Problem statement: The study of patient’s expectation regarding nursing care will be conducted at Comilla Medical College Hospital Comilla.
This study acts as an important tool for providing direction to ensure that nursing provides a service to meet society’s expectations. Different nursing scholar’s / expertise’s view .nursing in various ways peplau (In Roberts, and Taylor, 1998, P7) states that “Nursing is a significant, Therapeutic, interpersonal process” and Henderson (1995) states that nursing is assisting-individual (sick or well) in the performance of those activities contributing to heath or its recovery (or to a peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge.
Basic nursing care is concerned with helping a patient to .meet his/her basic human needs. These needs vary according to age. general health condition, culture and his/her physical and intellectual capacities or the particular pathologic state with which he\she is suffering the main goals of nursing care and helping the health seekers nurses must understand is individual clients conception of health and his\her health beliefs and practices .A nurse should be able to identify the factors influencing the clients behavior and impact of illness both the clients and his family .Successful nursing care depends on nurses awareness .The issue of patient’s expectation about nursing care has been getting increased attention from policy makers .Administrators, physicians, nurses and evaluator of health care.
Now a day’s health is considered as basic human rights. Peoples are less willing tolerates ill health and are insisting on radically improved health services. The public wants accountability for the quality of care they are receiving as society’s health needs and expectation rise, so does in cost of supplying health services.
In Bangladesh, health care is designed in four levels:
• Primary level
• Secondary level
• Tertiary level
• Super specialized level
All health service institutions aim to maintain a high quality of services without evaluation they can not be sure that they are providing high quality services among the different measures available to evaluate services, consumers opinion is one of the most powerful indicators measuring the quality of services.
The average nurse-patients ratio in Bangladesh is 1:13 (in 3 shifts). International standard is 1:4 for general care and 1:1 for intensive care. How ever all blame for poor nursing care can not be attributed to the shortage of staff. It is fact the very often patients are not getting nursing care due to nurses disinterest, negative attitude and negligence of nurses. Public is gradually losing faith and trust in the nursing profession leading to a deterioration in the image of nursing, patient or client satisfaction is measured by every major health care organization that requires hospitals to routine measure and evaluate clients satisfaction with health care delivery.
Despite of tremendous advanced information and technology in medical science and nursing science throughout the world the health status of the majority people in our country is very low. In the context of our country, patient’s expectation is also very limited. Their demands are easy accessibility, affordability and availability of health services. They also expect human behavior and attitude of doctors, nurses and other health care providers. The purposes of all training research and education should be to ensure the best possible care is provided patient as member of society. Society is dynamic and changing continuously. These changes occur in the social, cultural, economical and religious, with such changes people’s needs and expectations also changes.
Knowledge of patient’s expectation with care is essential to the provision of high quality care to the patient.
This study examining patient’s expectation with nursing care was designed to explore and describe the level of patient’s satisfaction with the nursing care offered by a major hospital in Dhaka. This study provided information, which may used to improve nursing practice and thus increase, patient’s satisfaction with the nursing care provided.
This chapter includes of a review of the literature after the study of patient’s expectation regarding nursing care in different setting in different countries. The purpose of reviewing this literature was to find out the context in which the studies were undertaken, the methods and tools used, the problem faced by previous researchers and how these were overcome.
Measuring and improving the quality of medical care are important aspect of health program to make it effective. Patient’s expectation is the principal factor for the measurement of quality care. The measurement of satisfaction is therefore important for quality assurance.
Assessment of patient’s expectation is an indirect approach to measure the quality of care. Health care in addition to curative care should also involve prevention and promotion of people’s status of health as well as nurses has an important contribution to make in the promotion of health.
The study is concerned with patient’s expectation regarding nursing care in tertiary level. Review of available literature related to this subject matter was made to acquire knowledge to conduct this research.
Relevant literature is mentioned in the following paragraph. The causes summarized as a failure to meet the expectations of the population, an ability of the health services to deliver a level of national coverage adequate to meet the stated demands and changing needs of different societies.
