Based
on learning project staff will take necessary steps to overcome the gapes and
challenge through revising the work plan.
Mid term evaluation:
A mid term evaluation will be
undertaken to evaluate the programs. The mid-term evaluation will be conducted
in the mid point of the project period. Internal efforts will be conduct the
evaluation. They will be organized at the middle of the 2nd year of
the program period with the most crucial groups participating in the program,
i.e. the members of the child forum, the parents of the target children, the
members of the CMC and the program implementing staff and staffs of SCSD. The
aim of the evaluation will be to enable those who have participated in the
program to take stack and critically evaluation the work undertaken up to the
time of evaluation and thereby enable the management to improve further
planning. After evaluation of the project, findings and recommendations will be
shared with all relevant stakeholders and accordingly PD will be revised during
the mentioned implementation period.
The project coordinator has been
maintaining the communication with the donor agency and she/ he would maintain
communication with like-minded organizations as necessary. She/he would also be
responsible for the linkage with Govt. official, NGOs Affairs Bureau and other
related organization.
All the activities have been
documented as per prescribed format and monitoring tools including process of
activities at field level and send to program officer. Program Officer has been
compiled and submitted to project coordinator. The aim of the documentation is
for lesson learns, staff evaluation and also assessment the progress of plan
activities, which may guide for future plan and action. For this a
documentation file has been used from which report could be prepared for head
office of Nari Maitree and Save the
children Sweden-Denmark.
Shaheen Akter Dolly , Executive
Director ,Vice president of Nari Maitree
,Two Center Management Community member declare the result of Art Competition
on the occasion of Independent Day’ 2008
Momtaz Begum,Thana Education Officer
of Motijheel thana share her speech with participants on 23rd
December 2008 at Training Institute, Project office,Nari Maitree
Project Coordinator of Save the
Children Also participate in this workshop.
Organizer conduct NFE class
Children received monthly stipend
Nari Maitree has prepared budget that
has been attached as annex. The Total budget for the project period is
11,815,784/= Taka (One core Eighteen lac Fifteen thousand Seven hundred and
Eighty four only) and DKK 1,063,421
Estimated cost (In foreign currency
and in Taka )
Currency |
FY-1 |
FY-2 (Approved) |
FY-2 (Revised) |
Total |
I) Local currency |
3,857,892 |
3,857,892 |
3,657,892 |
4100,000 |
11,615,784 |
II) Foreign currency |
DKK 308,631 |
DKK 308,631 |
DKK292,631 |
DKK328,000 |
DKK 929,262 |
Implementation period
of the project
Is the project a revision extension
on an earlier project.
If so, please give particulars
Whether this project or a similar
project has been submitted earlier and rejected by government of Bangladesh
Proposed donor
Financial arrangements
Foreign currency
Local currency
Reimbursable project aid (RPA)
Finance source
Contribution by the NGO
Other source, if any
Project inputs and costs
of foreign consultants/experts / advisors
of local consultants
of personnel