In 1981, a study was conducted by Srilenwati et al to identify the quality of nursing service and behavior in giving care to the patient of nursing personnel in Ramati bodi Hospital. Data was collected from 406 hospitalized patient’s result shown that, most patient were ultimately satisfied with nurses technical skills, personnel manner and responsibility for routine care of the patient. Moderate satisfaction was shown in relation to activities reflected appropriately use of professional knowledge through personal judgment and skills in verbal communication. The nurse satisfied the patients moderately in critical aspects, except that of love and care for individual patient’s problem which was positively low. The patient themselves satisfied mostly with the over all nursing care.
According to study done by Daisy, on “The nurse from the patient point of view” she expressed that patient’s expect good care from nurses and at the same time, patient expressed that there are few nurses who have positive attitude and good knowledge towards patient care.
John E. Bair’d in his study expressed that hospital reputation for providing good patient care depends on a sufficient number of nurse patient ratio and good knowledge of nurses. If it is not maintained the situation clearly reflected in dissatisfaction of patient towards nursing care.
A study was conducted by my cholleas hospital nursing and medicine
where he expressed that nurses are for giving nursing care to the patient. But the study gave a clear picture that nursing care needed by the patient does not depend on nurses only.
It involved certain other factors, which are mainly hospital administration, management and other required resources.
The review literature on the basis of the study stressed on the views of importance of patient’s expectation of nursing care and its management. It helps to describe the extent of expectation and satisfaction to meet the basic health needs during hospitalization. It also helps to understand the standard of nursing care aimed by the patient in different countries.
1997 Lauri, Lepisto and Kappli (In Bean land, et a! 1999) conducted and exploratory study to observe whether there was any difference between the needs of hospitalized patient’s as perceived by the nurses compared with the patient’s perception, the aim of the study was to provide data for future nursing interventions. The authors reported that in many areas, the nurse’s perception of patient’s needs and patient’s own perception differed.
1990 Begum H. conducted ” A study on patient’s expectation” of nursing care in the context of hospital management in Dhaka Medical College Hospital and Institute of postgraduate medicine and research (IPGMR).
The investigator interviewed 164 patients from 10 medical and surgical ward. Interviewing every alternate patients from each ward. The investigator conducted that according to the responses of literate patients, the nursing care was inadequate and according to the illiterate respondents nursing care was adequate.
The investigator recommended strengthening the supervision of service. Thus difference may have occurred because satisfaction is related to the expectations that the patients had of the care provided. The literate people may be more aware of their rights relating to hospital care than the illiterate. Therefore their expectations regarding care may be higher.
Nursing service is the most important aspect of caring for the sick. Nursing meets the needs of each patient’s individually by treating the patient as a whole person and not a presentation of the clinical sign and symptoms of a disease.
The situation analysis is nursing services in Bangladesh, 1986. Conducted by the director is nursing services in Bangladesh. (DNS) with World Health Organization (WHO) technical and material assistance is a base line assessment on the strength and weakness of nursing service in Bangladesh. This study was carried out between August and November in a sample of 59 specialty, Medical College and district hospital and Upazila health complex through out the country.
Administrators, matrons and doctors interviewed were asked to describe-nurses attitude towards patient’s and their care of the 210 description given 35(17%) were positive. The most frequently given positive description of nurses attitudes towards patients are that nurses are sympathetic to patients. Description of Nurses negative attitudes towards patient and their care most frequently given are:
Nurses are unsympathetic to patients needs.
Nurses do not care about patient
Nurses lack of dedication to nursing
Nurses lack a sense of responsibility for patient.
Nurses are care less not interested.
A self responding cross sectional study on 205 nurses of 4 specialized hospitals of Comilla city showed that “attitude” scored relatively lower marks than “practice” and that higher education improved the level of both altitude and practice towards bed side patient care. It was observed that 57.07% of the responding nurses. Showed positive attitude towards their patient, against 22.08% showing in different attitude and 16.59% showing a negative attitude, 79% of the respondents was observed to have practiced fully against 18.05% practicing fairly and 2.44% rarely. Attitude and practice on patient care were found to have significant association with each other.
A study entitled on patients expectation of nursing care in aspect of hospital nursing care was conducted in COMCH. A sample of 164 respondents was interviewed of which 111 were males and 53 were females. The respondents were categories in 6 groups. Result shows that 58.5% of the total respondents were not satisfied as they expected and 38.41% respondents were satisfied as per level of education. The finding of the study reveals that expectation of hospitalized patient has direct relation ship with level of education.
Summary: – This chapter included review of literatures on patient’s expectation regarding nursing care in different setting in Bangladesh and other countries, this review helped in development of the data collection tool, analysis of data and provided the basis for comparison of the result with their studies conducted previously in different hospital of Bangladesh. It helps to describe the extant of expectation and satisfaction to meet the basic health needs during hospitalization. It also helps to understand the standard of nursing care aimed by the patients in different countries.
Type of study: Descriptive study
Study area: The study was conducted at (Comilla Medical College Hospital Comilla.
Study population: The respondents of the study were indoor patients of medical and surgical unit of Comilla Medical College Hospital Comilla.
Study period: The duration of study extended from June to Nov.
Sampling technique: Sampling technique was adopted on any patient who fulfill the selected criteria and agreed for an interview (Technique and application of the systemic sampling every
alternate bed under-8.)
Sample size: 52 admitted patients in medicine and surgery unit of Comilla Medical College Hospital Comilla. Male and female both sex.
Data Collection instrument: A Close structured questionnaire was prepared for collecting date about nursing care providers and the patient expectation regarding the patient’s management in hospital.
Selection criteria:
# only hospitalized patient were selected for the study,
# Respondent age was more than 14 years.
# Duration of patient’s staying in hospital for at least 3-5 days were include male and female (Both sexes were included in the study).
Data Collection: The patient’s were informed about the purpose of study and then they were interviewed directly on the basis of interview schedule our questionnaire was used for each respondents.
Data processing and analysis: Collected data were checked to exclude error if any Data were processed and tabulated manually. Tally Sheets were prepared ‘against each variable for preparing of different table.
Finding (Result With Tables)
Distribution of respondents by age
Number (N) -52
Age in Years | No of Respondents | Percentage |
14-34 | 29 | 55.77 |
35-55 | 18 | 34.62 |
56-76 | 05 | 9.62 |
Total | 52 | 100 |
Standard Deviation (SD) =+473 years.
Table shows that out of 52 respondents 29 (55.77%) ware in the age group of 14 – 34 years, 18 (34.62%) ware in the age group of 35 – 55 years and 05 {,9.62%) were in the age group of 56 – 76 years. The mean age of the respondents was 35.30 years with the SD of_+ 4.73 years.
Shows the age pattern of studied patient’s. It was found that highest no of 29 patient’s were in the age group 14-34 years followed by 18 in the age group 35 – 55 years and 05 in the age group of 56 – 76 years.
Table No-02
Distribution of Respondents by sex
Respondents | Frequency | Percentage |
Male | 24 | 46.2% |
Female | 28 | 53.8% |
Total | 52 | 100% |
Table shows that out of 52 respondents 46.2% were males and 53.8% were female
Graph-2 shows that most of respondents were female 53.8% and male 46.2%
Table No-3
Distribution of respondents by marital status
Respondents | Frequency | Percentage |
Married | 38 | 73.1% |
Unmarried | 14 | 26.9% |
Total | 52 | 100% |
Table No-04
Distribution of respondents by level of education
Level of Education | Frequency | Percentage |
Illiterate | 6 | 11.53% |
Primary | 13 | 25% |
Secondary | 25 | 48.07% |
Above Secondary | 8 | 15.38% |
Total | 52 | 100% |
Table-4 shows that out of 52 respondents 11.53% were illiterate, 25% were primary level, 48.07% were secondary level 15.38% were above secondary level.
Graph-4 sows that most of the respondents were educational level up to SSC and lowest respondents were illiterate group.
Distribution of respondents by occupation
Occupation | Frequency | Percentage |
Service | 18 | 34.61 |
Business | 05 | 9.61 |
Farmer | 03 | 5.77 |
House Wife | 16 | 30.77 |
Day Labor | 03 | 5.77 |
Students | 07 | 13.47 |
Total | 52 | 100% |
Table-5 shows that out of 52 respondents 18 (34.61%) service, 05 (9.61%) Business, 03 (5.77%) Farmer, 16 (30.77%) House Wife, Day labor 03 (5.77%) and students.
Table No-06
Distribution of Respondents by Monthly Income
N:- 52
Monthly Income | Frequency | Percentage |
<2000 | 9 | 17.30% |
2000-5000 | 28 | 53.85% |
>5000 | 15 | 28.85% |
Total | 52 | 100% |
This table shows that out of 52 respondents income/ moth <2000/- 17.30% 2000-5000/- 53.85% and >5000/- 28.85% majority of respondents 28 (53.85%) were in the income group of Taka 2000-5000/- and lower 9 (17.30%) were in the income group of Taka. <2000/-
Table No-7
Distribution of Respondents by residence
Residence | Frequency | Percentage |
Rural | 29 | 55.76% |
Urban | 16 | 30.76% |
Sub Rural | 07 | 13.46% |
Total | 52 | 100% |
Table-7 shows that out of 52 respondents 29 (55.76%) were rural, 16 (30.76%) were urban and 07 (13.46%) were sub rural.
Graph-7 shows that out of the 52 respondents 55.76% rural 30.76% were urban and 13.46% respondents were sub Rural.
Table No-8
Distribution of Respondents by Duration in the Hospital Staying.
Duration | Frequency | Percentage |
<30 days | 50 | 96.15% |
<30 days | 02 | 3.85% |
Total | 52 | 100% |
Table-8 shows that out of 52 respondents 50 (96.15%) were <30 days in hospital and 02 (3.85%) were >30 days in hospital.
Majority of respondents 50 (96.15%) stayed in the hospital <30 days and lower 2 (3.85%) stayed in the hospital >30 days.
Mean +SD is not significant.
Table-9 (Q-1)
Distribution of respondents by level of education
Expectation about Nurses role in providing care in the hospital.
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Level of Education | No of respondents | No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
Illiterate | 6 | – | – | 01 | 16.67 | 01 | 16.67 | 04 | 66.67 | 100 |
Up to primary level | 13 | – | – | 05 | 38.47 | 01 | 7.69 | 07 | 53.84 | 100 |
Up to S.S.C | 25 | – | – | 14 | 56 | – | – | 11 | 44 | 100 |
Above S.S.C level | 8 | – | – | 3 | 37.5 | – | – | 05 | 62.5 | 100 |
Total | 52 | – | – | 23 | 44.33 | 02 | 3.87 | 27 | 51.92 |
A. To instruct the ward boy / Aya only to look after the articles?
B. To assist the patient in treatment.
C. Only to carry out the doctor’s instruction,
D. To look after the patient regarding their needs.
The above Table shows that 04 (6G.G7%)respondents of illiterate group,. 07(53.84%) respondents up to primary level of education, 05(62.5%) respondents of above S.S.C level expect up to S.S C level respectively, expected “D'” (to look after this patient regarding their needs).
While 14(56%) respondents of up to S.S.C level expected “B”(to assist the patient in treatment)
Table10 (Q-1)
Distribution of respondents by monthly family income and
Expectation about nurse’s role in providing care in the hospital.
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Monthly family income | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
<2000/- | 9 | – | – | 03 | 33.33 | 01 | 11.11 | 05 | 55.56 | 100 |
2000-5000/- | 28 | – | – | 14 | 50 | – | – | 14 | 50 | 100 |
>5000/- | 15 | – | – | 06 | 40 | 01 | 6.67 | 08 | 53.33 | 100 |
Total | 52 | – | – | 23 | 44.23 | 02 | 03.84 | 27 | 51.92 |
A) To instruct the ward boy / on y to look after the articles.
B) To assist the patient in treatment.
C) Only to carryout the doctor’s instruction.
D) To look after the patient regarding their needs.
Above table shows that 05 (55.56%) respondents of <2QOO/- earning group, 14(50%) respondents of 2000-5000/- earning group and 08(53,33%) respondents of >5000/- earning group respectively expected “D” (to look after the patient regarding their needs).
While 03(33.33%) respondents of <2QOO/-, 14(50%) respondent of 2000-5000/- and 06(40%) respondent of >5000/- earning group respectively expected “B” [to assist the patient in treatment)
Table-11 (Q.2)
Distribution of respondents by the level of education and expectation regarding nurse patient relationship.
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Level of education | Number of respondents | -No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
Illiterate | 6 | – | – | 04 | – | – | – | 02 | 37.33 | 100 |
Up to Primary | 13 | 02 | 15.38 | 03 | 66.67 | 01 | 7.7 | 07 | 53.8 | 100 |
Up to Secondary | 25 | 08 | 32 | 07 | 23.01 | – | – | 10 | 40 | 100 |
Above S.S.C Level | 8 | 03 | 37.5 | 03 | 28 | – | – | 02 | 25 | |
Total | 52 | 03 | 25 | 17 | 32.69 | 01 | 1.92 | 21 | 40.38 |
Note :
- Friendly
- As a relative
- Familiar
- Courteous
Above table shows those 07 (53.8%) respondents of up to primary level of education and 10 (40%) respondents of up to secondary level of education respectively expected ‘D’ (Courteous). Multiple response given by the respondents.
While 04 (66.67%) resp0ondents of illiterate group and 03 (37.5%) respondents of above S.S.C level receptivity ‘B’ (as a relative).
Table-12 (Q-2)
Distribution of respondents by monthly family income and expectation about the relationship between the nurse and patients:
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Monthly family income | Number of respondents | -No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
<2000/- | 9 | 01 | 11.11% | 03 | 33.33 | – | – | 05 | 55.55 | 100 |
2000-5000/- | 28 | 08 | 28.57 | 11 | 39.28 | 01 | 3.57 | 08 | 28.57 | 100 |
>5000/- | 15 | 05 | 33.33 | 02 | 13.33 | – | – | 08 | 53.33 | 100 |
Total | 52 | 14 | 26.92 | 16 | 30.76 | 01 | 1.92 | 21 | 40.38 |
- Friendly
- As a relative
- Familiar
- Courteous
Above the table illustrates that 5 (55.55%) respondents of <2000/- earning group and 8 (53.33%) respondents of >5000/- earning group respectively expected ‘D’ (Courteously). Multiple responses given by the respondents.
While only 11 (39.28%) respondents of 2000-5000/- earning group expected ‘B’ (as a relative)
Table-13 (Q-3)
Distribution of respondents by the level of education and expectation regarding kinds of service from nurses just after admission.
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Level of education | Number of respondents | -No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
Illiterate | 6 | 03 | 50 | 02 | 33.33 | 01 | 16.67 | – | – | 100 |
Up to Primary | 13 | 05 | 38.46 | 04 | 30.77 | 04 | 30.77 | – | – | 100 |
Up to Secondary | 25 | 11 | 44 | 09 | 36 | 04 | 16 | 01 | 4 | 100 |
Above S.S.C Level | 8 | 03 | 37.5 | 04 | 50 | 01 | 12.5 | – | – | 100 |
Total | 52 | 22 | 42.30 | 19 | 36.53 | 10 | 19.23 | 01 | 1.92 |
- Necessary action to relive immediate problems
- To extend all possible helps and assistance.
- To tell the scope and opportunities of hospital
- To manage special aya / Boy to help
Above table shows that 03 (50%) respondents of illiterate group, 05 (38.46%) respondents of up to primary level and 11 (44%) respondents of up to secondary respectively expected ‘A’.
On the other hand only 04 (50%) respondents of above S.S.C level expected ‘B’.
Table-14 (Q-3)
Distribution of respondents by monthly family income and expectation about the kind of service from the nurses just after admission.
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Monthly family income | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
<2000/- | 9 | 06 | 66.66 | 02 | 22.22 | 01 | – | – | – | 100 |
2000-5000/- | 28 | 08 | 28.57 | 13 | 46.43 | 07 | 25-25 | – | – | 100 |
>5000/- | 15 | 09 | 60 | 04 | 26.67 | 02 | 13.33 | – | – | 100 |
Total | 52 | 23 | 4423 | 19 | 36.53 | 10 | 19.23 | – | – |
- Necessary action to relieve immediate problems.
- To extend all possible helps and assistance.
- To tell the scope and opportunities of hospital
- To manage special Aya / Boy to help.
Above table shows that 6(66.66%) respondents of <2QQO/- earning group. and 9 (60%) respondents of >5GOO/- earning group respectively expected “A”.
On the other hand, only 13 (46, 43%) respondents of 2000/–5000/-earning group expected “B”.
Table-15 (Q-04)
Distribution of respondents by level of education and expectation about kind of services from nurses during hospitalization.
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Level of education | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
Illiterate | 6 | 04 | 66.67 | – | – | 02 | 33.33 | – | – | 100 |
Up to Primary level | 13 | 10 | 76.92 | – | – | 03 | 23.08 | – | – | 100 |
Up to Secondary level | 25 | 17 | 68 | – | – | 07 | 28 | 01 | 4 | 100 |
Above S.S.C Level | 8 | 08 | 100 | – | – | – | – | – | – | 100 |
Total | 52 | 39 | 75 | – | – | 12 | 23.07 | 01 | 1.92 |
- According to patient’s needs.
- According to nurses willingness
- Same service for ail Patient.
- According to patient’s willingness.
Above table shows 04 (6667%) respondents of illiterate , 10(76.92%) respondents of up to primary level 17(68%) respondents of up to secondary level and 08(100%) respondents of above S.S C level respectively expected “A”
It is clear that majority of respondents expected ‘A’
Table-16 (Q-4)
Distribution of respondents by monthly family income and expectation about the kind of service from Nurses during Hospitalization.
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Monthly family income | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
<2000 | 9 | 07 | 77.78 | – | – | 02 | 22.22 | – | – | 100 |
2000-5000/- | 28 | 22 | 78.57 | – | – | 06 | 21.43 | – | – | 100 |
>5000/- | 15 | 09 | 60 | – | – | 05 | 33.33 | 01 | 6.67 | 100 |
Total | 52 | 38 | 73.07 | – | – | 13 | 25 | – | 1.92 |
A. According to patient’s Need.
B. According to Nurses willingness
C. Same service for all patients
D. According to patient’s willingness
Above table shows 07 (77.78) respondents of <2000/- earning group 22 (78.57) respondents of 2000-5000/- earning group and 09 (60%) respondents of >5000/- earning group respectively expected ‘A’
It is observed that majority of respondents expected ‘A’
Table-17 (Q-5)
Distribution of respondents by level of education and expectation about the role of nurses while feeding in the hospital.
Responses | A | B | C | Total | ||||
Level of education | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
Illiterate | 6 | 02 | 33.33 | 01 | 16.67 | 03 | 50 | 100 |
Up to primary level | 13 | 01 | 7.69 | 05 | 38.47 | 07 | 53.84 | 100 |
Up to S.S.C level | 25 | 02 | 8 | 06 | 24 | 17 | 68 | 100 |
Above S.S.C level | 8 | 01 | 12.50 | 03 | 37.50 | 04 | 50 | 100 |
Total | 52 | 06 | 11.53 | 15 | 28.85 | 31 | 59.60 |
- Ask the patient to take diet.
- Help the patient to take diet.
- Observe the quality and quantity of diet served.
Above table illustrated that 03 (50%) respondents of illiterate, 07 (53.84%) respondents of up to primary level, 17 (68%) respondent of up to secondary (S.S.C) and 04 (50%) respondents of above S.S.C respectively expected ‘C’.
It is shown that majority of respondents from different education level expected ‘C’.
Table-18 (Q-5)
Distribution of respondents by monthly family income and expectation above the role of nurses while feeding in the hospital.
Responses | A | B | C | Total | ||||
Monthly family income | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
<2000/- | 09 | 02 | 22.22 | 01 | 11.11 | 06 | 66.67 | 100 |
2000-5000/- | 28 | 03 | 10.71 | 10 | 35.71 | 15 | 53.58 | 100 |
>5000/- | 15 | 02 | 13.33 | 04 | 26.67 | 09 | 60 | 100 |
Total | 52 | 07 | 13.46 | 15 | 28.85 | 30 | 57.69 |
A. Ask the patient to take diet
B. Help the patient to take diet
C. Observe the quality and quantity of diet served
Above table shows that 06 (66.67%) respondents of <2000/- earning group 15(53.58%) respondents of 2000-5000/- earning group and 09 (60%) respondents of >5000/- earning group respectively expected ‘C’
It is shown that majority of respondents from different earning group expected ‘C’.
Table-19 (Q-6)
Distribution of respondents by level of education and expectation regarding information about the scope and opportunities of hospital from Nurse.
Responses | A | B | Total | |||
Level of education | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | % |
Illiterate | 6 | 06 | 100 | – | – | 100 |
Up to primary level | 13 | 13 | 100 | – | – | 100 |
up to S.S.C level | 25 | 25 | 100 | – | – | 100 |
Above S.S.C level | 08 | 7 | 87.50 | 01 | – | 100 |
Total | 52 | 51 | 98.08 | 01 | 1.92 |
- Yes
- No
Above table illustrated that 06 (100%) respondents of illiterate, 13 (100%) respondents of up to primary level, 25 (100%) respondents of up to S.S.C level and 07 (87.50%) respondents of above S.S.C level respectively expected ‘A’ (yes)
It is shown that majority respondents of different educational level expected ‘A’
Table-20 (Q-6)
Distribution of respondents by monthly family income and expectation regarding information about the scope and opportunities of Hospital from Nurses.
Responses | A | B | Total | |||
Monthly family income | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | % |
<2000/- | 9 | 09 | 100 | – | – | 10 |
2000-5000/- | 28 | 27 | 96.42 | 01 | – | 100 |
>5000 | 15 | 15 | 100 | – | – | 100 |
Total | 52 | 51 | 98.08 | 01 | 1.92 |
- Yes
- No
Above table shows that 09 (100%) respondents of <2000/- earning group %) respondents of 2000-5000/- earning group and 15 (100%) respondents of >5000/- earning group respectively expected ‘A’ (yes)
It is shown that most of the respondents from different earning group expected ‘A’.
Table-21 (Q-7)
Distribution of respondents by the level of education and expectation regarding care while they become very sick during Hospitalization.
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Level of education | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
Illiterate | 6 | 05 | 83.33 | – | – | – | – | 01 | 16.67 | 100 |
Up to primary level | 13 | 07 | 53.85 | – | – | – | – | 06 | 46.15 | 100 |
up to S.S.C level | 25 | 20 | 80 | – | – | – | – | 05 | 20 | 100 |
Above S.S.C level | 8 | 05 | 62.50 | – | – | 01 | 12.50 | 02 | 25 | 100 |
Total | 52 | 37 | 71.15 | – | – | 01 | 1.92 | 14 | 26.72 |
- Nurse
- Doctor
- Ward boy
- Relatives
Above table shows those 05 (83.33%) respondents of illiterate, 07 (53.85%) respondents of up to Primary, 20(80%) respondents of up to S.S.C level and 05 (62.50%) respondents of above S.S.C level respectively expected ‘A’ (Nurse) multiple responses given by different respondents.
Table-22 (Q-7)
Distribution of respondents by monthly family income and expectation regarding care while they become very sick during Hospitalization.
Responses | A | B | C | D | Total | |||||
Monthly family income | Number of respondents | No | % | No | % | No | % | No | % | % |
<2000/- | 9 | 07 | 77.78 | – | – | – | – | 02 | 22.22 | 100 |
2000-5000/- | 28 | 21 | 75 | – | – | – | – | 07 | 25 | 100 |
>5000/- | 15 | 09 | 60 | – | – | 01 | 6.67 | 05 | 33.33 | 100 |
Total | 52 | 37 | 71.15 | – | – | 01 | 1.92 | 14 | 26.92 |
- Nurses
- Doctors
- Ward Boy
- Relatives
Above table shows that 07(77.78%) respondents of <2000/- earning group, 21(75%) respondents of 2000-5000/- earning group and 09 (60%) respondents of >5000/- earning group respectively expected ‘A’ (Nurses).
It is observed that majority respondents from different earning group expected ‘A’ (Nurse). Multiple responses given by the respondents.
Table-23 (Q-8)
Distribution of respondents by the level of education and expectation regarding administration of drugs by a nurse.
Responses |